" Food is not complete, when food is empty waiters not bring some new food "
24 October 2019
Nia Rahma
" It's ok...to take time waiting for depature "
15 October 2019
David Budiman
" Good Lounging space, often runs out of seats because of the only lounge in the airport, don't expect very good food, it's a lounge. "
12 September 2019
Slamet Ishak Kurniadi
" It is called Concordia Lounge now. They can help you check in your ticket(s). There is a special way to board from here to the bus, so you don't have to queue the long line from waiting room. Foods and beverages quality is ok "
04 September 2019
Ic Christian
" Very average airport lounge. Maybe if the staffs can be more focus to customers need , it will be better. Foods selection are not to bad. "
17 April 2019
Rizqa Noor Abdi
" All the staff is very humble and friendly.. They give you sweet smiling during help your check in.. "
22 March 2019
Hesty Pangesti
" Good service and many kind of delicious traditional food menu. "
09 March 2019
George Adriaansz
" This lounge was too small for too much passanger because it was not for specific airline only, it covered also credit/debet car holders. If you want to go to the VIP room, you must pay the surcharge for an equal kinds and rastes of executivr lounge. The access to this lounge was a backway after check in counter or go outside the departure terminal and turn right hand side to the executive lounge door. "
09 March 2019
Muhammad Wildan
" Nice place "
26 October 2018
Kristianto Rezz
" need to be varied the menue "
29 September 2018
Gerald Pohan
" I like the atmosphere. It is so comfort. They have various foods and beverages, good wifi signal, and clean toilet. The staff is also friendly. They will handle your check in. You can ask them about your flight whether it is delayed or not. If you are VIP guest, they will take you to the airplane by car. "
08 August 2018
Leq Hartonq
" Dilantai 2 .. Bagus sih "
01 June 2018
Aji Pranaditya
" Nyaman Dan cozy ... "
31 May 2018
Aditya Widhatama
" Great spot for waiting flight. All you can eat for a reasonable price. Wi-Fi and a dedicated smoking area available. "
30 May 2018
Qt Harman
" nice and tidy lounge "
26 May 2018
Lutvi Hastowo
" Suasana diluarnya "
11 May 2018
Teddy Wiguno
" Located at beside entrance in terminal A. Provide check-in service for passangers. "
10 May 2018
Irwanto Hadi
" Cozy "
29 April 2018
Puspita Fortuna
" Many choices of cuisine "
28 April 2018
Sarjono Bregas
" Good place for waiting the flight "
25 April 2018
Meydy DS Malonda
" The new face of garuda indonesia lounge, love it... "
13 April 2018
Maulana Arsyad
" Menurut saya cukup nyaman berada disana berlama-lama
Tetapi untuk varian menunya kurang bervariasi
Nasi gorengnya kurang enak, minumannya standar, padahal harganya Rp 120.000 "
24 March 2018
Wing Wahyu Winarno
" They serve local meal: white rice, lodeh soup, tempe bacem, oseng kikil, as well as banana, bean, etc. "
24 February 2018
Marjuki San
" Good service... "
09 February 2018
Agus Setiawan
" Waiting for take off.. Nice place nice meal and drink "
20 December 2017
Dennis Yapari
" A better alternative to the expensive cafetarias and canteens in the airport, with cozy atmosphere and some tasty specialty food
the seating is not really what comfy means however, but the exclusive path to board the plane trumps the downsides this place has "
06 December 2017
LuQman Hakim
" Tenang nyaman...
Smoking area ada di terasnya "
30 November 2017
Sarjono Bregas
" Good place for waiting the flight "
03 November 2017
Nurhakim MT
" Better than sitting and waiting for boarding in the regular waiting room 😀 "
04 October 2017
Muhammad Aditya Perdana
" Secara keseluruhan ini adalah Lounge terbaik di bandara internasional syamsudin Noor. Namun untuk bagian lounge biasa saya rasa kurang nyaman khususnya bagian smoking room.
Untuk ruangan premiere lounge ini terbaik. Walaupun makanan sangat sangat standar.. Tidak ada makanan yang menarik atau khas.. Sup timlo yang di sajikan terkesan pelit untuk pelanggan premier. Nasi goreng terlalu basah.. Gado gado tercium mau basi "
20 August 2017
Rambu Jalan
" You can go in and ask the team to arrange boarding pass. They have dedicated line for boarding. Better option to wait for flight compare to sit at waiting room or other cafes "
28 July 2017
Rakhmat Nopliardy
" Duduk dan makan sepuasnya, apalagi pesawatnya delay "
26 July 2017
Faried Mohammad
" Sekarang sudah buka lebih pagi
Nama sudah berubah jadi concordia lounge
Variasi makanan di smooking area lebih sedikit daripada non smooking area
Harga naik tapi worthed dengan pelayanan checkin, boarding dan makanan all you can eat
Toilet bersih tp kurang terang "
20 July 2017
Hanan 2607
" Lounge 💩👎🏻😡 "
08 June 2017
Sigit Kurniawan
" Comfort airport lounge.. "
29 May 2017
Faried Mohammad
" Nyaman dan ga crowded....
Free buffet.....
Ngopi2 dulu sebelum terbang.....
Titip check in cepat.....
Harga relatif agak mahal tp worthed krn cuma 1 kali pemeriksaan barang pas boarding dan tdk banyak antrian....
Toilet terbatas "
23 May 2017
Eko Pramuyanto
" Resepsionis tdk bisa membedakan kamar mandi dan toilet. Pertama masuk jelas menanyakan fasilitas kamar mandi, dijawab ada. Kenyataannya tidak ada kamar mandi, cuma ada toilet yg memang tdk memungkinkan untuk mandi. "
11 May 2017
Hastono Bayu Trisnanto
" Places to stop by before your flight "
27 December 2016
Yunius S.E
" Pelayanannya Ok dari penyambutan sampai di cek in kan kita merasa enak dan memuaskan. Tolong no telpon bisa berbagi di sini. Trima kasih. "
12 December 2016
Indra Edi Santoso
" Pisang gorengnya enak. Toiletnya bersih "
01 November 2016
Ali Ramli
" Easy to reach, helpful for boarding pass and check in luggage. "
28 August 2016
Wulandari Ocha
" Bubur ketan hitamnya mantab.....😊 "
31 May 2016
Putra Ariyadi
" Asyik untuk menunggu penerbangan, bagi yang mempunyai kartu kredit tertentu bisa masuk secara free..
Di excecutive Lounge tersedia angkutan exclusive ke bandara "
26 March 2016
Diky Wiryawan
" Untuk harga Rp.90.000,-...mungkin variasi makanan perlu ditambah....misal potongan buah segar atau salad...dan lauk ayam balado yang disajikan saat kedua kalinya saya kesini, agak kurang enak..gak berani nuduh juga kalo itu masaknya sudah sehari sebelumnya...atau masaknya sudah sejak shubuh?? "
30 January 2016
Muhammad Iqbal
" Not too expensive, but not cheap too, so don't expect too much.
Food variety is not that much, mainly indonesian food. "
09 March 2015
Hands Dwika
" tempat menginap dan training yg mewah dan menyenangkan "
Yesi Afriani
" Food is not complete, when food is empty waiters not bring some new food "
24 October 2019Nia Rahma
" It's ok...to take time waiting for depature "
15 October 2019David Budiman
" Good Lounging space, often runs out of seats because of the only lounge in the airport, don't expect very good food, it's a lounge. "
12 September 2019Slamet Ishak Kurniadi
" It is called Concordia Lounge now. They can help you check in your ticket(s). There is a special way to board from here to the bus, so you don't have to queue the long line from waiting room. Foods and beverages quality is ok "
04 September 2019Ic Christian
" Very average airport lounge. Maybe if the staffs can be more focus to customers need , it will be better. Foods selection are not to bad. "
17 April 2019Rizqa Noor Abdi
" All the staff is very humble and friendly.. They give you sweet smiling during help your check in.. "
22 March 2019Hesty Pangesti
" Good service and many kind of delicious traditional food menu. "
09 March 2019George Adriaansz
" This lounge was too small for too much passanger because it was not for specific airline only, it covered also credit/debet car holders. If you want to go to the VIP room, you must pay the surcharge for an equal kinds and rastes of executivr lounge. The access to this lounge was a backway after check in counter or go outside the departure terminal and turn right hand side to the executive lounge door. "
09 March 2019Muhammad Wildan
" Nice place "
26 October 2018Kristianto Rezz
" need to be varied the menue "
29 September 2018Gerald Pohan
" I like the atmosphere. It is so comfort. They have various foods and beverages, good wifi signal, and clean toilet. The staff is also friendly. They will handle your check in. You can ask them about your flight whether it is delayed or not. If you are VIP guest, they will take you to the airplane by car. "
08 August 2018Leq Hartonq
" Dilantai 2 .. Bagus sih "
01 June 2018Aji Pranaditya
" Nyaman Dan cozy ... "
31 May 2018Aditya Widhatama
" Great spot for waiting flight. All you can eat for a reasonable price. Wi-Fi and a dedicated smoking area available. "
30 May 2018Qt Harman
" nice and tidy lounge "
26 May 2018Lutvi Hastowo
" Suasana diluarnya "
11 May 2018Teddy Wiguno
" Located at beside entrance in terminal A. Provide check-in service for passangers. "
10 May 2018Irwanto Hadi
" Cozy "
29 April 2018Puspita Fortuna
" Many choices of cuisine "
28 April 2018Sarjono Bregas
" Good place for waiting the flight "
25 April 2018Meydy DS Malonda
" The new face of garuda indonesia lounge, love it... "
13 April 2018Maulana Arsyad
" Menurut saya cukup nyaman berada disana berlama-lama
24 March 2018Tetapi untuk varian menunya kurang bervariasi
Nasi gorengnya kurang enak, minumannya standar, padahal harganya Rp 120.000 "
Wing Wahyu Winarno
" They serve local meal: white rice, lodeh soup, tempe bacem, oseng kikil, as well as banana, bean, etc. "
24 February 2018Marjuki San
" Good service... "
09 February 2018Agus Setiawan
" Waiting for take off.. Nice place nice meal and drink "
20 December 2017Dennis Yapari
" A better alternative to the expensive cafetarias and canteens in the airport, with cozy atmosphere and some tasty specialty food
06 December 2017the seating is not really what comfy means however, but the exclusive path to board the plane trumps the downsides this place has "
LuQman Hakim
" Tenang nyaman...
30 November 2017Smoking area ada di terasnya "
Sarjono Bregas
" Good place for waiting the flight "
03 November 2017Nurhakim MT
" Better than sitting and waiting for boarding in the regular waiting room 😀 "
04 October 2017Muhammad Aditya Perdana
" Secara keseluruhan ini adalah Lounge terbaik di bandara internasional syamsudin Noor. Namun untuk bagian lounge biasa saya rasa kurang nyaman khususnya bagian smoking room.
20 August 2017Untuk ruangan premiere lounge ini terbaik. Walaupun makanan sangat sangat standar.. Tidak ada makanan yang menarik atau khas.. Sup timlo yang di sajikan terkesan pelit untuk pelanggan premier. Nasi goreng terlalu basah.. Gado gado tercium mau basi "
Rambu Jalan
" You can go in and ask the team to arrange boarding pass. They have dedicated line for boarding. Better option to wait for flight compare to sit at waiting room or other cafes "
28 July 2017Rakhmat Nopliardy
" Duduk dan makan sepuasnya, apalagi pesawatnya delay "
26 July 2017Faried Mohammad
" Sekarang sudah buka lebih pagi
20 July 2017Nama sudah berubah jadi concordia lounge
Variasi makanan di smooking area lebih sedikit daripada non smooking area
Harga naik tapi worthed dengan pelayanan checkin, boarding dan makanan all you can eat
Toilet bersih tp kurang terang "
Hanan 2607
" Lounge 💩👎🏻😡 "
08 June 2017Sigit Kurniawan
" Comfort airport lounge.. "
29 May 2017Faried Mohammad
" Nyaman dan ga crowded....
23 May 2017Free buffet.....
Ngopi2 dulu sebelum terbang.....
Titip check in cepat.....
Harga relatif agak mahal tp worthed krn cuma 1 kali pemeriksaan barang pas boarding dan tdk banyak antrian....
Toilet terbatas "
Eko Pramuyanto
" Resepsionis tdk bisa membedakan kamar mandi dan toilet. Pertama masuk jelas menanyakan fasilitas kamar mandi, dijawab ada. Kenyataannya tidak ada kamar mandi, cuma ada toilet yg memang tdk memungkinkan untuk mandi. "
11 May 2017Hastono Bayu Trisnanto
" Places to stop by before your flight "
27 December 2016Yunius S.E
" Pelayanannya Ok dari penyambutan sampai di cek in kan kita merasa enak dan memuaskan. Tolong no telpon bisa berbagi di sini. Trima kasih. "
12 December 2016Indra Edi Santoso
" Pisang gorengnya enak. Toiletnya bersih "
01 November 2016Ali Ramli
" Easy to reach, helpful for boarding pass and check in luggage. "
28 August 2016Wulandari Ocha
" Bubur ketan hitamnya mantab.....😊 "
31 May 2016Putra Ariyadi
" Asyik untuk menunggu penerbangan, bagi yang mempunyai kartu kredit tertentu bisa masuk secara free..
26 March 2016Di excecutive Lounge tersedia angkutan exclusive ke bandara "
Diky Wiryawan
" Untuk harga Rp.90.000,-...mungkin variasi makanan perlu ditambah....misal potongan buah segar atau salad...dan lauk ayam balado yang disajikan saat kedua kalinya saya kesini, agak kurang enak..gak berani nuduh juga kalo itu masaknya sudah sehari sebelumnya...atau masaknya sudah sejak shubuh?? "
30 January 2016Muhammad Iqbal
" Not too expensive, but not cheap too, so don't expect too much.
09 March 2015Food variety is not that much, mainly indonesian food. "
Hands Dwika
" tempat menginap dan training yg mewah dan menyenangkan "
30 July 2014