Ramayana Departement Store (Permanently Closed)
About Ramayana Departement Store (Permanently Closed)
Ramayana Departement Store (Permanently Closed) is a department store, located at Panakkukang Square Lantai Dasar & Lantai 1, Jalan Adhyaksa Baru 1, Pandang, Panakkukang, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90231, Indonesia. Visit their website www.ramayana.co.id for more detailed information.
Ruli S
" A mall that has a wide range of stuff and store, affordable and clean "
27 April 2018Gunawan Wibisono
" Pros:
07 April 2018-The only place in cilegon which has movie theatre
-Cheap and various kind of clothes
Cons :
-Few parking lot "
Inspiration Of Life
" 2nd option Mall in Cilegon Area "
05 April 2018Freaking Tall
" Too crowded. Clothes stand on the ground floor is too much and on the first floor is too much mobile cellular stand and sometimes smell of cigarette smoke. "
12 March 2018Narpati Pradana
" near tol Cilegon Jakarta. It has several food stands (KFC, Solaria, D'Cost, etc). It has cinemas. "
03 December 2017Made Sukmadhi Parthama
" A right plate if you want find complete selection of products with a low price. While you are shopping you could take your childeren to play videogames and other payfull activities, also when you are done shopping you could eat in some good restaurant or just have quick dring in esteler 77. The onlything that they need to improve is the restroom, the restroom is dirty and need some renovation. "
26 November 2017Erick Fernando
" This place good for shop and this place have XXI CINEMAS inside "
15 October 2017Fadlan Aulia
" good mall in cilegon and have 21 cinema "
11 September 2017Ricky Prathama
" One of famous mall at cilegon "
08 September 2017Afni NayLaS
" This is the best Ramayana I've ever visit. You have to come there someday. "
29 July 2017Indra Suhendra
" Good place to shopping 🛍 "
20 July 2017Carlo Bertini
" A good place in this city. Has a new cinema. But you cannot compare with Jakarta. "
10 July 2017Upi Hassan
" Complete place to your own need "
28 June 2017Panji Ginanjar
" It's the same like other ramayana branch. Same cloth, shoes etc. "
20 June 2017Raka Adzansyah
" There is a one and only cinema in cilegon "
19 April 2017Imam Kuluyubi
" Nice place for kids "
31 March 2017Mio STFU
" Nilai plus cuma di Bioskop aja, lainnya biasa saja "
16 March 2017Dadang Wira
" Model departement store "
11 February 2017Manz Tiha
" Simple store and not much open for cashier's "
04 January 2017Helmy Daulat
" Very good mall to buy clothes and shoes. "
04 October 2016Sarles Sihombing
" Kurang lengkap "
24 August 2016Adi Budiman
" Ada Bioskop 21 nya "
19 August 2016Adi Permana S
" This department store is good for shopping with some branded product with good quality. The discount has given frequently. You can choose the various clothes and pants here. The place is comfortable enough, you can enjoy the coffee (it located near the entrance) while waiting your family shopping. Happy shopping! "
19 August 2016Ibnu Maksum
" Dari kecil selalu belanja di Ramayanan.
19 August 2016Jangan tertipu diskon, diskon itu hanya ilusi, ga ada pengusaha yg mau rugi 😛 "
Aziz Agus
" Ya recomend buat semua "
31 July 2016Indra Solihin
" ada bioskopnya "
14 July 2016Bayu Wisnu Sasongko
" Tempatnya bisa di bilang kurang luas. Tapi banyak koleksi baju nya. "
27 January 2016