RSUP DR. M.Djamil Padang Poliklinik Ambun Pagi
About RSUP DR. M.Djamil Padang Poliklinik Ambun Pagi
RSUP DR. M.Djamil Padang Poliklinik Ambun Pagi is a hospital, located at Sawahan Timur, Padang Timur, Sawahan Tim., Padang Tim., Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25171, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 751 37030, visit their website for more detailed information.
Dman Pdg
" wrong place "
27 May 2018Muhammad Farid
" The biggest general hospital in Western coast of Sumatra, administered directly under Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Recently becoming national referral center for central Sumatra region and actively educate/train future medical professionals (physicians/nurses/midwives/others). This hospital also served as main teaching hospital for Faculty of Medicine Andalas University since its foundation. As a referral hospital, you can't expect being served quickly in here, especially in out-patient services & clinics, because of the long queue and understaffed service relative to overflowing patients (which is way more than they can handle), unless you're in urgent needs of medical attention. The emergency room of this hospital is way bigger than any hospital in West Sumatra, with big numbers of residents and junior doctors (graduated medical students that participating in clinical clerkship programs) as first responder, supervised by onsite consultant physician. "
10 November 2017Rizki Meizikri
" Education hospital for Andalas Medical School. Referal hospital for west sumatra and adjacent provinces. The hospital has been undergoing massive reconstruction since the past few years. However, as this is a referal hospital, you can't expect short queue or serene atmosphere. "
23 October 2017Randi Proska Sandra
" The services in this hospital need to improving. Because there are many lack of services. Many Private Hospital in Padang better than this hospital "
07 October 2017Benny Yavril
" This is the main hospital in West Sumatera. For reference any major of districts and other province near by. I think the expertise doctors are stand by here, not other hospital. As the school of medicine of Andalas University the main partner to create a new doctor coming from this hospital to explore their expertise to all citizen .. "
08 September 2017Yuheldi Cendra
" Good but not "wah" Hospital.... "
20 July 2017Agus Sigit Wisnubroto
" No.1 problem is too crowded "
03 May 2017Chris Christiono
" layanannya cukup bagus.
13 April 2017untuk lingkungan cukup bagus, apalagi di sekitar rumah sakit ikut ditata. "
Herdiwan Nofindra
" Nice "
07 April 2017Rahmad Agus Koto
" Good Hospital "
25 February 2017Herdianto Purba
" Service Excellence
09 February 2017Suatu pengalaman yang menarik ketika memberikan training Service Excellence di beberapa rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang baru saja diberikan training Service Excellence di salah satu RS di Medan. Waktu itu, di tengah-tengah training kami juga langsung melakukan survey lapangan, mendiskusikannya di ruang kelas, memberikan konsep Service Excellence dan langsung melakukan praktek di ruang-ruang pasien dan lingkup kerja para petugas rumah sakit.
Service Excellence, sudah menjadi keharusan bagi setiap rumah sakit yang ingin memberikan layanan yang optimal bagi para pasien serta keluarga pasien. Sayangnya memang dalam praktek keseharian, masih banyak hal-hal yang harus dan terus diperbaiki dalam perbaikan dan peningkatan Service tersebut. Beberapa masalah service yang sering terjadi di rumah sakit antara lain adalah: kecepatan dalam pelayanan oleh para front liner (sejak mulai kedatangan pasien dan keluarga pasien ke RS). Penangan pasien mulai dari IGD sampai ke ruang perawatan (jika rawat inap). Pada saat/masa perawatan pasien selama berada di RS (mulai dari pergantian petugas/perawat, visite dokter, layanan makan dan obat). Begitu juga ketika pasien menyelesaikan administrasi dan kepulangan. Begitu banyak/panjang proses layanan yang terjadi, masing-masing proses dan prosedur mengandung banyak potensi untuk tidak dilaksanakannya service yang memadai.
Banyak faktor
Untuk informasi dan training dapat menghubungi kami di
Tlp: 089618055208 (Lastri), 0812-9003-0928 (SMS/WA), 0821-1252-0684 (SMS/WA), Email : "
Mustika Indah
" So So bad hospital in service "
28 November 2016Da Ben
" Sebuah Rumah Sakit rujukan, terakreditasi Paripurna "
06 September 2016Ifla Ifla
" mahal "
19 August 2016Arif Iskandar
" Biggest public hospital in Padang. They have many advances tools and medicinal equipment. Plus, they have fiber internet. "
24 July 2016Yayuk Lestari
" Banyak preman parkir, hati2 jangan mau dpalak "
09 July 2016Amin History
" Rumah sakit terbesar di Padang "
19 June 2016Bahana Agus Valenta
" this is big hospital, if you injured or sick go to this place,, there a lot doctor there "
04 June 2016Niken Kincay
" go "
22 January 2014