" This is the place where you buy many kinds of pastry and order filling meals like nasi goreng etc... The place is clean n spacious. If you live around bandar buat , you will reach this eating place in a few minutes... "
06 February 2020
Arlan Yuliandrie
" The price is not very expensive, the cake and bakery tastes good. The place is really cozy "
17 January 2020
Fitrahsenyo Kawan
" Ok "
11 December 2019
Jovi Antares
" Best place to hangout "
01 September 2019
Dea Yolanda
" Delicious food👍 "
23 May 2019
Einfuhlung Channel
" So nice.. Affordable with large portion! Recommended! So variety of menus here... "
25 March 2019
Defriandy Syah Putra
" Nice and calm place "
23 March 2019
Budaya Rusjdi
" All of their cakes are very delicious "
18 November 2018
Brhiyawan Reviynto
" Toko roti lokal yg enak, ga kalah sama bre*d talk, favorit roti sapi jamur "
05 June 2018
Sandra Kuswinar
" Good food, good price, good staff "
02 May 2018
Rafinda F
" Best bakery in town believe me! "
08 April 2018
Adam Sutan Indra
" My favorite cake & bakery shop since I was child "
05 April 2018
Vanessa Della Sandy
" Comfortable place, normal price for food and drink, delicious food "
21 March 2018
Donny Yunior
" The legendary and famous place for the best taste of bakery in padang "
18 March 2018
Anhy Nia
" Good bakery and milkshake 😍 "
13 March 2018
Ikhwanul Furqon
" Hoya bakery and resto is one of the best bakeries in Padang. They provides several menus, not only bakery meals but also foods for heavy eating. Here is very enjoyable for gathering with friend or family, and also for light kind of meeting. "
12 March 2018
Benedic Zoriick_03
" Nice place to buy bakery... "
02 March 2018
Ridzki Sudarbo
" good food. an okay price "
19 February 2018
Amin Wisnugroho
" Toko roti menurut Saya paling enak.. terutama roti2 untuk camilan... menu sehat cocok untuk keluarga... apalagi sekarang dilengkapi dengan menu2 makanan selain roti... oiya.. bakpaonya Mantap... kelemahan tempat parkir sempit "
08 December 2017
Anggi Hadiwijaya
" Bakery nya enak.. dan yang spesial itu rujaknya.. fantastis... "
14 October 2017
Ayu Meuthia
" Roti dan cake nya banyak variasi. Jg ada resto di lantai 2 untuk nongkrong, kue dan lasagna nya enak.. cuma parkirannya agak kecil. "
24 September 2017
Dekha Septian
" Well, I don't know this place so well,
Nice impression when I'm here, but not too good,
Just standard hangout place "
27 July 2017
Andi Tatta
" Good bread and cake store, lack of variations. For price, it's worth. "
19 June 2017
Robi Kurnia
" They have a good restaurant in second floor now. They have good food. "
20 April 2017
Ichwalesa Saputra
" I love since i was a kid "
12 April 2017
Marv Ch
" Great bakery, but its take hours for my order to came out when I had breakfast here. "
03 April 2017
Fauzan Skare
" Tempat santai keluarga dan teman2 serta makanannya enak "
22 January 2017
Chris Ong
" Good service, reasonable selection of bread "
21 January 2017
Roza Khairufi
" Good bread, good main course, cheap enough, comfortable, clean, wifi. "
09 December 2016
A. Meuthia Bahroelim
" I rated this 5-star just by the fact that it has been my so far the best place to go to for bakery in town since I was a kid. Bread, cakes, cookies, and other snacks are available here. Plus side, they serve meals like nasi goreng, steak, mie ayam, etc. Minus side, so limited parking lot. "
09 November 2016
M. Fauzi
" The cake was delicious! "
08 November 2016
Hilda Novianty
" The price is normal-cheap "
06 October 2016
Jhonny Manik
" Aneka roti enak dan lezat, recomended buat yang cari roti enak di kota padang "
21 August 2016
Andi Tatta
" Good bread and cake store, but lack of parking area. "
Yuliani Elfita
" Ok "
31 July 2020Ihsan Kamil
" good food ???? "
29 May 2020Nova Oktavia
" Fresh "
07 March 2020Anita Anas
" This is the place where you buy many kinds of pastry and order filling meals like nasi goreng etc... The place is clean n spacious. If you live around bandar buat , you will reach this eating place in a few minutes... "
06 February 2020Arlan Yuliandrie
" The price is not very expensive, the cake and bakery tastes good. The place is really cozy "
17 January 2020Fitrahsenyo Kawan
" Ok "
11 December 2019Jovi Antares
" Best place to hangout "
01 September 2019Dea Yolanda
" Delicious food👍 "
23 May 2019Einfuhlung Channel
" So nice.. Affordable with large portion! Recommended! So variety of menus here... "
25 March 2019Defriandy Syah Putra
" Nice and calm place "
23 March 2019Budaya Rusjdi
" All of their cakes are very delicious "
18 November 2018Brhiyawan Reviynto
" Toko roti lokal yg enak, ga kalah sama bre*d talk, favorit roti sapi jamur "
05 June 2018Sandra Kuswinar
" Good food, good price, good staff "
02 May 2018Rafinda F
" Best bakery in town believe me! "
08 April 2018Adam Sutan Indra
" My favorite cake & bakery shop since I was child "
05 April 2018Vanessa Della Sandy
" Comfortable place, normal price for food and drink, delicious food "
21 March 2018Donny Yunior
" The legendary and famous place for the best taste of bakery in padang "
18 March 2018Anhy Nia
" Good bakery and milkshake 😍 "
13 March 2018Ikhwanul Furqon
" Hoya bakery and resto is one of the best bakeries in Padang. They provides several menus, not only bakery meals but also foods for heavy eating. Here is very enjoyable for gathering with friend or family, and also for light kind of meeting. "
12 March 2018Benedic Zoriick_03
" Nice place to buy bakery... "
02 March 2018Ridzki Sudarbo
" good food. an okay price "
19 February 2018Amin Wisnugroho
" Toko roti menurut Saya paling enak.. terutama roti2 untuk camilan... menu sehat cocok untuk keluarga... apalagi sekarang dilengkapi dengan menu2 makanan selain roti... oiya.. bakpaonya Mantap... kelemahan tempat parkir sempit "
08 December 2017Anggi Hadiwijaya
" Bakery nya enak.. dan yang spesial itu rujaknya.. fantastis... "
14 October 2017Ayu Meuthia
" Roti dan cake nya banyak variasi. Jg ada resto di lantai 2 untuk nongkrong, kue dan lasagna nya enak.. cuma parkirannya agak kecil. "
24 September 2017Dekha Septian
" Well, I don't know this place so well,
27 July 2017Nice impression when I'm here, but not too good,
Just standard hangout place "
Andi Tatta
" Good bread and cake store, lack of variations. For price, it's worth. "
19 June 2017Robi Kurnia
" They have a good restaurant in second floor now. They have good food. "
20 April 2017Ichwalesa Saputra
" I love since i was a kid "
12 April 2017Marv Ch
" Great bakery, but its take hours for my order to came out when I had breakfast here. "
03 April 2017Fauzan Skare
" Tempat santai keluarga dan teman2 serta makanannya enak "
22 January 2017Chris Ong
" Good service, reasonable selection of bread "
21 January 2017Roza Khairufi
" Good bread, good main course, cheap enough, comfortable, clean, wifi. "
09 December 2016A. Meuthia Bahroelim
" I rated this 5-star just by the fact that it has been my so far the best place to go to for bakery in town since I was a kid. Bread, cakes, cookies, and other snacks are available here. Plus side, they serve meals like nasi goreng, steak, mie ayam, etc. Minus side, so limited parking lot. "
09 November 2016M. Fauzi
" The cake was delicious! "
08 November 2016Hilda Novianty
" The price is normal-cheap "
06 October 2016Jhonny Manik
" Aneka roti enak dan lezat, recomended buat yang cari roti enak di kota padang "
21 August 2016Andi Tatta
" Good bread and cake store, but lack of parking area. "
20 August 2016Andi Tatta
" Jenis rotinya itu-itu aja... "
19 August 2016Arie Ronaldo Albertha
" Nice set of bread, love it "
16 July 2016Erric Syah
" Tempat makan favoritku sekeluarga!!! "
10 July 2016林千尋
" best bakery in padang. "
02 June 2016