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About SMA Tahfizhul Qur'an Asy-Syathiby

SMA Tahfizhul Qur'an Asy-Syathiby is a school, located at Bontoramba, Somba Opu, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi 92119, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 823-3536-7514, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 16

Sukmha Fadhel

" Hopefully ananda will feel at home, and her dreams of becoming Hafizh may come true ,, aamiin ya rabbal'aalamim "

04 November 2020

Ami Sriwulandari

" MaasyaaAllah .. A boarding school that brings a more peaceful heart "

24 October 2020

Ahmad Nur Aliem

" Pesantren struggle, now is getting bigger & more advanced, students are increasing.

With a learning system that combines general lessons, Diniyah & tahfidz as excellent programs, competent teaching staff in their fields, some of which are direct middle east alumni, are the main attraction for parents to entrust their children to be educated in SMA / SMP Tahfidzul Qur 's background is this boarding school. "

23 July 2020


" Seohy "

19 January 2020

Haeriah Syamsuddin

" Islamic boarding school for male students who want to learn Islam better. "

19 January 2020

As Nawir

" Tempatnya para calon hafidz qur'an "

30 June 2019

Muhammad Syukur

" Salah satu pilihan yang tepat dalam mendidik ataupun membentuk anak "

23 April 2019

Fatur Rijal Official

" Tmpat ini sangat nyaman untuk menghafal al Qur'an dan di tempat ini lulusanx rata2 penghafal al Qur'an 30 juz "

27 March 2019

Abu Ahmad

" Tempatnya para calon penghafal Al-Qur'an. "

27 February 2019

Faaiz Abdullah

" Salah satu pondok tahfidzul quran tingkat SMA yg recomended d sulawesi... "

17 October 2018

Dirwan Matutu

" Salah satu pondok yg saya rekomendasi kan dlm mendidik anak generasi kita. Sy pemerhati akhlak generasi muda islam "

12 January 2018

Hardianto Dg Salimung

" Mendidik santri demi tegaknya Agama Allah menjadi hafiz... "

07 November 2017

Rismalasari Aman

" Semoga Allah memberikan rahmat dan berkahnya di sekolah pencetak santri tahfidz ..di pondok.Imam Assyatibi "

07 November 2017

Imam Asy-syathiby

" membangun karakter qur'ani.. "

07 November 2017

Ramli Amiruddin

" salah satu sekolah tahfizh yg direkomendasikan di sulawesi selatan.. "

01 November 2017

Edi Supardi

" Pondokku "

22 January 2017

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