" Suasanya family .santai makanan enak fresh food ...pedesnya pun ngikutin selera "
25 May 2018
Luthfi Naufal
" Restoran khas indonesia. Citarasa yg fantastis. Cocok untuk lindah-lidah indonesia. Harga lumayah mahal. Porsi cukup banyak. Pelayanan cepat. Disajikan fresh. Tidak banyak antrian meskipun di waktu jam makan siang. Perlu di tambah lagi varian makanannya sehingga lebih lengkap. "
03 May 2018
Edu Juga
" this restaurant serve local dishes, especially javanese dishes... its delicious.. and they serve healthy food... because there is no preservative or msg added to the dishes...
this restaurant is a middle class dining.. "
30 March 2018
Frans Ijoel
" Great Javanesse food, I don"t know which one is my fav, all items ordered are delicious. Price is quite reasonable. Definitely worth to go back. "
18 March 2018
Theresia Tanzil
" Good quality and fresh ingredients, no MSG is true. Good aftertaste. Had tahu campur. "
16 March 2018
Adri Febrianto
" The price is high. The portion is small. The taste is just so-so. "
05 February 2018
Dedi Supardi
" Resto dg konsep yg berbeda. "
08 January 2018
Safa Marwa
" Sate ayamnya mantap, bumbu kacangnya top... "
16 October 2017
Erwin Panigoro
" Heritage place with healthy food "
13 October 2017
Hendro Kuswoyo
" Hmm "
03 October 2017
Thomas Crawford
" No MSG. Delicious food. Do not miss this food. "
22 September 2017
Tjinkeh GUI
" Healthy Indonesian Food with great service "
06 September 2017
Daniel Ouw
" This is one of good Indonesian restaurant. Healthy and no msg. Price is a little bit more compare to other Indonesian restaurant but very reasonable as food and service is excellent. Food plus drinks about 125k/pax. "
18 August 2017
Hamaris Mudayat
" Enak dan gurih "
14 August 2017
Wiilly Slamet
" Interior design very nice and reasonable prices "
11 August 2017
Kurniawan Ku Cung Wei
" This restaurant is serving Indonesia's traditional foods without using artificial seasoning (MSG),
For the interior, this restaurant applies traditional style of Javanese culture,
Good place for people who like old time atmosphere with traditional foods "
05 August 2017
Jorg Verhallen
" Good and easy food, very cheap and delicious! "
14 July 2017
Daniel Pnd
" Makanan muarah dan enak... "
01 July 2017
Budi Wicaksono
" Nice place to dine in, feels very traditional "
27 June 2017
Benito Daniel
" 👍👍👍 "
25 May 2017
Toro Omen
" Salah satu cafe yg posisinya dekat pantai banget,suasana nya nyaman,enak buat nyantai.. "
03 May 2017
Fendy Endiarta
" Tempatnya nyaman dengan masakan yang nikmat. "
30 April 2017
Lezmana Kalunk
" Java kitchen tempat ny nyaman santai "
14 April 2017
Jimmy Syahrasyid
" Caffe pas pinggir pantai pisan.... "
27 March 2017
Acosys Jabar
" Cozy "
25 March 2017
Cubi Lauw
" untuk tempatnya lumayan,dr tampilan depan terlihat modern tetapi bgtu ke dalem masih terasa sentuhan tradisional nya..
untuk rasa lumayan. "
05 March 2017
Ocky Ruhiman
" suasananya adem n romantis "
21 February 2017
Eldi Yuda
" Nyaman.pelayan ramah "
18 February 2017
Mitta Kalyani
" No MSG food 😍 "
17 February 2017
Jullinus Jabal Thoriqi
" Bagus "
07 February 2017
Andreas Muljadi
" The restorant is located in the town serve the traditional healthy food "
14 January 2017
Ririen Tjandra
" Makanannya enak2, penyajiannya rapi menarik, tempatnya bersih nyaman seperti di rumah sendii toppp banget "
05 September 2016
" Menyajikan makan lebih sehat tanpa MSG , tanpa pengawet dan pengempuk , semua minuman dan juice menggunakan air aqua "
30 August 2016
Hetty Herdiani
" Tempatnya nyamaaaan banget,,,adem sekali anak saya pun sampai bisa tidur pulas disini :) "
23 August 2016
Tsm Setiawab
" Berkesan,lokasi pas "
12 July 2016
Bayu Nur Aji Ekowisata
" Tempatnya keren, karyawannya asik pokoknya cocok banget buat nongkrong "
Aa Hoedaya
" Suasanya family .santai makanan enak fresh food ...pedesnya pun ngikutin selera "
25 May 2018Luthfi Naufal
" Restoran khas indonesia. Citarasa yg fantastis. Cocok untuk lindah-lidah indonesia. Harga lumayah mahal. Porsi cukup banyak. Pelayanan cepat. Disajikan fresh. Tidak banyak antrian meskipun di waktu jam makan siang. Perlu di tambah lagi varian makanannya sehingga lebih lengkap. "
03 May 2018Edu Juga
" this restaurant serve local dishes, especially javanese dishes... its delicious.. and they serve healthy food... because there is no preservative or msg added to the dishes...
30 March 2018this restaurant is a middle class dining.. "
Frans Ijoel
" Great Javanesse food, I don"t know which one is my fav, all items ordered are delicious. Price is quite reasonable. Definitely worth to go back. "
18 March 2018Theresia Tanzil
" Good quality and fresh ingredients, no MSG is true. Good aftertaste. Had tahu campur. "
16 March 2018Adri Febrianto
" The price is high. The portion is small. The taste is just so-so. "
05 February 2018Dedi Supardi
" Resto dg konsep yg berbeda. "
08 January 2018Safa Marwa
" Sate ayamnya mantap, bumbu kacangnya top... "
16 October 2017Erwin Panigoro
" Heritage place with healthy food "
13 October 2017Hendro Kuswoyo
" Hmm "
03 October 2017Thomas Crawford
" No MSG. Delicious food. Do not miss this food. "
22 September 2017Tjinkeh GUI
" Healthy Indonesian Food with great service "
06 September 2017Daniel Ouw
" This is one of good Indonesian restaurant. Healthy and no msg. Price is a little bit more compare to other Indonesian restaurant but very reasonable as food and service is excellent. Food plus drinks about 125k/pax. "
18 August 2017Hamaris Mudayat
" Enak dan gurih "
14 August 2017Wiilly Slamet
" Interior design very nice and reasonable prices "
11 August 2017Kurniawan Ku Cung Wei
" This restaurant is serving Indonesia's traditional foods without using artificial seasoning (MSG),
05 August 2017For the interior, this restaurant applies traditional style of Javanese culture,
Good place for people who like old time atmosphere with traditional foods "
Jorg Verhallen
" Good and easy food, very cheap and delicious! "
14 July 2017Daniel Pnd
" Makanan muarah dan enak... "
01 July 2017Budi Wicaksono
" Nice place to dine in, feels very traditional "
27 June 2017Benito Daniel
" 👍👍👍 "
25 May 2017Toro Omen
" Salah satu cafe yg posisinya dekat pantai banget,suasana nya nyaman,enak buat nyantai.. "
03 May 2017Fendy Endiarta
" Tempatnya nyaman dengan masakan yang nikmat. "
30 April 2017Lezmana Kalunk
" Java kitchen tempat ny nyaman santai "
14 April 2017Jimmy Syahrasyid
" Caffe pas pinggir pantai pisan.... "
27 March 2017Acosys Jabar
" Cozy "
25 March 2017Cubi Lauw
" untuk tempatnya lumayan,dr tampilan depan terlihat modern tetapi bgtu ke dalem masih terasa sentuhan tradisional nya..
05 March 2017untuk rasa lumayan. "
Ocky Ruhiman
" suasananya adem n romantis "
21 February 2017Eldi Yuda
" Nyaman.pelayan ramah "
18 February 2017Mitta Kalyani
" No MSG food 😍 "
17 February 2017Jullinus Jabal Thoriqi
" Bagus "
07 February 2017Andreas Muljadi
" The restorant is located in the town serve the traditional healthy food "
14 January 2017Ririen Tjandra
" Makanannya enak2, penyajiannya rapi menarik, tempatnya bersih nyaman seperti di rumah sendii toppp banget "
05 September 2016DANIEL ASHURI
" Menyajikan makan lebih sehat tanpa MSG , tanpa pengawet dan pengempuk , semua minuman dan juice menggunakan air aqua "
30 August 2016Hetty Herdiani
" Tempatnya nyamaaaan banget,,,adem sekali anak saya pun sampai bisa tidur pulas disini :) "
23 August 2016Tsm Setiawab
" Berkesan,lokasi pas "
12 July 2016Bayu Nur Aji Ekowisata
" Tempatnya keren, karyawannya asik pokoknya cocok banget buat nongkrong "
05 May 2016Agus Imam Hamdani
" Rujak cingur rasa jawa banget.... "
21 January 2016Manunggal Lukman
" Health resto "
27 December 2015