" See the view of manado city from top of the hill "
13 April 2018
Charlein Kirauhe
" Awsome Place and Feel Peace 😍😉 "
04 April 2018
Steffi Siby
" One of the most beautiful place at North Minahasa at mountain Klabat view "
27 February 2018
Donny Blank
" Nice "
22 January 2018
Samson Usagani
" Nice place to relax "
25 December 2017
Stevanus Persekutuan
" Beautiful place "
04 July 2017
Ian Sofyan
" ok "
03 July 2017
Fianney Tandayu
" Nice view "
02 July 2017
Andreas Boyoh
" Nice track for jogging "
01 May 2017
Novie Korua
" Lokasi yg sejuk krn berada di ketinggian. Pemandangannya ok. Fasilitas wisata yg tidak memadai dan tidak terpelihara. "
16 March 2017
Adolf Pangemanan
" Lumayan untuk "Jalan sehat". Bawa bekal Sebab tak ada Jualan mami disini. Tempat pacaran pilihan "anak muda" Karena Aman "
30 December 2016
Paskal Ticoalu
" Dari tempat ini kita bisa melihat dua kota besar; Airmadidi dan Manado. Cocok untuk menikmati pemandangan matahari terbenam . "
28 October 2016
Josua Tambanaung
" Waduh disana pakai bayar masuk lagi harga masuk nya Rp,60.000 lalu kami naik gunung kakidian kaki juga pegel tapi seruh mantep mantep saya berih 5 star "
30 September 2016
Yobel Umboh
" Kaki Dian Monument is a Jewish symbol in the hills of Airmadidi,North Minahasa. This statue was built because of the majority of the society in this region are Christian and as an another interests to the tourist to come to this region. It's about 5 minutes from the heart of the city of Airmadidi to get the Kaki Dian by car or motorcycle. At the top of the hills, you may see the beauty of Manado bay, Minahasa highland, and Kema beaches while enjoying Pisang goroho goreng and a cup of tea or coffee. The entrance fee to enter Kaki Dian is around IDR 5,000,-
Note : please keep the place safety and clean, your contribution is very helpful. "
14 September 2016
Pasko Da Gama
" One and only Jewis Monument in North Sulawesi "
23 August 2016
Zulkarnain Blongkod
" Tempat yang cocok untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan. Terletak di kaki Gunung Klabat (Gunung tertinggi di Sulawesi Utara) dan menawarkan pemandangan alam yang alami serta udara yang segar.
Lokasi mudah di akses dan hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit dari pusat kota Manado.
Dengan hanya membayar tiket 2000 ribu rupiah, Anda sudah bisa masuk dan menikmati beberapa hal di tempat ini. "
Raldy Dhe Vega
" Beautiful View of Minahasa "
16 May 2018Grace Lizana
" A beautiful place which we can see Dian foot "
28 April 2018Yati Sudarsono
" See the view of manado city from top of the hill "
13 April 2018Charlein Kirauhe
" Awsome Place and Feel Peace 😍😉 "
04 April 2018Steffi Siby
" One of the most beautiful place at North Minahasa at mountain Klabat view "
27 February 2018Donny Blank
" Nice "
22 January 2018Samson Usagani
" Nice place to relax "
25 December 2017Stevanus Persekutuan
" Beautiful place "
04 July 2017Ian Sofyan
" ok "
03 July 2017Fianney Tandayu
" Nice view "
02 July 2017Andreas Boyoh
" Nice track for jogging "
01 May 2017Novie Korua
" Lokasi yg sejuk krn berada di ketinggian. Pemandangannya ok. Fasilitas wisata yg tidak memadai dan tidak terpelihara. "
16 March 2017Adolf Pangemanan
" Lumayan untuk "Jalan sehat". Bawa bekal Sebab tak ada Jualan mami disini. Tempat pacaran pilihan "anak muda" Karena Aman "
30 December 2016Paskal Ticoalu
" Dari tempat ini kita bisa melihat dua kota besar; Airmadidi dan Manado. Cocok untuk menikmati pemandangan matahari terbenam . "
28 October 2016Josua Tambanaung
" Waduh disana pakai bayar masuk lagi harga masuk nya Rp,60.000 lalu kami naik gunung kakidian kaki juga pegel tapi seruh mantep mantep saya berih 5 star "
30 September 2016Yobel Umboh
" Kaki Dian Monument is a Jewish symbol in the hills of Airmadidi,North Minahasa. This statue was built because of the majority of the society in this region are Christian and as an another interests to the tourist to come to this region. It's about 5 minutes from the heart of the city of Airmadidi to get the Kaki Dian by car or motorcycle. At the top of the hills, you may see the beauty of Manado bay, Minahasa highland, and Kema beaches while enjoying Pisang goroho goreng and a cup of tea or coffee. The entrance fee to enter Kaki Dian is around IDR 5,000,-
14 September 2016Note : please keep the place safety and clean, your contribution is very helpful. "
Pasko Da Gama
" One and only Jewis Monument in North Sulawesi "
23 August 2016Zulkarnain Blongkod
" Tempat yang cocok untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan. Terletak di kaki Gunung Klabat (Gunung tertinggi di Sulawesi Utara) dan menawarkan pemandangan alam yang alami serta udara yang segar.
19 August 2016Lokasi mudah di akses dan hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit dari pusat kota Manado.
Dengan hanya membayar tiket 2000 ribu rupiah, Anda sudah bisa masuk dan menikmati beberapa hal di tempat ini. "