About Kopi Oey
Kopi Oey is a restaurant, located at Jl. Angkatan 45, Lorok Pakjo, Ilir Bar. I, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30121, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 711 5630306, visit their website kopioey.com for more detailed information.
Handojo Kangto
" Inside restaurant have 8 tables 30 seat but there are many seats outside the reataurant. The restaurant ambience is uniquely old chinese style with high ceiling. The old styyle marble top tables brings the customer to the old chinese movie memories. The tradional kampoeng fried rice and the uwuh tea is the perfect combination for lunch. I love the place and food will come back again. "
01 June 2018YuRiFi Ningrum
" Aduh makanan n minumannya entah kenapa rasa nya beda jauh dari ekspetasi... Pesen empek2 kayak cuma tepung doang dikasih bumbu yg rasanya cuma asin n encer. Pesen ice milo kok ya kayak kebanyakan air gitu ya... Tp masih bagus tempat nya sih...sambil nunggu anak n suami main dipantai bisa ngadem... "
22 May 2018Bayu Akbar
" Small place but unique and enjoyable with coffee "
21 May 2018Rita Oktarina
" Nice place to chit chat, have some snack and take your coffee, this is my first time visit Lampung and have night in Pop Hotel. So this store just a step walk from hotel and according to hotel staff, Pop hotel breakfast was made by Oey Coffee in notes that just standard cooking.
16 May 2018I try black Ice Coffee well actually I want to try original Lampung coffee but they don’t have it... "
Wahyu Al-Fath Al-fath
" Tempat nongkrong at red planet hotel "
10 May 2018Nadya Kartika S.
" nice place to catch up with friends or fams "
08 May 2018Heri Novianto
" Ok "
06 May 2018Galih
" Great Black Toraja coffee here "
01 May 2018Mery Muchtar
" Lumayan "
25 April 2018Satrio Budiyanto
" Lokasi strategis..
22 April 2018Berada di pusat keramaian..tapi ada beberapa catatan bagi kamu yang pengen ke sini :
1. Toilet tidak tersedia, jadi silahkan antisipasi. Toilet tergabung dengan toilet RS Siloam.
2. Dari sisi menu standar, sama dengan Kopi Oey Jambi, tapi kualitasnya masih Ok yang di Jambi. Wedhang Oewoeh Wonogiri kurang mantap.. "
Ezar Ezra
" Good place if you want to be left alone to work alongside a nicely brewed cup of coffee. Really. "
13 April 2018Mujaddid Tajuddin
" Kopinya enak "
09 April 2018Rizka Kustanto
" PARAH BANGET INI. makanan sangat sangat tidak berkualitas utk kopitiam dan dgn harga yg ditawarkan. Roti bakar harga 23rb tp pakai roti toast murahan, bukan roti khas kopitiam yg tebal lembut. Kopi jg bukan kopi khas kopitiam melainkan K@P@L @PI. SANGAT MENGECEWAKAN "
08 April 2018HENDRA MANIK
" kopinya enak, teh tarik juga oke, ubi goreng woww..weekend ada discount pakai tcash.. "
07 April 2018Rustandi Ramadhan
" Traditional-Indonesian Food. Makanannya enak. jadi kalo lagi di rumah sakit charitas, bisa mampir makan disini. kadang ada paket promonya juga. jadi bisa makan murah. "
05 April 2018STA CHANNEL
" Good coffee... Good day "
31 March 2018Nida Wibowo
" Makanannya lumayan, mie jawanya agak manis, singkong goreng & sambalnya enak. "
30 March 2018Raynaldo Jodistiro
" Place has colonial hindi ambience. Good place to run away from the crowded jakarta. Food is quite tasty. Haven't tried the coffee yet. "
28 March 2018Syueb Abuhanifah
" Good taste "
26 March 2018Yuliana Evianti
" Ngopi pelepas jenuh "
26 March 2018Agus PD
" Very good selection of hot and cold drinks, local and western foods. Nice place to wait for Damri bus going to airports. "
20 March 2018鐘 發林
" Enak buat kongkow "
18 March 2018Joice Simanjuntak
" I like the atmosphere...
11 March 2018I like the uniqueness of the area...
The coffee is okay lah ☺
Definitely will go there again "
Antanyz Arc
" The place is quiet in the night. The food is in proper taste. A good place to spend aome time thinking "
08 March 2018Aditya Sadono
" red planet coffe memang god "
07 March 2018Bonni Erlangga
" Nice cofee "
17 February 2018Arifatun Milah
" Cozy, good vibe, nice temperature inside, there are seats outside too.
11 February 2018The coffee and tea is good, also the traditional menu such as fried cassava and srikaya bread good too "
Ariel Astalavista
" Average food taste, high speed internet and cozy place "
02 February 2018Taufik Hidayat
" Cozy place to do quick work and hang out, the place isnt too busy and loud, and good coffee "
16 January 2018Abet Punx
" Makanan dan minuman yang sangat bervariasi. Kalau pagi ada menu sarapan seperti bubur ayam. Siang bisa coba nasi goreng, kwetiau, mie kepiting atau pempek. Kalau ga mau makan berat, banyak hidangan seperti roti prata, singkong goreng, pisang goreng. Kopi es atau hangat dan minuman lain juga banyak pilihan. Pilih tempat yang di luar. Biar ngerasain makan sambil kena angin pantai x) "
14 January 2018Hendra Saepul Bakti
" Cozy place, have varians menu... easy access... "
14 January 2018Anwar Jimpe Rachman
" Pilihan menu cukup menggugah. Saya bayangkan, betapa rasa makanan dan minuman itu pasti enak sekali kalau berbahan yang sangat segar. Tapi umumnya makanan dan minumannya enak dan banyak juga mengenyangkan.
06 January 2018Suasananya cocok untuk saya, yang kadang membutuhkan tempat yang cukup tenang untuk bekerja. "
Wendy Bone
" Loved Kopi Oey in Kota Jambi--excellent food, coffee and ambience. Dinner in Bandar Lampung great but sarapan Roti Telor Belanda TERRIBLE. Looks like vomit, swimming in Thousand Islands dressing. I ate only the bread. "
04 January 2018Junaiti Agus
" Suasana tempo doeloe sangat terasa "
29 December 2017Bayu Smaratio
" Good place to have a coffee if you are staying in pop hotel. Nice and comfy "
28 December 2017Diary Sazali
" Mak nyuuuus...kopi susu indotjhina nya mantap, terletak di beranda hotel red planet pekanbaru, asyiik buat ngopi2 sambil liat yg lalu lalang "
19 December 2017James Ticualu
" Expensive price and about food average taste "
16 December 2017Hutmar Lumbanbatu
" Ok "
05 December 2017Ary Dekky Hananto
" Various option of Indonesian foods and drinks..nice old fashioned interior design "
17 November 2017Deddy Taufik Hidayat
" I was breakfast here at 08 am, they have open, I order kopi susu and bubur ayam, taste Ok. This coffee shop is located in Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital. Near Palembang Square. "
13 November 2017Oryza Tarigan
" I love this place. Good food and drinks. The taste is perfect: not so bold but also not plain. The athmodphere is also nice. Good place to just chill or hang out with friends. "
09 November 2017Wanthida Saiphim
" Good food. Nice coffee. Reasonsbly priced. Quiet. "
08 November 2017Evelyne Felycia
" Not really about kopitiam.. Interior not really comfy.. Coffee just ordinary.. I dont think its deserve the name kopi.. "
25 October 2017Rhandy Allen
" No comment "
17 October 2017Agus Zen Mutaqin
" good for refreshment with coffee and juice "
15 October 2017Nila Murti
" Comfort place for waiting, great coffee and food "
16 September 2017Rina Lukiandari
" Good place to sip coffee. Coffee tastes good but not thick enough.
16 September 2017Missed the peranakan menu as it was in Embong Malang. "
Azalea Putri Mulyono
" Love it "
15 September 2017Yoppi Ceper
" Cozy places for meeting point, quick services "
12 September 2017Asep Iwan Gunawan
" nice cafe "
10 September 2017Andreas Haga Sebayang
" Merupakan tempat nongkrong yg asik di kota Jambi. Bamyak pilihan menu makanan dan minuman yg enak dgn harga terjangkau. Coba saja menu nasi goreng kampung, rasanya pas utk lidah nusantara "
07 September 2017Sudiyah Istichomah
" It's a nice place in the heart of Bogor city. Located near bus pool, and Botani Sq mall, it's a good place to be a meeting point. Nice food with reasonable price. "
03 September 2017Lampungkuliner Foodblogger
" Suka masakannya....peranakan style dan tradisional nusantara style....sedappp dengan meninjolkan tempoe doeloe "
29 August 2017Alkandri Yapani
" Good "
25 August 2017Eko Suryanto
" Jus parenya enak "
05 August 2017Sibin Jose
" A good breakfast joint "
16 July 2017Lukmanul Hakim
" Cozy "
09 July 2017Ferry Krisnamurti
" Tempat ngopi yang lumayan tenang "
04 July 2017Mimi Aridy
" Untuk rasa makanan biasa saja. Tempat lumayan nyaman untuk kumpul bersama teman "
26 June 2017Febri Tri Harmoko
" Venues nya bagus, bersih dan pelayanan nya lumayan nyaman. Makanan cepat di sajikan dan tidak menunggu terlalu lama.
14 June 2017Makanan nya enak dan bikin kenyang "
Hasan Salman
" lokasi strategis pinggir jalan,sebelah masjid 1000 tiang Jambi. "
" Bersih tempatnya "
14 May 2017Oki Maulana
" Tempat nongkrong santai yang mudah dijangkau, banyak pilihan minuman segar sampai yang sehat seperti beras kencur ada disini. Makanannya juga bervariasi, pecinta kuliner wajib coba. Harga sedang agak kurang nyaman dikantong. "
10 May 2017Vedy Pudiansyah
" Makanan indonesia punya, mulai dari jahe hingga ke singkong gorengnya mantap "
27 April 2017Abdel Haq
" kopine maknyuss.. makanane joss gandos "
31 March 2017Yulita Vitalis
" Singkong sambel roa nya mantep "
29 March 2017Ruri Efendi
" Tempat yg asyik buat ngobrol2 bisnis dengan rekanan. Kalau tiba waktu sholat, tinggal menyebrang jalan Anda akan mendapatkan Masjid Seribu Tiang yang terkenal di Jambi. "
28 March 2017Abdullah Hadi
" Makanannya enak tempat oke "
20 March 2017Roni Daud Jalan - Jalan
" Masakan indo china yg enak2 banget dgn harga low to middle. Mudah di jangkau. Kopinya recommended "
16 March 2017Debashish Bhattacharya
" Very good for breakfast....Good ambience and spread of menu "
15 March 2017Ikwan Ikwan
" Simple "
13 March 2017Amelia Dirhardjo
" So smoked. "
11 February 2017ROMY AGUSTIAN
" Nyamaaaaaann ajahhhh... Rehat dulu bntr bareng kk yoel, kk asri, kk aris n arif dari nimbang alat buat prepare kejurnas drumband junior 2017 "
04 February 2017Ocu Mudo
" Kopi o "
27 January 2017Nyimas Riski
" Saya suka kopi "
31 December 2016Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk meeting dengan client/hangout bersama teman-teman, dengan taste makanan dan minuman yang sangat nikmat "
27 December 2016Sekendak Secawa
" saya dan teman mencoba nongkrong-nongkrong di kopi oey dan sangat tidak disangka saat saya memesan satu minuman ternyata rasanya sangat enak dan memiliki rasa yang berbeda dari tempat ngopi lain maka itu kami tertagih untuk terus kembali kesana. "
10 December 2016E. Hardiyanto
" Strategis buat kongkow "
24 November 2016Suer Suryadi
" Mini restoran yg menyediakan makanan dan kopi. Ruangan dalam ber AC tapi boleh merokok. Tersedia satu set sofa di bagian belakang, dan sisanya meja kursi dari kayu yang disetting bernuansa kuno. Di bagian luar terdapat sekitar 5 meja bundar dan kursi stainless. "
16 October 2016Wildhania Serafine
" One of my favorite spot to order coffee and snack "
08 October 2016Elly Suryani
" Tempat ngopi juga makan yang enak. Lokasi di kompleks PS Mall, dekat RS.Siloam.
27 September 2016. "
Oon Arfiandwi
" untuk sajian bisa dinikmati seperti halnya kopi oey di Jakarta.
05 September 2016untuk tempat, kurang nyaman karena banyak orang merokok di lokasi ruangan ber-AC. ya lokasi ruangannya memang sharing dengan restoran sebelahnya. "
Nouval Riansyah
" good place to hang out and drink coffee "
09 August 2016Muhammad Zaki Al-Afrani
" Great place for a break "
10 July 2016Muhammad Rafliansyah
" Hanya singgah sebentar disini bersama keluarga "
11 May 2016Antanyz Arc
" A good place for small talk with friends, work collage and family. I often order black coffe or kopi o and crab mie. The food is delicious "
04 May 2016Martin Van Boven
" Expensive, slow, low quality
27 April 2014They did not have the corned beef on their menu, even directly after opening in the morning. Then the roti bakar telor was basically just that, a few thick lumps of already cold, scorched bread, with if I counted correctly 4 microscopically small pieces of egg hidden in between.
Typically Chinese: pay lots, get little, and no service. "