About Pempek Dan Kerupuk 1707
Pempek Dan Kerupuk 1707 is located at Jalan Syakiarity, Palembang 30126. They can be contacted via phone at +62711320478 for more detailed information.
Pempek Dan Kerupuk 1707 is located at Jalan Syakiarity, Palembang 30126. They can be contacted via phone at +62711320478 for more detailed information.
Adyn Purnama
" Recomended "
03 May 2018Yulius Suyanto
" Tempat parkir mengunakan bahu jalan. Lokasi agak masuk kedalam jalan sehingga hanya orang tertentu yang bisa kesana. Untung ada Google Map sehingga bisa mudah kesana. Tempat makan keren. Banyak anak muda yang nongkrong disana. Disana ada oleh oleh khas palembang dan bisa mengirim keluar kota. Ok tempatnya 👍👍👍 "
02 May 2018Merlin Hutagalung
" The location in the small road, but in the middle of palembang city. The price is standard, the taste is good. Many variety of palembang food here. "
08 February 2018Makan Makan Palembang
" Recommended for you to have pempek and chill.. "
18 December 2017Daniel Saputra
" Pempek and crackers and small restaurant. A cozy place to eat traditional Palembang's food "
25 November 2017Richo Tomasoa
" Home restaurant 🍴 good food "
14 July 2017Meidana Pascadinianti
" Tempatnya mudah dijangkau, pempeknya enak dan banyak variasi menu. Minumannya juga ga kalah enak. "
28 June 2017Fajar Ahmad Prasetya
" One of the best pempek place in palembang. Not really expenssive. They got plentty much offering too. Just come here! "
15 June 2017Andriani Yulianti
" Lengkap, nyaman.. "
01 May 2017Ayu Pawestri
" They offer crispy pempek that rarely find in another pempek restaurant in the city. The food is good, but the space is very small. "
17 March 2017Moch. Zunan
" Recomended bgt. Pempek kulitnya crispy n enaaaaak.... "
27 February 2017Petrus Tri Arianto
" Very great fishcake... A comfortable ambiance... Hard to park car... "
19 January 2017Kenedy Chen
" Tempat yang nyaman "
19 December 2016Yeni Aan
" Disini ado pempek seraso makan pempek areng 😂😂😂 "
28 September 2016Delwin Yoanes
" Tempatnya bagus "
29 August 2016Patrick Hens
" The last time I went there, I ordered Pangsit Ikan and Lenggang Goreng along with a Blended Iced Cappuccino. I also bought Prawn Crackers in the store. Delicious food for a great price. I didnt have to wait long at all. Great service, will come again. "
16 July 2016Santoso Santoso
" Pempek crispy so crispy "
11 July 2016Ferry Chandra
" Mantap "
21 June 2016Reni Anggraeni
" Luar biyasa "
19 June 2016Mas Dimas
" Pempek tempat nongkrong anak gaul palembang "
28 February 2016