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About Toko Sari Rasa

Toko Sari Rasa is a home goods store, located at Saniangbaka, X Koto Singkarak, Solok, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 94

Margaretha Nugraheny

" The store has many things for kitchen and cooking supplies. It trustable. "

28 September 2020

Betna Adiguna

" Good taste "

22 July 2020

Raras Yuniar

" everything about kitchen utensil is here. You can find glasses, cups, bowls, plates, spoons etc., even the electronics related to kitchen. The place is wide. So, with various kind of kitchen appliances and tools, you can choose which one you like. "

13 March 2020

Antoni Cahyadi

" Like ace hardware but this price's store still cheaper than any others "

09 February 2020

Fiqi Noorprambudi

" Complete, cheap kitchen stuff "

05 February 2020

Clara Wahjudi

" Almost be an one stop shopping place for kitchen ware and small home appliance things "

06 August 2019

Inggit Wahyu

" Large selection of cooking utensils with competitive price, and friendly services. "

13 July 2019

Sasya Deva

" A good place and if you have a membership card, you can get a discount "

03 March 2019

Widya Iluh

" Mau belanja segala perlengkapan Rumah Tangga, disini tempatnya.... one stop shopping deh "

19 November 2018

Andri Bustami

" All in one store
VersiQ sich "

17 September 2018

Rania Azzahra

" I think it's the most complete kitchen utensils shop in Madiun where I can find the latest and good quality product in reasonable price. Fyi, costumers usually will get discount for certain items they purchase. The new renovated shop is nice and cozy. "

05 September 2018

Geri Deli

" It is not only unique taste but experience that I would never forget! Everything is made with love and style and that jazzy is more than amazing! "

25 May 2018

Ima Faza

" Belanja di sini nyaman banyak pilihan pelayanan baik ramah namun kecewanya setelah milih milih barang cocok saat mau beli jumlah banyak gak ada habis stok....tapi secara keseluruhan baik "

23 May 2018

Putri A. Poerwanti

" Mie ayam nya enak. I thought the make by own for the noodles. Selalu rame pengunjung. Opening hours : 6pm - night "

20 May 2018

Elsadhay Sinaga

" Tempat yang spesifik dengan lalu lintas yang lancar untuk kesana, dan juga bersih, ramah "

15 May 2018


" Bahan-bahan kue, cukup lengkap. "

14 May 2018

Maikel Mandang

" Rumah makan "

05 May 2018

Agnes Noviansari

" Segala bentuk barang kebutuhan rumah tangga tersedia di sini. Misal panci, waja, piring, handuk pun ada, jam dinding ya ada 😂 lama lama jadi toserba mungkin "

04 May 2018

Alief Budiyono

" Ok "

03 May 2018

Janine Kopatz

" Definitely the best food we had in Flores! You’ll meet a chef who’s truly passionate about Indonesian food and makes a lot of effort to deliver it as tasty as possible. He sat down with us to explain the menu in detail. We ordered 4 out of the 5 options and they were all delicious and surprising! Even the drinks are homemade. We were lucky to come very early (18:30), because the restaurant quickly filled up with local regular customers. Highly recommended! "

02 May 2018

Ratri Indah

" Toko Sari Rasa di jl. Kutai menyediakan berbagai alat rumah tangga. Selain itu juga ada alat tulis dan kerajinan. "

28 April 2018

Queq Smile

" Rasa lumayan, harga gak mahal.
Saya penggemar capcay disini. Sayang saja potongan sayurnya agak terlalu besar. 😁😁

Waktu saya masih tinggal di Denpasar dan berkunjung ke Purwakarta. Waktu tahun 2015 akhir, menginap di hotel La Derra kan disana tidak ada restorannya, jadi sore2 itu dibawakan makanan dari sini. Capcay nya rasanya enak sekali. Lalu waktu saya sudah pindah di Purwakarta, (sampai sekarang), pada Agustus 2016. Saya jadi ketagihan capcay dari sini. Jadi langganan disini.

Ehhh, tapi waktu April 2018 ini kok terakhir sy beli, pelayannya gak ramah sekali. Hanya disodorkan tanpa bilang apa2. Spt cuek bgt. Apakah sy harus berhenti langganan dari sini? Maka tolong diperbaiki pelayanannya ya.... "

19 April 2018

Suntea Imoet

" Tempat belanja pernak pernik rumah tangga yang lumayan lengkap di Madiun. Nyaman juga, tempatnya luas. Untuk harga agak mahal tapi ada diskon untuk barang-barang tertentu "

11 April 2018

Think Dhink

" Chinese food disini lumayan enak... Yang paling rekomen adalah ayam rebusnya..ayamnya empuk tapi bumbu diatasnya agak sedikit kurang... "

21 March 2018

Alexandra B.

" Best food we have had the pleasure to enjoy in Indonesia so far !! All prepared and served with love
Terimakasi !! "

20 March 2018

Agus Sulistiyani

" Hmmmm....lezaaat "

20 March 2018

Hawaii Ponsel

" Good "

16 March 2018

Afif Afandi

" Lumayan "

14 March 2018

Fatih Alhadafi

" Menurut saya menu yg enak ya fu yung hay. Rasanya pas banget sama lidah aku "

11 March 2018

Resty Rohayati

" Bothok ayam yg dikasi potongan tomat n lombok, segar, pedas.. "

06 March 2018

Mikko Hietala

" An amazing service experience in English that you would never thought to find in Flores. Food was top notch. "

05 March 2018

Jeslyn JKS

" The foods is tasty n quite cheap.. especially carp fish sour spicy .. yumm "

26 February 2018

Nurintan Nilam

" A great place to stop by.. i had chiken noodle one of recomemded menu.. becareful of the chili.. its hot!! "

24 February 2018

Arifa Candlelight

" All things about house appliances.. Big place make it more comfortable in choosing products.. "

19 February 2018

Crea Teak

" Not bad "

18 February 2018

Gregorius Gagat Handoyo

" Fast service, big portion "

16 February 2018

Muhamad Maghfur

" Oleh-oleh khas pacitan, cocok untuk belanja cepat karena lokasinya strategis, untuk tempat parkir masih kurang luas "

15 February 2018

Luciana Lidya Sari

" Enak banget "

05 February 2018

Marselina Chella

" Swalayan ini menyediakan berbagai macam perabotan rumah tangga. Barang2 yang tersedia juga cukup terjangkau. Apalagi ditunjang dengan tampilan gedung yang baru,, lebih luas,, jadi lebih nyaman untuk berbelanja. "

30 January 2018

Putri A. Poerwanti

" Mie ayam nya enak. I thought the make by own for the noodles. Selalu rame pengunjung. Opening hours : 6pm - night "

27 January 2018

Setyo Nur Susilo

" Macem2 alat dapur dan keperluan rumah tangga dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau. (harga sebanding dengan Kualitas tentunya). Item barang sangat variatif. Banyak barang plastik yang kualitas bawah tapi worth it karena harganya juga sangat murah. Tapi barang yang bagus juga ada. "

18 January 2018

Ivan Firmansyah

" Have delicious fried chicken and sambal. Very recommended "

03 December 2017

Mooei Maya

" The best mie ayam a.k.a chicken noodles in Ende, dont worry for foreigner, the owner of this can speak english very well and usually has a time for explaing his menus to the tourist. "

30 November 2017

Setia Kusuma

" Nyari kebutuhan rumah tangga apa aja semua disini lengkap.. "

26 November 2017

Fidi Fuzionjazz

" Berbelanja kebutuhan apapun ada di sini. Terkadang serasa refreshing jika berada di tempat ini. Sangat memuaskan dan menyenangkan karna barang2 apapun ada di sini. Lengkap dan murah "

23 November 2017

Silvia Winda

" Wonton noodle is my favorite. The chef is the owner himself, he can speak english as well. Best service! "

18 November 2017

Chairoel Yahya

" Belanja lengkap di Madiun sekitar, mudah diakses, gedung baru ber ac, barang bagus, discon, dibuatkan kartu member, pelayanan memuaskan, barang diantar sampai mobil. "

09 November 2017

Sofia Weliani

" Good place "

25 October 2017

Iam G

" Kapan2 kami datang lagi, ketagihan deh.... "

17 October 2017

Nick K

" THESE REVIEWS DON'T LIE! Captain Martin is a culinary expert and graciously explains every dish to you. His passion for what he does is contagious and is reflected in every item on his menu. We're sad we found this place on our last night but that didn't stop us from trying 4 out of the 6 available dishes. Each one was exquisite but the Ayam Goreng and yellow rice was the winner. I'm not sure I've ever had better rice anywhere! A close second was the curry and chicken noodles which he hand makes. Be sure to try the aloe drink which is slightly sweet but compliments the dishes nicely. "

27 September 2017

Ratnawati Gunawan

" Cukup lengkap...relatif murah ..sekarang lebih nyaman "

17 September 2017

Jiwa Sejati

" Oleh oleh khas Pacitan ada disini "

09 September 2017

Rudy Papanya ARDI

" Dengan gedung baru yg luas jadi puas belanjanya, kita bisa beli apa yg kita lihat, semua dipajang dan mudah mencarinya karena sdh dikategorikan dgn rapi ala swalayan. Harganya wajar 👍 "

08 September 2017

Khowed Wed

" memenuhi kebutuhan peralatan dapur/ rumah tangga yg lengkap "

31 August 2017

Seven Lucky

" Rasanya mantap sambelnya "

28 August 2017

Seven Lucky

" Mantap "

27 August 2017

Ella Cantik

" Wajib coba y tmen2..masakannya enaak sedaaappp pkoknya..rasa gk bhong ya 😄 "

25 August 2017

Boris Gordts

" This was by far the best local food we had on our vacation! Also, the 'captain' of the place came to everyone's table to explain in detail what the food was and how the locals eat it. We loved it. "

23 August 2017

Herman Liem

" Tempat nya tambah luas. Brg yang dijual lebih banyak macamnya dan ber ac "

15 August 2017

Wahyudi D. Hartanto

" Komplit, kalo mau beli oleh-oleh... "

13 August 2017

Davide Andreis

" This place can not be recommended strongly enough! The owner is a real genius and a true gentleman! He will sit down with you and explain how and why he cooks his amazing chicken with yellow rice or with noodles. He is funny, wise and sarcastic. This is the only time I've left a tip that was actually bigger than the bill itself, and I really encourage you to do the same. This place is unique. "

11 August 2017

Muhammad Nasrudin

" Tempat strategis namun untuk parkir roda empat kurang nyaman "

11 August 2017

Brisja Artha Endin Pradana

" Parkiran kurang luas "

11 August 2017

Fadil Sari

" Toko bahan harian dll. Panurunan Pinyangek jorong Balai panjang Saniang baka "

09 August 2017

Caecilia Ari

" Dekat dari rumah, rasa enak "

01 August 2017

Ferry Joe Sitorus

" Mahal.. "

21 July 2017

Stefanie Dom

" Despite the local interior of the restaurant, the food is just delicious!!! And the price is also local 🙂 Martin, the chef, explains you every dish with passion. Totally recommend this place! "

18 July 2017

Anisa Nurfadila Mukti Wibowo

" Karena di Sari Rasa produknya bebas dari bahan pengawet makanan dan sudah terjamin Halal karena sudah terbukti "

14 July 2017

Chris Seager

" Could not be happier after eating at Sari Rasa. Inexpensive excellent fresh food in a relaxed, family style environment. The older man cooking is youthful, friendly, humble, and wise. A pleasure talking to him about the "secret to life" as well as explaining the food preparation. "

06 July 2017

Ferry Gunawan

" Enak dan hallal pastinya.
Cuma yang disayangkan sudah makan berkali-kali belum dapet diskon... Aduhlaaah "

05 July 2017

Dwi Aini

" Lengkap tapi harga juga cukup tinggi "

05 July 2017

Patrick Gardiner

" Amazing food and hospitality. A small menu cooked to perfection. The captain of the ship makes the experience one you will never forget. Thankyou. "

02 July 2017

Jee Nall

" Menyediakan Bahan dan perlengkapan kue "

22 June 2017

Figo Pangeran

" Toko gerabah terlengkap di madiun "

16 June 2017

Francisco Cabral

" Mr. Martin, the chef, is passioned about food and that shows. He will approach you upon entering his restaurant to poetically describe each dish (with a very decent english) so you can make a good choice. The food was amazing (at very decent prices 17k-35k) and he will later join you for conversation if you are up to it. Totally recommend it!! "

04 May 2017

Hamzah Irfan

" The chef/owner explains to us foods they serve. How it made, how it taste, and what kind of drink that would match your food. The way the chef explains and no additives concept are good points for a decent restaurant like this. "

23 April 2017

Jordan Jones

" Excellent food. You can tell they put a lot of love into it! Not expensive at all. Owner is super nice also. We had fried chicken, beef soup, and noodles for 2 people, all were great. "

18 April 2017

Imam Bagus Budyantoro

" Baik sekali toko sari rasa yang baru ini, tempatnya luas, pilihan item bervariasi, harga kompetitif, hanya saja kurang satu hal, di bagian belakang suasana cukup panas jika penuh pengunjungnya, mungkin perlu d tambah unit ac nya "

25 March 2017

Gestur Ernir

" Good food, great aloe vera juice and the owner is really nice and explains the menu. Prices are good. "

16 March 2017

Anno Vi

" Very nice n clean. "

12 March 2017

Heiko Mueller

" Very delicious and great price. The owner is very friendly and explains the menu in great detail! Recommended highly!! "

07 March 2017

Astri Wulandari

" Enaaaakkk "

15 February 2017

Déborah NEVEU

" Peu de choix, mais le meilleur nasi ayam que j'ai mangé en Indonésie
Le propriétaire nous explique tout avec un très bon anglais - super accueil
Produits frais et poulet de ferme
Ouvert uniquement le soir
Fréquenté par les locaux (une sorte de cantine mais propre avec un lavabo pour se laver les mains)
À refaire "

01 February 2017

Ahmad Yasin

" Kualitas super harga terjangkau "

25 January 2017

Fadil Sari

" Toko bahan harian dll. Pinyangek jorong Balai panjang Saniang baka "

29 December 2016

Bruce Mumford

" This small place has the most wonderful food and service. It's in lonely planet so has many western visitors but prices are still Indonesian. Taste sensation and the aloe vera drink is very good. "

22 November 2016

Dito Perdana

" Baso ini sudah terkenal.enak "

03 November 2016

Gilang Ramadhan

" Ayam kampung surundengnya enak banget! Pelayanannya sangat ramah. Disini menunya lumayan beragam: nasi goreng ada, bakso ada, mie ayam ada. Minuman juga sama.

Very delicious chicken with fried coconut! Friendly owner. Various menu served here: Nasi Goreng, Bakso (meat ball), chicken noodles, and others. Beverages the same one. "

01 September 2016

Rachma Budianawati

" Murah, lengkap, masih dikasih diskon lagi... "

14 August 2016

Muklas Ramawanto

" Istimewa "

04 August 2016

Fahmi PJB

" Dulu ramai tapi sekarang sepi.. "

10 June 2016

Kesinjer Gahung

" Ayam Lalapan. 👍 "

17 April 2016

Hendri Dunan KN

" Ok "

16 April 2016

Siplah Developer

" Oleh khas oleh Pacitan "

14 February 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM