About Hypermart Citimall Baturaja
Hypermart Citimall Baturaja is a shopping mall, located at Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, Baturaja Lama, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu,, Sumatera Selatan, Tj. Baru, Batu Raja Tim., Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan 32113, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-2399-9908, visit their website www.hypermart.co.id for more detailed information.
Bayu Seiganta
" Greeats "
27 October 2020Mukhlisin
" Ok "
03 July 2020Dheddie Twister
" Good "
23 May 2020Rizky Aditya Pratama
" Ok "
18 March 2020Mahendra Adhi Purwanta
" Shopping mall at baturaja, at least they have cinema here "
15 March 2020Sigit Sarwanto
" The one and only shopping center in town! "
02 March 2020Marsela Vianita
" Nice place "
26 December 2019Putra Weegy77
" Ok "
05 October 2019HM. P4154L
" Ok "
26 August 2019Fero Al
" Enjoy "
" Modern place to find a lot of stuffs "
" Modern place to find a lot of stuffs "
14 July 2019Ali Ganteng
" Cimall "
03 June 2019Ali Ganteng
" Cimall "
03 June 2019Nicholas Aprilie
" Long queue but no additional cashier opened. "
29 May 2019Nicholas Aprilie
" Long queue but no additional cashier opened. "
29 May 2019Lisa Natalia
" Nice "
18 May 2019Dinno Mulyono
" Nice mall in Baturaja "
19 April 2019Fernando GomuLya
" Good place to hang out "
29 August 2018Devianto Saputro
" Nice place "
07 August 2018Ikhsan Nasir
" Mmmmmmmm "
21 June 2018Sabit Huraira
" Lumayan "
13 May 2018Ahmad Ahmad
" Good "
12 December 2017Adam Althusius
" The only mall in Baturaja that has cinema (4 theatres with recent movies). One of escape places, serves you many tenants such as play ground, baverages, supermarket; but lil bit pricey though. "
29 June 2017Aulia Khair
" Cinema not opened yet. The only one supermarket in Baturaja. "
15 June 2017Irwan Niki
" memories have been made in this place and these memories will never go back
11 February 2017Damn i miss that moment ... "
Erwin Ardiansyah
" Not bad "
22 December 2016Erwin Fatonie
" larger one stop shopping in baturaja "
22 December 2016Marisa EP
" The hypermart was good but not really about the other "
25 November 2016Rbk Muhammad Syakirin Edo
" Merupakan Mall terbesar dan termegah saat ini di Kota Baturaja dan OKU Raya Khususnya "
29 October 2016Faisal Sir
" Good. "
26 October 2016Bunda NINA
" Stay Cooperated With Me ADDALOKER Job Vacancy Site "
23 October 2016Rizal Baturaja
" Belum buka bro.... "
04 October 2016Ponco Saputra
" Alamat city mall apo ee "
16 August 2016Nata Sifa
" Mengecewakan "
27 July 2016Muhammad Bayu Arrasya Abdullah
" jelek banget citimall kecil bngt.... pasti nanti org dusun semua yg dateng... "
10 June 2016Rifqi Pardera
" kapan ada lokernya? "
04 June 2016Azka Alfaidil
" pengen banget kerja di citimall, cari-cari info mengenai lamaran tapi belum ketemu.
19 January 2016katanya lounching bulan 6 nanti, lokernya udah buka belum? tolong dikabari dong, atau di publish. "