About Vista Hotel
Vista Hotel is a lodging, located at Jalan Jend Sudirman KM. 6, Gn. Ibul, Prabumulih Tim., Kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan 31121, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 713 320303 for more detailed information.
Vista Hotel is a lodging, located at Jalan Jend Sudirman KM. 6, Gn. Ibul, Prabumulih Tim., Kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan 31121, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 713 320303 for more detailed information.
Eka Loeputra
" Bestest view in batam! "
30 May 2018Very Lie
" This hotel looks luxurious 👍 "
20 April 2018Atik Dar
" Vista hotel yg terletak diatas bukit batam "
01 April 2018Susi Chung
" Good "
21 March 2018Ifadah Haikal
" The room was comfy, but small. It has tv cable so you can watch HBO. But you can't lock the bathroom, and you should also bring soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and shampoo by yourself! "
20 January 2018Rangga Nadiar
" For the price, it's a nice pretty comfy hotel. Though the rooms might not be as big as you might expect. It does have cable tv, though. You can watch HBO! "
20 January 2018Dinawati Ding
" The only hill hotel in Batam with a very nice view.. "
12 December 2017Dimas Aryaditya
" so worth value for money, cozy place and clean bath room is enough "
27 November 2017Ahmad Taufik
" Ok "
20 November 2017Buyung Lulus Haris Prasetiyo
" Affordable and homey "
05 November 2017Dewi Said
" Small room and old fashioned "
15 August 2017Eka Loeputra
" Bestest view in batam! "
01 August 2017Trieko Yananto
" Good for budget hotel, it was only IDR250k and got hot water shower "
30 July 2017Andry Goblin700
" Good view and relax "
22 July 2017Juan Rbc Production
" Hotel vista "
20 July 2017Aulia Khair
" clean, they only provide 1 pillow per 1 bed, also 1 socket for handphone charging in bathroom "
15 July 2017Irma Sarani
" Kelihatan dr depan bagus rapih banyak tanaman. Kamar lumayanlahh cuma langit2 kmarnya kelihatan gak rapi. But its ok lah "
03 July 2017Wanto Robusta
" wifi bagus. kamar bersih. colokan listrik cuma ada. satu di pake gantian sama tv. ada lagi di dalam kamar mandi. channel tv kurang banyak. "
27 May 2017Zulkhaidar Syah
" Clean enough "
07 May 2017Jerry Mapaliey
" hotel yang cukup bersih, rapi, ada wifi dan air panas dgn harga yg cukup terjangkau cocok utk hotel transit jika perlu bermalam di Prabumulih "
05 May 2017Arief Ristiantara
" Cozy hotel di lintas prabumulih. Sarapannya lumayan, nasi goreng & ada booth roti.. :) "
26 April 2017Ruly Fauzi
" Hotel yg bersih. Suasana tenang dan nyaman. Cocok untuk transit ketika perjalanan luar kota. Sayang kualitas kamar mandinya kurang. Harga tergolong ekonomis "
02 April 2017Yul Haidir
" nyaman dan murah "
02 March 2017Mylast Guitar
" Hotelnya nyaman banget 😎 recommended place untuk stay... "
06 February 2017Jepri Aprianto
" Di dekat rumah "
07 January 2017Husein Asy'ari
" Budget hotel and nice clean "
21 December 2016Eko Budi
" Bersih lumanyan nyaman tp harga kurang pas sedikit mahal "
01 December 2016Bayu Prastowo
" Tempatnya bersih. Dapat sarapan enak. Sayangnya kamar kurang besar "
27 September 2016Satria Wijaya
" Lumayan pelayanan hotel nya "
13 July 2016Rido Astiwan
" Murah dan nyaman... "
25 February 2016Orbansyah Md
" Hotel Vista ini juga terletak di Jalan Jend. Sudirman Km.6 Kota Prabumulih, wilayah ini sering disebut Wilayah Gunung Ibul, faslitas cukup lengkap, akses kemana-mana di Kota ini semuanya bisa dijangkau dalam hitungan menit. "
12 February 2016Zenn Shinoda
" Tivi rusak..wifi lemot..ga ad kursi dikamar.. "
22 January 2014