RS. Pendidikan Unhas Gedung E-F
About RS. Pendidikan Unhas Gedung E-F
RS. Pendidikan Unhas Gedung E-F is a hospital, located at Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km. 11 (Pintu 2 Unhas), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 411 591331, visit their website for more detailed information.
Ikar Swito
" Best Cancer canter "
10 August 2017M. Tasrif Mansur
" The best hospital in Makassar, even in the Eastern Region of Indonesia. The hospital is belong to Hasanuddin University. The building are very clean and health. The nurses are young and very professional than other hospitals have. Most of them are graduated from Hasanuddin University Nurse Faculty. So it's gonna be sure the quality. The doctors are also very professional and talented. "
21 June 2017Nugroho Hasan
" This Hospital place are just cross the street of PCC "
01 June 2017Alia Sri Wahyuni
" Tempat kerja yang nyaman.. tempat kerja yang membuka peluang sebesar-besarnya bagi seluruh karyawan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baik dalam profesionalisme maupun spiritual.. "
16 February 2017Asdar Fajrin
" Clean and hospitality place "
21 January 2017Rezkullah Effendy
" Very good and clean. You can use BPJS here (Indonesian health insurance) "
11 January 2017Wira Nuryadin
" nyaman, termasuk salah satu rumah sakit yg mempunyai peralatan yg canggih & terlengkap di makassar..fasilitas rawat inap (kamar) perlu d tingkat kan lagi 😉 "
29 November 2016Asyraful Anam
" For both health and health science education 👍👍 "
19 August 2016Caroco Beddu
" Sangat membantu "
05 August 2016Nur Leyla
" Keren "
10 June 2016Achmad Alfarizy
" Bagus sekali "
23 November 2014Rhizka Safitra
" hoaaammm "
31 August 2014Hermin S
" Good "
27 April 2014