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About Sajian Sunda Sambara

Sajian Sunda Sambara is a restaurant, located at Lippo Plaza, Jl. Yos Sudarso, Taba Jemekeh, Lubuk Linggau Timur I, Kota Lubuklinggau, Sumatera Selatan 31613, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 45

Lusavia Arijanto

" Sundanese (West Java) restaurant... Self service and ala cart menu... Many choices... "

24 May 2018

Yadi Iskandar Attaluni

" Harga terjangkau... tidak menguras kantong. "

13 May 2018

Mery Muchtar

" Good "

29 April 2018

Daniel Manurung

" Makanan khas sunda, ikan pedanya enak ditambah nasi bakar, bakal kenyang sampe malam "

29 April 2018

Muhammad Yahya

" Resto Sambara Tempat makan minum yang berada di lantai tiga dalam gedung pusat perbelanjaan Palembang Icon. Tempat ini bernuansa desa khas daerah Jawa Barat dengan didominasi ornamen anyaman bambu rotan yang berwarna kuning dan kecoklatan. Pelayan banyak yang memakai pakaian adat daerah khas Sunda. Menu yang disajikan di resto ini enak, banyak variatif dan didominasi masakan Indonesia seperti soto, babat, ayam, daging, cah kangkung, sate ayam, opor, empal. Di sini juga bisa dikasih minuman teh hangat gratis yang rasanya enak. Harga menu di resto terbilang mahal juga. "

28 April 2018

Ardiansyah Hana

" Service was good. A bit pricey "

25 April 2018


" A good Sundanese Resto for the place , food and price "

04 February 2018

Victor Solihin

" love the live music, the ambient is warm, the waitresses is very hospitable and the menu is delicious, really represent sundaneese taste "

04 February 2018

Ray Ardi

" Good place and nice food "

03 February 2018

Hady Widoyo

" Nice place and a good place to have sundanese food "

29 January 2018

Eka Yulyani

" Tempatnya tidak terlalu luas, tapi masih cukup nyaman untuk makan rame-rame.
Hiasan dinding berupa lukisan suasana tatar Sunda dan tulisan serta kalimat bahasa Sunda, juga iringan musik degung ataupun lagu-lagu Sunda membuat kita serasa sedang berada di daerah Sunda.
Makanannya khas Sunda, enak-enak, pas banget untuk lidah orang Sunda. Tapi sayang agak mahal. "

29 January 2018

Tio Adinugroho

" One of recomended place for sundanese cuisine.. wide parking lot, meeting rooms, smoking area, built in stage for any occasion.. "

30 December 2017

AdePutra Bungsu

" Free hot tea, free sambal, free lalapan. Taste is not too good and price little bit expensive. But i come to this restaurant just to take my memories with my parents back. When I was young, this is one of my mom fav restaurant "

30 November 2017

Erick Budhiman

" Good sundanese resto, good food but a bit expensive compare to Nasi Bancakan witch is beside this resto that also serve sundanese food "

06 October 2017

Muhammad Nizar

" Menu ok rasa sesuai harga "

29 September 2017

Inne Hadiati

" Nothing special for a kind of sundanese food. Taste is average. Service is bad. Toilet is dirty. "

22 September 2017

Novita Limanto

" Good food, good place, friendly staff, a bit expensive but still okay. "

17 September 2017

Ichsan Ekanegara

" Awesome place, awesome food, awesome price... It's nice to be here, hope i could visiting again... "

07 September 2017

Adam Prapanca

" Tempat ini memang selalu nagih. Pengennya datang lagi dan lagi. Jos jos jos "

07 September 2017

Angelica Josef

" They have amaaazing desserts! Definitely try them when you come. Oh and the spicy chicken is really yummy. Ambience is great and the place is really comfy with a bit of traditional vibes! "

30 July 2017

Will Ya

" Pretty decent Sundanese food with good service.

Would give a 5 star if they can make a chicken that nice.

Nice dessert as well, bubur Sumsum. "

04 July 2017

Diah Puspita Rahmi

" Good food, a lil bit pricey but it's ok because the place is comfortable "

02 July 2017

Benny Ahmad

" the best karedok in bandung dah wh clean enviorement "

01 July 2017

Mohammad Gafigi

" Good food, during lunch hour slower than most services "

27 June 2017

Agus Firman

" Recomended for sundas food traditional "

23 June 2017

Endar Permadi

" Nice place with various Sundanese food. "

20 June 2017


" We were placed in smoking areas without notice eventhough we brought along a baby and 3 children 😤 "

21 March 2017

Jay Zoulster

" Food here just so-so only. My cappuccino tasted like milk chocolate. Expensive for this kind of quality. "

18 March 2017


" Less than US$ 1. Pisang kolak. One time pickurself buffet. Very recommended! "

17 March 2017

Hari Anggono

" Good place for Sundanese food, high end but yet still reasonable price. However, need some renovation on rest room. "

03 March 2017

Ice Three

" Delicious taste of sundanesse culinary, and also good placesn clean and luxury "

26 February 2017

Annisa Ayu Nashiro

" Good to spend your time with lover... "

25 February 2017

Rizal Achmad

" Delicious "

01 December 2016

Kemal Adhi Pradana

" Good place to have sundanese cuisine, good food, reasonable prices. Minor upgrade on restroom facility "

15 November 2016

Elly Suryani

" Tempat makan ala sunda yang asyik. Lezat. Lokasi sttategis di palembang icon mall. Abis ngemall, maksi deh "

15 October 2016

Ivan Prabumi

" Restoran sunda berkelas! TOP! "

25 September 2016

Prama Rezamudra

" Amankan lalat nya boss. "

20 September 2016

Angga Awang

" One of the best sundanese food in Bandung. Located in the middle of Bandung. Most of the ingridients are very high quality. It also offer a wide variety of food. "

11 August 2016

Adiwinata Gani

" Good sundanese food. Resto is usually packly crowded. "

11 July 2016

Muhammad Taryadi

" Self service "

22 June 2016

Ridwan Nanda

" Lots of choices but a little bit too expensive "

22 May 2016

Perdanawan P. Pane

" Good Sundanese Food "

30 April 2016

Denys Ignatius

" If you wanna eat sundanese food this place is famous in bandung.. the foods are quite delicious and tasty.. if you like herbs and spice you have to come here.. "

15 March 2016

Budy Tanajaya

" Great food, a little bit more expensive from the shop next door, but well deserve "

21 November 2015

Mario Felix

" Food taste is great. But as I brough my 2 years old son, I am very annoyed with too many smoking people. They didn't divide the room. When I finished, they also miscalculated and interpreted my orders..what ashamed. "

16 August 2015

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  • Monday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 9:00 AM