About SMA Neg. 2 Barru
SMA Neg. 2 Barru is a school, located at JL. PRAMUKA, Barro 90752
Senior High school 2 Barru build on July,12 2010. It's located at Lajulo (near Scout Camping of Lajulo).
Senior High school 2 Barru build on July,12 2010, and this time we still have five grade. It is located at Lajulo (near Scout Camping of Lajulo). Senior High school 2 Barru is the first boarding senior high school build by Barru government. By this way, we hope we grow up the effective and efficient teaching and learning processes.
Teachers and Principle of Senior High school 2 Barru are selected by testing of Educational Department of Barru Regency.
Senior High school 2 Barru comes to build up the quality of education in Barru Regency by focusing on SCIENCE TECNOLOGY and BELIEVING TO GOD preparing students for GLOBAL competition.