Jumbo Pasar Swalayan & Restaurant
About Jumbo Pasar Swalayan & Restaurant
Jumbo Pasar Swalayan & Restaurant is a supermarket, located at 1, Jalan Suprapto, North Wenang, Wenang, Manado City, North Sulawesi 95111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 431 851455 for more detailed information.
Farly Dapamanis
" Swalayan terlama di Manado, salah satu tempat untuk mencari barang murah "
10 June 2018Bianca Padang
" SPM & SPW doesn't care with customers "
27 May 2018Grace Kelly Hosea
" Tempatnya besar dan rasanya semua barang ada dijual di sini. Harga sangat dan amat bersaing. Penerangan baik, AC juga baik. Kebersihan okelah. Kasirnya walaupun semua buka, tetap aja antri panjang hahahaha memang jumbo is the best choice ya! Sambil antri kasir, di tiap row ada flat tv bisa sambil nonton, kayanya itu national geographic sih tadi hahahaha cuma minus pas keluar belanja, banyak pedagang yg tawarin ini itu dan agak sedikit menganggu krn jd lebih sempit jalan keluarnya. Blm lg ditambah bnyk yg nongkrong di dpn pintu entah sedang apa..... "
27 April 2018Edison Takasanakeng
" Very good supermarket with economic prize "
12 April 2018NaeL Gaming
" lengkap, murah "
04 April 2018Marlin Poluan
" Large market in manado which people from around city and vallagers looking for everydays needed "
24 March 2018Jack Paat
" Complete market at d center of d town "
16 March 2018Rudik Alioth Ayberk
" The oldest supermarket, if I'm not wrong. You've got almost everything here. From carpenter to kitchen. "
20 August 2017Firdaus Kurniadi
" Cheap prize, complete for home needs, easy to reach. Fresh mart "
27 July 2017Kai Koga
" Alot of product/food are selling with very cheap, but the place it just not so clean and if you planning to park at below, somehow the guard gone tell you to shutdown the engine cars/motorcycle for "Safety" "
23 July 2017Daru Risangwijaya
" Favaorite market place in town. Situated near to manado harbour. Always crowded. "
03 July 2017Alfiano Johanes Frans
" Cozy. The market is quite big. Can fibd a lot of stuff here. "
31 May 2017