Rumah Pohon Tabek Patah is located at Jl. Raya Batusangkar - Bukittinggi No.443, Tabek Patah, Salimpaung, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat 27263, Indonesia
" A great place for nature lovers. Not many people visit here but I do recommend everyone including foreigners. The ticket price was cheap even for foreigners. "
31 May 2018
Hafidzah El-Syahadah
" The views are great and the nature are beautiful "
17 May 2018
Annisa Junaidi
" Now you can also study English here with some good instructors "
20 April 2018
Hanna Bennedict
" its cool air with beautiful scenery "
18 April 2018
Agshia Dewa
" Ok "
30 March 2018
Muhammad Fz
" This place is kind of perfect to come visit because is perfect to get a photo and selfie with your friends and others. And it has an off road trail and you can rent an off road to test your skills,its allso has a cafe there. "
22 February 2018
Mulariana Sipayung
" Love that place it's so so beatiful and fresh "
10 January 2018
Eka Susanty
" Asyik "
13 October 2017
Dery Syaputra
" Pemandangan yg asri dan sejuk "
30 September 2017
Abrianta A.
" More facilities should be added. Parking lots are very limited. No snack bar. It's just plain scenery that you can get. But a beautiful scenery, tho "
10 September 2017
Adek IlhAm
" Tmpat nya sejuk pas untuk brsantai "
03 August 2017
Rendi Irwan
" Memliki pemandangan alam yang masih alami dan udara yang sejuk dan segar,,namun harus banyak yang harus di benahi "
20 July 2017
Oktora Kevin Arigi
" Datang saat cuaca cerah datang kesini, atau saat menjelang sore hari,, "
06 July 2017
Rahmi Zulkarnain
" Saya merasa ketenangan disini..adem bgt n ccok utk wisata kluarg "
Annisa L. Maretha
" A great place for nature lovers. Not many people visit here but I do recommend everyone including foreigners. The ticket price was cheap even for foreigners. "
31 May 2018Hafidzah El-Syahadah
" The views are great and the nature are beautiful "
17 May 2018Annisa Junaidi
" Now you can also study English here with some good instructors "
20 April 2018Hanna Bennedict
" its cool air with beautiful scenery "
18 April 2018Agshia Dewa
" Ok "
30 March 2018Muhammad Fz
" This place is kind of perfect to come visit because is perfect to get a photo and selfie with your friends and others. And it has an off road trail and you can rent an off road to test your skills,its allso has a cafe there. "
22 February 2018Mulariana Sipayung
" Love that place it's so so beatiful and fresh "
10 January 2018Eka Susanty
" Asyik "
13 October 2017Dery Syaputra
" Pemandangan yg asri dan sejuk "
30 September 2017Abrianta A.
" More facilities should be added. Parking lots are very limited. No snack bar. It's just plain scenery that you can get. But a beautiful scenery, tho "
10 September 2017Adek IlhAm
" Tmpat nya sejuk pas untuk brsantai "
03 August 2017Rendi Irwan
" Memliki pemandangan alam yang masih alami dan udara yang sejuk dan segar,,namun harus banyak yang harus di benahi "
20 July 2017Oktora Kevin Arigi
" Datang saat cuaca cerah datang kesini, atau saat menjelang sore hari,, "
06 July 2017Rahmi Zulkarnain
" Saya merasa ketenangan disini..adem bgt n ccok utk wisata kluarg "
13 March 2017Wir Wir
" Mtp "
28 February 2017Ratu Sikumbang
" Keren... "
27 January 2017