Grillo Cafe And Resto is a restaurant, located at Ipilo, East Kota, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo 96134, Indonesia
" Lumayan "
" Pelayanan baik, taste good "
" Desain cafe nya sangat menarik. Harga terjangkau.makanan ok "
" Banyak nyamuknya, musholanya kecil "
" Rekomended "
" Makananya Enak.... "
" Konsep tamannya kren "
" A romantic vintage place. There are a lot of menu here. Local and western food are available and really affordable price. "
" Mantap "
" Mantap harganya juga murah... Romantis juga "
Muhammad Tri Sutrisno
" Lumayan "
15 April 2018Sonny Antow
" Pelayanan baik, taste good "
17 January 2018Claudia Dewi
" Desain cafe nya sangat menarik. Harga terjangkau.makanan ok "
26 September 2017Tutur P. Purbosayekti
" Banyak nyamuknya, musholanya kecil "
13 September 2017Deky Amili
" Rekomended "
05 September 2017Marwan V. Gobel
" Makananya Enak.... "
05 June 2017Freska Deatilia Anwar
" Konsep tamannya kren "
07 April 2017Eka Risti Christiani
" A romantic vintage place. There are a lot of menu here. Local and western food are available and really affordable price. "
29 December 2016Ruddy Ibrahim
" Mantap "
19 October 2016Ardianto Kus
" Mantap harganya juga murah... Romantis juga "
07 August 2016