About Transmart Padang XXI
Transmart Padang XXI is a movie theater, located at Transmart Padang, Jl. Khatib Sulaiman No.85, Ulak Karang Selatan, Kec. Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25173, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 751 8971127, visit their website www.21cineplex.com for more detailed information.
Kris Rasta
" New polished cinema in the city. There were only 2 domestic cinemas in town. Transmart's XXI uses Dolby 7.1 which I guest is the best cinema sound system so far. The place is new, clean, and ellegant. Very good. "
09 June 2018Widi Oktairwandi
" so exited come to transmart padang, but so expansive "
29 May 2018Arie Ronaldo Albertha
" Great place to eat, watch movie, and shopping. Make sure u have the creditcard from Bank Mega, they'll give u 10% discount for some items "
26 May 2018Agri Falindo
" 4th floor at transmart padang "
12 May 2018Rika Roozeno
" What a challenging parking for motorcycle they have! "
06 May 2018Dion Daud
" standard nasional lah "
24 April 2018Haris Sandra
" Mantap fasilitasnya "
17 April 2018Eris Dwi Desyana
" Good place for wasting your time with your favorite people "
13 April 2018David Togi
" Pros:
08 April 2018+ located on the main road
+ noticeable and accessible
+ clean and modern
+ provides restaurants, cafes, clothes, consumers goods, home equipment, mini amusement park, and movie theater
- pretty small
- not much of choices (those listed above is generally all they have) "
Dede Putra Andika
" A good place to bring kids here.. "
31 March 2018Haves Ashan
" Mall is owkey... cinema is good... Nice place to shop "
30 March 2018Rezha Fahlevie
" Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan d kota padang yg berada pada kawasan rawan macet karena berada di kawasan perkantoran.. "
27 October 2017Yufa Feniria
" Wahh.. Asiikk.. Bs jd guide 😂😂😂 "
30 September 2017Reza Harahap
" Terletak di Lantai paling atas, bioskop XXI Kedua di Kota Padang
27 July 2017Bioskop ini sudah melayani m-tix "
Kevin Ilham
" Brand-new, clean restrooms, and comfortable lobby with a good cafe with decent price. Long wait at the elevator because of the mini theme park downstairs. "
21 July 2017Hendra Sutan Mudo
" XXI..klo gak lift..ya tangga.. "
19 July 2017Arief Rayyan Pratama
" Pelayanannya ramah. Kondisi bioskop secara umum bersih dan nyaman dengan suasana minimalis (meskipun koridornya cukup sempit). Ada lift yang langsung menuju bioskop dari lantai dasar. Semua metoda pembayaran (uang tunai, kartu debit, kartu kredit, M-Tix, dan movie card) bisa digunakan di bioskop yang berkapasitas total 799 penonton ini. "
02 July 2017Heru Onggodinata
" Friendly service. Clean theatres. Cozy seats. Ready served food & drinks available "
16 June 2017