Transmart Starsquare Manado is a supermarket, located at Sulawesi, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
" new mall complete with all you can have for middle price or so.There is cinemaxx too and you can enjoy open air at the top porch, go inside Kemang Cafe,nice place for taking photos.There are complete facilities around here, restaurants,banks,hotels but the environment is crowded and traffics, it’s pretty hot outthere and they need to put more trees or something around the complex,make tidy and clean all areas,fix all the pavement,make areas more rilex and enjoyable to customers "
03 May 2018
Kristovel Lim
" Iconic "
01 April 2018
Fitria Yanti
" Ok "
30 March 2018
Fidelis Irwan
" crowded narrow str. what ever "
12 February 2018
Herry Sumolang
" Super market "
15 December 2017
Trisno Cell
" Saya pernah berkerja di star scuare disitu Ada transmarts ramai Dan harga terjangkau.. Dan yg says suka selalu Ada iven.... ayooo Mari jo datang. . Lengkap Ada gedung bioskop foodcourt... permainn anak... komplit. . "
02 December 2017
Jimmy Mamesah
" Nda lengkap :( "
20 October 2017
" Gute Auswahl gutes Fleisch immer wieder "
19 September 2017
Eduartsan Danie
" New Place "
08 August 2017
Franky Stefanus
" Wow.. "
02 August 2017
Jhon Sumba
" Tempat rekreasi dan belanja.. "
05 July 2017
Ekshel Defretes
" Tempat nyaman, pelayanan memuaskan... "
30 June 2017
Rizky Taengetan
" Tempat ini adalah alsan aku melanjutkan perjuangan "
21 June 2017
Marcella Semen
" Sarana lainnya belum lengkap......
Tapi bisa jadi destinasi belanja baru..... "
Jon Channel
" new mall complete with all you can have for middle price or so.There is cinemaxx too and you can enjoy open air at the top porch, go inside Kemang Cafe,nice place for taking photos.There are complete facilities around here, restaurants,banks,hotels but the environment is crowded and traffics, it’s pretty hot outthere and they need to put more trees or something around the complex,make tidy and clean all areas,fix all the pavement,make areas more rilex and enjoyable to customers "
03 May 2018Kristovel Lim
" Iconic "
01 April 2018Fitria Yanti
" Ok "
30 March 2018Fidelis Irwan
" crowded narrow str. what ever "
12 February 2018Herry Sumolang
" Super market "
15 December 2017Trisno Cell
" Saya pernah berkerja di star scuare disitu Ada transmarts ramai Dan harga terjangkau.. Dan yg says suka selalu Ada iven.... ayooo Mari jo datang. . Lengkap Ada gedung bioskop foodcourt... permainn anak... komplit. . "
02 December 2017Jimmy Mamesah
" Nda lengkap :( "
20 October 2017Max WEBER
" Gute Auswahl gutes Fleisch immer wieder "
19 September 2017Eduartsan Danie
" New Place "
08 August 2017Franky Stefanus
" Wow.. "
02 August 2017Jhon Sumba
" Tempat rekreasi dan belanja.. "
05 July 2017Ekshel Defretes
" Tempat nyaman, pelayanan memuaskan... "
30 June 2017Rizky Taengetan
" Tempat ini adalah alsan aku melanjutkan perjuangan "
21 June 2017Marcella Semen
" Sarana lainnya belum lengkap......
15 June 2017Tapi bisa jadi destinasi belanja baru..... "
Robert Sengke
" Waw mewah sekali "
28 May 2017