" Daerah yang sejuk dan ditmabah dengan rumah pohon serta wisata adrenalin Permadani Aldin dan Offroad "
20 May 2018
Bang Phoka
" View nya bagus.. "
05 April 2018
Wieky Gusta
" Beautiful landscape here "
18 February 2018
Luke Samantha
" With an entrance fee Rp5000, the view is amazingly beautiful. This place also has wooden spot shaped heart and star, almost has the same spot like in jogja kalibiru, to take some shots, because yaa, it's beautiful to look view of the west sumatra from above (i'm still not sure what cities lay at that place). Please come here before 17.00, because when i came around 17.40, the gate was already closed, but i was still allowed to enter. "
19 January 2018
Mey Ariestita
" Pemandangan asri, sejuk, cocok bgt bagi pencinta wisata alam terbuka.. Apa lagi sudah di renovasi dg baik... "
12 January 2018
Misratul Jannah
" Tempat yg luar biasa buat ngeliat panorama dri atas bukit. Recom banget buat wisata sumbar "
09 January 2018
Syamsul Bahri
" Sebuah panorama yang sangat asri dan pemandangan yg sngat elok dengan hamparan swah jejeran bukit barisan menambah kecantiak panorama tabek patah. "
Risco SkyLine
" Daerah yang sejuk dan ditmabah dengan rumah pohon serta wisata adrenalin Permadani Aldin dan Offroad "
20 May 2018Bang Phoka
" View nya bagus.. "
05 April 2018Wieky Gusta
" Beautiful landscape here "
18 February 2018Luke Samantha
" With an entrance fee Rp5000, the view is amazingly beautiful. This place also has wooden spot shaped heart and star, almost has the same spot like in jogja kalibiru, to take some shots, because yaa, it's beautiful to look view of the west sumatra from above (i'm still not sure what cities lay at that place). Please come here before 17.00, because when i came around 17.40, the gate was already closed, but i was still allowed to enter. "
19 January 2018Mey Ariestita
" Pemandangan asri, sejuk, cocok bgt bagi pencinta wisata alam terbuka.. Apa lagi sudah di renovasi dg baik... "
12 January 2018Misratul Jannah
" Tempat yg luar biasa buat ngeliat panorama dri atas bukit. Recom banget buat wisata sumbar "
09 January 2018Syamsul Bahri
" Sebuah panorama yang sangat asri dan pemandangan yg sngat elok dengan hamparan swah jejeran bukit barisan menambah kecantiak panorama tabek patah. "
04 October 2017El Wamendri
" Mantap...nyaman..asri "
17 July 2017Ari Pixel
" Ramah lingkungan "
15 July 2017Wanda Eugenia.S
" Tempat yang masih asri dan alami "
10 July 2017Ira Satria
" lumayan segar pemandangannya "
08 July 2017