" Bukti sejarah Portugis ad d Amurang.
Walaupn jarang d perhatikan pemerintah tp maysrakat slalu mnjaga agar tdk hancur dan musnah. "
14 May 2018
JheGamel Ongkaw
" Bangunan bersejarah .
Namanya juga beteng. Ini di gunakan sbgai tmpat perlindungan di jamanya.
Benteng ini sudah tak terawat lagi tapi pemandangan sekelilingnya indah seindah pantainya. Mungkin skrang pantainya udah penuh sampah dari pihak2 yang tidak bwrtangung jwb.
Bangunanya masi kuat. "
26 March 2018
" Nice "
08 March 2018
Joko Yuwono
" Benteng Amurang (Portugis), terletak di Kelurahan Uwuran Satu, Kota Amurang, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan (Minsel), Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) yang dapat di tempuh sekitar 2 jam perjalanan dari Kota Manado, ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan menggunakan angkutan darat.
Bangunan Benteng Portugis diperkirakan di dirikan pada tahun 1512 oleh bangsa Portugis yang ketika itu datang ke Amurang.
Benteng Portugis di bangun sebagai tempat pertahanan perang. Karena itu di dalam benteng ada gudang penyimpanan peralatan militer seperti senjata (meriam), barak-barak penginapan, dan kapel (gereja kecil) sebagai rumah ibadah.
Kapel (gereja kecil) letaknya diperkirakan berada tepat di bawah altar Gereja GMIM Sentrum Syalom Amurang berdekatan dengan Benteng Portugis yang sekarang hanya tersisa beberapa bagian yang utuh.
Kemudian menyusul datang bangsa Spanyol yang mendarat di perairan Mobongo, Kawangkoan Bawah, Amurang lalu mendirikan juga benteng yang di namai New Spain.
Sebagaimana Benteng Portugis, Benteng New Spain juga di bangun untuk pertahanan di lengkapi kediaman para serdadu serta kapel (gereja kecil) yang sekarang telah di dirikan Gereja GMIM Imanuel Kawangkoan Bawah.
Di sekitar gedung Gereja GMIM Imanuel Kawangkoan bawah, terdapat kuburan orang Spanyol yang meninggal kala itu.
Masyarakat Kawangkoan Bawah meyakini, bahwa didalam benteng tersebut banyak tersimpan mata uang kuno dan emas. Pintu baja menuju ruang bawah tanah di bagian tengah dan jalan-jalan ke ruang-ruang lain yang masih tergembok, telah tertimbuh reruntuhan bangunan dan tanah.
Baik Benteng Portugis maupun Benteng Spanyol telah dibongkar pada masa Gubernur Jenderal Herman Daendels (1807 - 1815). Pembongkaran terakhir di lakukan pada masa Pemerintahan Jepang.
Merupakan cagar budaya sebagai tempat wisata budaya, wisata sejarah, dan wisata kepurbakalaan dengan obyek kunjungan wisata, yaitu sisa-sisa bangunan Benteng Amurang (Portugis). "
29 January 2018
Sumar Sono
" Beautiful place, but still need preparation. "
20 January 2018
Caswin Sihotang
" Benteng nya tidak terurus, tp pemandangan nya bagus "
05 December 2017
Hernani Cardoso
=Forte Português de Amurang=
Amurang, the capital of Kabupaten Minahasa atan, a district in the southern part of North Sulawesi Province.
Amurang has a bay that has a historical trace where the various places from various parts of the world when Amurang comes from the word Amoer which is the name of a river in the River Man area was crowded by the Portuguese when trading to China and became an important route for trade.
When the Portuguese set foot in North Sulawesi in the 1500s, they saw the natural riches of the South in the form of spices. And the place where the spice is busy with the trading activities of various nations.
The Portuguese, defined the area as Amoer. Then the arrival of the Dutch said Amoer with their dialect, Amoerlang and until now Amurang.
In those trading times many nations stop at Amurang. So now there are still many people living Amurang who are descendants of balsteran Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, English, German even.
Fortress Pertugis in Amurang can be found in Uwuran One Village, Ke Amurang subdistrict. It is easy to reach, because right beside Amurang Market.
The fort it was seen a solid building of stone in the shape of the letter D half a sphere of approximately three meters. This building is only the rest of the castle building as a whole that once covered the area of three hectares. Now the area of the fort itself is left 25 x 50 meters which has been fenced by the government and South Minahasa.
The Portuguese built this fort at that time to protect their trading activities in Amurang from the threat of pirates.
In 1943 at the time of World War II, the fort was completely attacked by allied armies, to the extent of telling what can be seen now.
The fort was originally built on the beach just to accommodate the Portuguese soldiers and clergy.
But its strategic location, the fort then became the center of the Portuguese conquest to other Minahasa territories. While still intact, the fort was equipped with a gun that directly facing the Gulf Amurang.
There are also several pelen kapnya buildings, such as barracks, warehouses, military facilities and even a chapel (small church).
In the 1700s, the Dutch dominated this fortress and their presence influenced many of the Minahasa people's history.
The Portuguese fortress in Amurang could serve as a trace of the long history of Minahasa people. Some traces of history, in addition to visible from the presence of the Citadel, can also be found from various objects of European heritage that is often encountered by residents while doing some excavation.
The cannon that was still there in this Portuguese fort, now has disappeared. According to the residents around the fort, there used to be six cannons. But the cannon was then transferred by the ruler at that time, because there was no law. "
Amelia Mandagi
" Bukti sejarah Portugis ad d Amurang.
14 May 2018Walaupn jarang d perhatikan pemerintah tp maysrakat slalu mnjaga agar tdk hancur dan musnah. "
JheGamel Ongkaw
" Bangunan bersejarah .
26 March 2018Namanya juga beteng. Ini di gunakan sbgai tmpat perlindungan di jamanya.
Benteng ini sudah tak terawat lagi tapi pemandangan sekelilingnya indah seindah pantainya. Mungkin skrang pantainya udah penuh sampah dari pihak2 yang tidak bwrtangung jwb.
Bangunanya masi kuat. "
" Nice "
08 March 2018Joko Yuwono
" Benteng Amurang (Portugis), terletak di Kelurahan Uwuran Satu, Kota Amurang, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan (Minsel), Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) yang dapat di tempuh sekitar 2 jam perjalanan dari Kota Manado, ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan menggunakan angkutan darat.
29 January 2018Bangunan Benteng Portugis diperkirakan di dirikan pada tahun 1512 oleh bangsa Portugis yang ketika itu datang ke Amurang.
Benteng Portugis di bangun sebagai tempat pertahanan perang. Karena itu di dalam benteng ada gudang penyimpanan peralatan militer seperti senjata (meriam), barak-barak penginapan, dan kapel (gereja kecil) sebagai rumah ibadah.
Kapel (gereja kecil) letaknya diperkirakan berada tepat di bawah altar Gereja GMIM Sentrum Syalom Amurang berdekatan dengan Benteng Portugis yang sekarang hanya tersisa beberapa bagian yang utuh.
Kemudian menyusul datang bangsa Spanyol yang mendarat di perairan Mobongo, Kawangkoan Bawah, Amurang lalu mendirikan juga benteng yang di namai New Spain.
Sebagaimana Benteng Portugis, Benteng New Spain juga di bangun untuk pertahanan di lengkapi kediaman para serdadu serta kapel (gereja kecil) yang sekarang telah di dirikan Gereja GMIM Imanuel Kawangkoan Bawah.
Di sekitar gedung Gereja GMIM Imanuel Kawangkoan bawah, terdapat kuburan orang Spanyol yang meninggal kala itu.
Masyarakat Kawangkoan Bawah meyakini, bahwa didalam benteng tersebut banyak tersimpan mata uang kuno dan emas. Pintu baja menuju ruang bawah tanah di bagian tengah dan jalan-jalan ke ruang-ruang lain yang masih tergembok, telah tertimbuh reruntuhan bangunan dan tanah.
Baik Benteng Portugis maupun Benteng Spanyol telah dibongkar pada masa Gubernur Jenderal Herman Daendels (1807 - 1815). Pembongkaran terakhir di lakukan pada masa Pemerintahan Jepang.
Merupakan cagar budaya sebagai tempat wisata budaya, wisata sejarah, dan wisata kepurbakalaan dengan obyek kunjungan wisata, yaitu sisa-sisa bangunan Benteng Amurang (Portugis). "
Sumar Sono
" Beautiful place, but still need preparation. "
20 January 2018Caswin Sihotang
" Benteng nya tidak terurus, tp pemandangan nya bagus "
05 December 2017Hernani Cardoso
23 November 2017=Forte Português de Amurang=
Amurang, the capital of Kabupaten Minahasa atan, a district in the southern part of North Sulawesi Province.
Amurang has a bay that has a historical trace where the various places from various parts of the world when Amurang comes from the word Amoer which is the name of a river in the River Man area was crowded by the Portuguese when trading to China and became an important route for trade.
When the Portuguese set foot in North Sulawesi in the 1500s, they saw the natural riches of the South in the form of spices. And the place where the spice is busy with the trading activities of various nations.
The Portuguese, defined the area as Amoer. Then the arrival of the Dutch said Amoer with their dialect, Amoerlang and until now Amurang.
In those trading times many nations stop at Amurang. So now there are still many people living Amurang who are descendants of balsteran Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, English, German even.
Fortress Pertugis in Amurang can be found in Uwuran One Village, Ke Amurang subdistrict. It is easy to reach, because right beside Amurang Market.
The fort it was seen a solid building of stone in the shape of the letter D half a sphere of approximately three meters. This building is only the rest of the castle building as a whole that once covered the area of three hectares. Now the area of the fort itself is left 25 x 50 meters which has been fenced by the government and South Minahasa.
The Portuguese built this fort at that time to protect their trading activities in Amurang from the threat of pirates.
In 1943 at the time of World War II, the fort was completely attacked by allied armies, to the extent of telling what can be seen now.
The fort was originally built on the beach just to accommodate the Portuguese soldiers and clergy.
But its strategic location, the fort then became the center of the Portuguese conquest to other Minahasa territories. While still intact, the fort was equipped with a gun that directly facing the Gulf Amurang.
There are also several pelen kapnya buildings, such as barracks, warehouses, military facilities and even a chapel (small church).
In the 1700s, the Dutch dominated this fortress and their presence influenced many of the Minahasa people's history.
The Portuguese fortress in Amurang could serve as a trace of the long history of Minahasa people. Some traces of history, in addition to visible from the presence of the Citadel, can also be found from various objects of European heritage that is often encountered by residents while doing some excavation.
The cannon that was still there in this Portuguese fort, now has disappeared. According to the residents around the fort, there used to be six cannons. But the cannon was then transferred by the ruler at that time, because there was no law. "
Edy Nugraha
" Jejak sejarah "
09 October 2017Tondano Selatan 1Y72
" Keren "
22 September 2017Glefko Paat
" Sejarah kota amurang "
30 July 2017