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About Mutiara Sis Al Jufri Airport

Mutiara Sis Al Jufri Airport is an airport, located at Jalan Doktor Abdurrahman Saleh, Birobuli Utara, Palu Selatan, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah 94111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 451 481702, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 42

Paulus Judianto

" Bandara Mutiara di Palu, tidak terlalu besar, tapi cukup bersih dan cukup modern karena sudah ada garbarata. "

07 June 2018

Kaisan Aljuna

" Bandaranya bersih,, Pelayananya juga bagus. Fasilitas sudah cukup memadai "

12 May 2018

Dilesh Nishaman Epasinghe

" Good local airport. "

08 May 2018

Ardyanto Auwandy

" Nyaman "

15 April 2018

Eky Adhiputra

" mantap lah "

11 April 2018

Jimmy Senduk

" Nice one "

01 April 2018

Yusman Prayogo

" Small Nice airport "

22 September 2017

Nurul Hidayah SB

" Small airport, not too crowded. But the taxi car is expensive "

25 July 2017

Andreas Tarigan

" Small airport with nice view "

25 July 2017

Andreas Tarigan

" Small airport with nice view "

18 July 2017

Fachrul Rony

" Bandara kurang bersih, kalo dipagi hari antrian masuk ke bandara panjang sekali "

12 July 2017

Cak AHen

" The airport still need to be developed. "

25 May 2017

Muhdi Anto

" Its good airpot at celebes. Nice view. "

21 May 2017

NurLaela Ela

" Belum cukup luas lapangan udaranya "

16 May 2017

Ahmad Oppo

" Biar kecil tapi bagus "

27 April 2017

Nurdin Anto

" Ok "

27 April 2017

Mohamad Khaidir

" The name of this Airport, He is Influence "Ulama" at Central Sulawesi.. "

20 April 2017

Feronika Ang

" Despite of the good looking new airport, the quarantine/ health area has a poor service when it comes to money, i was 6.5 month pregnant, yet i have to pay for the letter recommendation to fly while i have my doctor written a letter recommendation which according to them it has expired. I traveled so many times and this time i have to pay for the legal materai which supposed to be only Rp. 6.000 and they charge me Rp. 10.000 and for the administration the airport charge 25.000 again.. seriously.. its a ripped off for pregnancy women. "

17 April 2017

Abdul Wahab Lasenggo

" Bandara Mutiara SIS Al Jufri sebelumnya bernama Bandara Masovu (tanah berdebuh) kemuadan di ganti menjadi Mutiara diberikan oleh Presiden Soekarno ketika berkunjung ke Palu pada tahun 1957
kemudian tahun 2014 menjadi Bandara Mutiara SIS Al Jufri adalah tokoh pendidikan di Sulawesi Tengah yang juga mrnyebarkan agama Islam di daerah ini . Perubahan nama bandara itu juga untuk menghargai jasa serta perjuangan Habib Sayyid Idrus bin Salim Aljufri dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam di kawasan timur Indonesia
Bandar udara ini , memiliki satu landas pacu permukaan beraspal nomor berukuran 2.750 x 45 meter. "

04 April 2017

Matius Cahyadi

" Small airport on palu "

01 April 2017

Matius Cahyadi

" Small airport on palu city.. Clean and good "

28 March 2017

My G-Vostro

" Good, not to bad... Clean. "

26 March 2017

Edy Chandradya

" Bandara baru "

25 March 2017

Edy Chandradya

" Bandara kecil, masih baru "

25 March 2017

Willy Wijaya

" Bagus yhhh "

20 March 2017

Bintar Purbayanto

" Kita sdh pegang tiket boarding pass krn sdh kita cetak duluan dr rumah ..... eh transit palu tdk berlaku hrs boarding lagi ..... capek deh.... "

08 November 2016

Ferry Ehmat

" Bandara Sis Al Jufri.
Bandara kecil. Lumayan bersih.
Tapi pernah kecewa sekali.
Heran juga yaaa. Tiket ada check in agak telat tapi pesawatnya belum berangkat.
Ketika ingin check in . Katanya bangku penuh.
Coba bayangin mesti ngapa.
Itu bukan rahasia di kota Palu. Hehehe "

28 September 2016

Ronny Cool

" Still need many improvement particularly about the sercive "

25 September 2016

Ilyas Bundanaya

" Cemen deh lu "

25 September 2016

Ridwan Gosal

" Way better than the old airport. The waiting room for passengers are expansive and properly air cooled. Unfortunately the check in area can get messy when crowded and the baggage carousel can't handle the amount of passengers. "

05 September 2016

Irawan Triyago

" Bandara kebanggan warga sulawesi tengah😀✈✈ "

19 August 2016

Abdul Latif

" bersih "

04 July 2016

Ethex Brow

" Tepat "

27 June 2016

Saggaf Arsyad

" Lots of improvement since the renovation. It seems not finished yet. Located inside the town, about 5-10 minutes, no traffic, but overpriced transportation to go anywhere from the airport. You'll need to call a friend to pick you up "

18 February 2016

Randy Lee

" U miss typing this location. Why u didnt change it soon. We already told u almost a year. Come on "

10 February 2016

Kaka Rizki Official

" Iam already edit this airport to the right name and place ;) cause it's in my city so i know about this airport ;) "

09 February 2016

Aulia Apryananda

" Bersih dan teratur "

29 December 2015

Mirayanti Said

" More comfort and completed with nursery room and kids zone, very helpfull for mommy and kids who want to travelling "

19 December 2015

Arif Faiq

" Clean and spacious "

29 November 2015

Kemas M Tofani

" Wrong name but right place.
The name of Palu airport is mutiara sis al jufri.. "

26 October 2015

Giacinto Petrera

" The map shows the wrong location indeed, Komodo Airport is at Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Flores island. On this map Komodo Airport is at Palu, Sulawesi...absolutely WRONG!!!!!! "

07 April 2015

Aim Husen

" Wisma Donggala Hotels "

17 July 2013

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