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About STMIK Kharisma Makassar

STMIK Kharisma Makassar is located at Jalan Baji Ateka No.20, Baji Mappakasunggu, Mamajang, Baji Mappakasunggu, Mamajang, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90134, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 411 871555, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 25

Advan 075987

" I wasnt a student at Stmik Kharisma Makassar, but once I join the event in this campus for Dies Natalis , I feel like here, I will find my dream campus and get interested to continue my study here. I am a high school student. I want to continue my study there. Aamiin. "

15 March 2018

Deni Mulyadi Studios

" Kampus tmpt dimn sy mnuntut ilmu, maju terus klw bisa adain prog studi S2 nya. "

13 March 2018

Ice Cream

" late schedule and late notification if 'dosen' cant go to the campus "

24 January 2018

Fitria Anwar

" Semangat untuk LDK nya angkatan 1 semester 1😊 "

22 September 2017

Ardi Anto

" Ok "

27 August 2017

Fahri Huzayri

" Not a best collage for learn methods "

14 June 2017

Kriswanda Krishnapatria

" One of the best nursing Academies in town "

17 May 2017

Ahyar Muawwal

" kmpus penuh kekeluargaan.. senang rasanya berada disini.. alat untuk hardware, aplikasi, dan juga dosen yang sangat kompeten "

28 April 2017

Dire Truth

" STMIK Kharisma managed to provide a great system for students to not only to improve on knowledge around software and hardware, but also their skills in organizations like team-working, socializing, etc. However, i can not excuse the excruciating experience from joining the anniversary comitee (often called Dies Natalis comitee).

The head comitee (Hendra Tan) baited the freshmans with the rewards which would seems very meager compared to what they would have to experience in the future. And they were not allowed to leave unless they want to get a massive -200 points loss even though they just started the semester.

The freshmens were tied very tightly from the start to the end in the comitee. While it is good for them to gain experience, but the fact that both the Head comitee and some of the team coordinators pay little to no attention towards the freshmens health, time, and money is infuriating.

One of the freshmen complained of course, but the head comitee simply replied that he had it worse during last year's comitee, which obviously have nothing to do with the freshmens.

There are still so many things i would like to complain during the 2016-2017 comitee, especially from the incompetence of the head of comitee which did not have grasps on reality and could not socialize properly or even professionally with the freshman members or members that he considers as "bad" people for his social circle. I tried to reappeal by working harder in the comitee and coming for the duty despite my sickness, but he pays no regard.

Long-story short, if you want to have better experience in STMIK Kharisma, DO NOT join the anniversary comitee, especially i heard the -200 points system is still going to be applied next year. Join other organizations instead, like student activity units which are basically clubs. Some of the clubs actually teaches you a subject that you would learn in later semester and would enter competition which could earn you certificates that you could turn into points. "

27 March 2017

Ahmad Fauzi

" STMIK rasa PTUN "

23 February 2017


" udah lama ga main ke kampus "

16 December 2016

Agung Trisnandar

" Go Open Source "

07 October 2016

Sandhy Pratama

" Smoga dpat sya dpt msuk di sni "

29 September 2016

Waode Makani Daga

" Our source of passion "

14 September 2016

Kharisma Publisher

" good and continuous improvement of the university "

28 August 2016

Tian Tri

" Persiapkan diri kalian buat Wisuda nanti ., Terutama Buat Kamu Diana Siska Dewi ...😇 "

25 August 2016

Trisnanda Widjaya

" Saya sekolah disini :) "

25 May 2016

Noviyanto ID

" Teruslah ciptakan mahasiswa berprestasi "

03 March 2016

Herry Horas

" kampus ku "

02 January 2016

Junaedy Jhund

" Kampus "

15 December 2015

Zn Zan

" Ini kampus "

05 August 2015

Ahmad Mubarok

" mantaaaabs "

28 June 2015

Ujang Akung

" Satu-satunya Institusi yg menggunakan Sistem Open Source di Karawang "

29 May 2015

Andri Darmawan

" good "

31 October 2012

Alexander Wibowo

" Thats my campus "

09 October 2012

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