BRI Syariah KCP Pulau Punjung
About BRI Syariah KCP Pulau Punjung
BRI Syariah KCP Pulau Punjung is a bank, located at Sungai Kambut, Punjung Island, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra 27614, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 754 40833 for more detailed information.
" Bank bri syariah di pati "
28 July 2020Abduh Pakaya
" Ok "
30 March 2020Uki Triyoga
" Bris Pati hebat "
21 January 2019Fitri Andin
" pelayanan ramah,kantor bersih dan nyaman "
20 January 2019Dony Shofyan
" Goodserve "
16 July 2018Ed Wiguna
" Kantor nyaman dan bersih "
10 July 2018EDI SUDRAJAT
" Dekat jalan "
17 March 2018Afrina Fajar
" Nyaman, karyawan ramah "
14 February 2018Achmad Makmur
" 2 jam nunggu belum bisa dilayani, kasir merangkap jadi customer service. Saran, perlu menambah jumlah staft "
06 October 2017Ery Budiono
" Lame service. The queue is so stresafull. I think this bank need additional staff. "
04 October 2017Afif Afandi
" ada ATM "
10 September 2017Alam Endah
" mantab pelayanan pegawainya "
03 March 2017Priadi Pribadi
" 1 teller 1 CS....totally killing you ...
19 September 2016I suggest...if you in hurry better you come early..before the bank open.
1 sec will spend the rest of your day in queue "
Ari Wijayanto
" Anda penasaran silahkan datang "
09 August 2014