About Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut is a restaurant, located at Manado Mega Mall Lt. GF, Jalan Piere Tendean Boulevard, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara 95111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 431 879402, visit their website www.pizzahut.co.id for more detailed information.
Nikodemus Wuinata
" Best pizza in town "
25 May 2018Eka Ugi Sutikno
" Restoran Pizza Hut ini tempatnya sangat nyaman. Membuat para pengunjung ingin berada di Pizza Hut lagi. Menunya sangat variatif. Pelayanannya pun sangat memuaskan. Kita bisa memilih menu Promosi Baru, Promosi Takeaway, Promosi Santap di Restoran. Bagi yang ingin minum-minum saja pun bisa. Selain harganya terjangkau, kita pun akan mendapatkan kenyamanan di dalamnya. "
24 May 2018Dektu Mastu
" This is our regular restaurant to enjoy pizza and pasta, the taste is so so, the price is so so, but afterall the best option we have in town. "
09 May 2018Abung Thio
" Best service
30 March 2018No wonder we have to pay service charges
Good "
Nurillah Amalia
" The foods are as usual, delicious. Many various of options from heavy to snacks. The place is crowded but still quite comfortable. The service is quick and nice. "
24 March 2018Sugeng Cahyono
" Hungry and thirsty? Meat lover and coke looks good. PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA.... yummy.... "
25 February 2018Jessie Chris Gregory Lumingkewas
" Nice place. But today the Pizza is just like not fresh from the oven. And for Autumn Punch, i think i taste watermelon instead of strawberry. Honestly Pizza Hut is one of my favorite and i love Pizza so much. "
18 February 2018Rizma Olvina
" Delicious Pizza, clean place but unfortunately it is not have toilet "
12 November 2017Marwan S
" Good "
17 September 2017Demby Pratama
" Just like any other pizza hut, clean and good staffs. But the place is too small and there is no toilet. Inside mall. "
26 August 2017Bilal Alrasyid
" Enjoy "
27 July 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Very small pizza hut. Only have little seating area. Even I have to queue to get it. So crowded and mostly at Ramadhan. "
18 June 2017Fajarpas
" Cepat dan ramah "
31 May 2017Hermansyah Masyhur
" Just like any other pizza hut, clean, comfy, good staffs. Has no own toilet. "
25 May 2017Gojek Palembang Driver
" Pelayanan cepat, dan dilayani dg ramah "
03 May 2017Jessy P.
" menyenangkan tuk bisa makan bersama keluarga ataupun sahabat ataupun hanya sendiri, namun pada waktu weekend..siap' harus tahan antri tuk bisa makan disini. that'all..overall the foods so delicious, and the drinks too. "
17 April 2017Febby Nurhayati
" bagus.. Ada tempat cuci tangannya sayangnya ga ada toilet "
15 April 2017Rizal Achmad
" Good "
07 April 2017GML Hanpi
" Tempat yang tenang untuk makan "
08 January 2017Keeno
" Pizza hut disini enak enak tapi lumayan bikin kantong jebol hehe "
20 December 2016Imam Wahyudi
" Enak "
15 December 2016Kegun Gaming
" Good "
27 November 2016Ricky Juliansyah
" Biasa "
20 October 2016Santi Siti
" Eae "
26 March 2016