KEDAI COFFEEPHILE is a cafe, located at Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani No. 30D, Seberang Ulu II, 13 Ulu, Palembang, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30116, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 823-7182-5797, visit their website kedaicoffeephile.business.site for more detailed information.
Dedi Kurniawan
" Ok "
15 May 2018Sulaiman Ahmadi
" Ok "
30 April 2018Akira Salma
" I have no feel special for place, i just taste the coffee. Enjoy it. "
15 April 2018Kang Imam
" Ok "
03 April 2018Eko Cahyono
" Ok "
30 March 2018Tri Sutrisno
" Nearly impossible to had conversations at normal decibels. The music was always set too loud for my precious hearing. Good thing that the coffee they served never disappointing me. And those beautiful maps from coffee beans, too. "
29 December 2017Dirga Maulidin
" Enjoy Indonesia coffee here. "
04 July 2017Muhammad Wijaya
" Because I like coffe, so All Comes and enjoyed "
14 April 2017Tria Indriyani
" Cheaper prize near campus and hospital "
10 April 2017Wika Wulands
" Recommended "
05 April 2017Ahmad Septian
" Looking for sumatera selatan coffee 'specialty'? This place is the best. "
15 March 2017Taqrim Ibadi
" Tempatnya nyeman dan bersih. Tersedia gaplek bagi yang ingin main. Tapi sayang kurangnya himbauan untuk tidak merokok ditempat sehingga bisa menganggu para pengunjung yang lain. "
21 February 2017Indah Irawan
" Dari sekian banyak tempat ngopi di Plaju, ini tempat favorit saya. Bukan hanya tempatnya yang nyaman, waitress-nya yang cakep, barista-nya yang keren, kopinya yang nikmat, tapi juga harganya yang pas di hati~ "
17 February 2017Muhammad Sulaiman
" Tempat kopi dengan pilihan cukup variatif, mulai dari robusta, arabica. Ada beberapa menu yang bisa dipesan nasi goreng dan mie aceh "
16 February 2017Putut Arintoko
" Nice spot...
15 February 2017Nice coffee...
Warm n Lovely... "
Tiwi Puspo
" Caramel coffeenya delightful, kak asep as the ownernya jg humble bgt.
23 September 2016Well that was enjoyable "
Imam Wibisono
" serius tapi santai, tampatnya asyik, seru... bisa ngobrol langsung sama pemiliknya yang ramah. cocok buat kamu yang pengen tau lebih banyak tentang kopi. "
03 May 2016Muhammad Syukron Makmun
" Pemiliknya ramah dan tempat yang menyenangkan untuk menikmati kopi "
06 April 2016