" For photo seekers,this place landscape is difficult to capture with right angel. You'll be wet and slip and sometimes you must climb on slippery grounds so you can capture a right angel. When i was there, i can't explore much coz i didn't wanna get wet and i wearing a wrong shoes. But the nature was great. There's a little lake that still virgin welcomes you with beautiful reflections on the water. "
30 March 2018
Melisa Gosal
" clear and fresh water "
23 March 2018
Ian Sofyan
" Ok "
06 January 2018
Mona W
" I love this place, clear water and beautiful nature. "
27 December 2017
Maflindo Butarbutar
" Belum maksimal dalam pengembangan wisata ini...
Bagus areanya "
21 November 2017
Anas Nurdin
" Airnya Jernih walau belum tertata rapi "
17 November 2017
Koba Kalengkongan
" Adem dan natural banget. Tinggal pertahankan kebersihan dan keamanan sehingga tetap disukai untuk dikunjungi. "
05 September 2017
Maflindo Butarbutar
" Bagus lokasinya, untuk pengelola supaya diperhatikan tata ruang dan nuansa nya lebih menarik lagi "
16 July 2017
Kenji Pangerapan
" Objek wisata alam di pusat ibukota kabupaten minahasa tenggara "
16 February 2017
Heri Irfani
" Airnya sangat jernih. Sayang sarana untuk MCK masih sangat minim. "
25 January 2017
" Mantap! Natural Swimming Pool... "
12 January 2017
Stenly Sambur
" Sunggu bagus tuk di kunjungi "
15 September 2016
Novie Hosang
" The cool crystal clear water springs out of a cave where you can actually get in & chill at.
Great place to cure a hangover :D
Please do not litter!
It takes everyone to keep a place like this clean & enjoyable as it is. "
Yoan Saralisa Weku
" For photo seekers,this place landscape is difficult to capture with right angel. You'll be wet and slip and sometimes you must climb on slippery grounds so you can capture a right angel. When i was there, i can't explore much coz i didn't wanna get wet and i wearing a wrong shoes. But the nature was great. There's a little lake that still virgin welcomes you with beautiful reflections on the water. "
30 March 2018Melisa Gosal
" clear and fresh water "
23 March 2018Ian Sofyan
" Ok "
06 January 2018Mona W
" I love this place, clear water and beautiful nature. "
27 December 2017Maflindo Butarbutar
" Belum maksimal dalam pengembangan wisata ini...
21 November 2017Bagus areanya "
Anas Nurdin
" Airnya Jernih walau belum tertata rapi "
17 November 2017Koba Kalengkongan
" Adem dan natural banget. Tinggal pertahankan kebersihan dan keamanan sehingga tetap disukai untuk dikunjungi. "
05 September 2017Maflindo Butarbutar
" Bagus lokasinya, untuk pengelola supaya diperhatikan tata ruang dan nuansa nya lebih menarik lagi "
16 July 2017Kenji Pangerapan
" Objek wisata alam di pusat ibukota kabupaten minahasa tenggara "
16 February 2017Heri Irfani
" Airnya sangat jernih. Sayang sarana untuk MCK masih sangat minim. "
25 January 2017ジャクソンこれんげん
" Mantap! Natural Swimming Pool... "
12 January 2017Stenly Sambur
" Sunggu bagus tuk di kunjungi "
15 September 2016Novie Hosang
" The cool crystal clear water springs out of a cave where you can actually get in & chill at.
23 July 2016Great place to cure a hangover :D
Please do not litter!
It takes everyone to keep a place like this clean & enjoyable as it is. "
Jey Lalonsang
" Menyenangkan "
21 June 2016Stenly Wahongan
" Asli "
16 May 2016