Warung Makan Sedap Rasa
About Warung Makan Sedap Rasa
Warung Makan Sedap Rasa is a restaurant, located at Jl. Towua No.84, Tatura Sel., Palu Sel., Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah 94235, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-4517-0058 for more detailed information.
Purwanto 07
" Good "
12 May 2018Frilta Aja
" Good "
24 March 2018Bendu Bendu
" Tempat kuliner paling enak. "
12 March 2018Anggara Hertawan
" Recomended gan... Enak... Murah...
18 February 2018Sebelahnya opick geprek gan.
Jangan salah masuk
Soale lokasine di lorong
Serius ni.. Ane gak boong.
Nanti tak tambahin foto2nya "
Jennifer Farihatul Bait
" Thums uo "
14 January 2018Suko Winoto
" Good taste "
19 December 2017Anggita Aprilia
" Lokasi strategis rasa mantap ga kalah sama restoran, murah penjualnya ramah. "
07 December 2017Fajar Widiarrachman
" Nice... "
23 November 2017Fahrizal Fikri Khusni Passion
" Makan dimari aje "
15 October 2017Dharmanto Rahardjo
" Not good enough compare the waiting time.. "
04 September 2017Adya Luli Kristanto
" I got nice service, even this is a small food place. I love it, capcay is good when you less healty. And the most important, cheap ! "
28 April 2017Cornellia Widiastuti
" Great food but loong waiting (average of 1hr) and expensive (for the locals). "
19 December 2016Galaxi Running
" Masakan chinese food... "
25 October 2016Suyandi Liyis
" Taste good but waiting line is too long "
02 June 2016