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About McDonald's Pettarani

McDonald's Pettarani is a restaurant, located at Jl. Pangeran Pettarani No.20, Tamamaung, Kec. Makassar, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90232, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-1927-737, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 33

Fatratullah Muhsin

" Salah satu tempat makanan cepat saji yang terdapat di Makassar, tertelak di jalan A. P. Pettarani dekat dengan pusat kota dan jalur angkutan umum. Tempat yang luas dan nyaman serta tersedianya WiFi gratis bagi pengunjung membuat banyak anak muda hingga orang dewasa senang menghabiskan waktu libur dan malam harinya disini. Terdapat private room yang dapat di jadikan sebagai ruang meeting bahkan acara ulang tahun bagi anda, teman, bahkan anak-anak anda. Selain menyediakan makanan yang dapat dimakan langsung di tempat juga menyediakan system take away dengan system drive thru sehingga memudahkan anda yang tidak ingin mengantri lama untuk mendapatkan makanan. Tempat ini buka 24 jam dengan pelayanan yang lumayan baik, tempat ini bersih dan luas. Walaupun tempatnya yang luas, tetap saja banyak pengunjung yang harus rela berdiri untuk menunggu dan mencari tempat duduk yang kosong. "

20 June 2018

Just Nila

" I ordered a Mc Flurry Choco, they offer a McFlurry Milo then when I ask for a McFlurry Milo. They give McFlurry Choco Milk.. ... LOL "

18 June 2018

Santos Cruzer

" Great place to find great chiken 😂
plus u can looking for litle chiken 💃LOL "

23 May 2018

Heriyanto Lomo

" The taste is good, just as another KFC all over Indonesia 😅 But one thing I love the most is the playground for children here. It's safer than the playground at KFC Ratulangi. My kids also enjoy it much! "

04 May 2018

Khairul Umam

" Cleanliness shall be improved, especially the toilet. It's just too dirty and sometimes they have clogged sink "

11 April 2018

Aditya Achmad

" Fairly big parking area, fast service, but needs more tables and seatings "

11 April 2018

Fahri Dwi Permana

" What can I describe about McDonald’s. It’s McDonald’s restaurant, everyone knows it. But since this restaurant is in the middle of the city so it could get very crowded sometimes especially at the weekend. The services in this restaurant is good and quite fast just like any other McDonald’s restaurant.This restaurant also Become one of the most favorite restaurant for people to hang out Because it’s open 24 hours "

06 April 2018

Joget Ronggeng

" Decent outlet, lots of students.. And chicks "

04 April 2018

Sarbini Muhamad

" Coz i come in midle venue mess a bit "

03 April 2018

Andi Mardyah Mursal

" Fast food restaurant with a good wifi.. But not a comfortable place to spend a quality time with friends or family... Because in some hours its to crowded and noisy.. "

19 February 2018

Firda Amalia Haeruddin

" The location is strategies because in the middle of city. There is special birthday room and mini play ground for children. Always crowd both lunch and dinner. It has a strong wifi so u can enjoy to download film or others :p the most important. It has mushollah too. Tp agak kesel karena deket sama tempat limbah jd kadang klo udh numpuk, sholatnya jadi gak khusyu :( "

23 January 2018

Tomu Juliana Sitanggang

" Very good location, nice and spacey place.
But they don't served any kind of burger before 11 AM 😥 "

23 January 2018

Stanley Mitchell

" Habisin duit "

01 November 2017

Wahyuwati Rahman

" Nice place for breakfast, lunch or dinner with family. I like ice cream sunday "

14 October 2017

Ferdy Purnama

" nice place to hang out, good drive thru service also "

05 October 2017

Budy Wuysang

" Used to be very clean, after awhile not so although still cleaner than mall ratu indah outlet. "

19 September 2017

Nabila Jibril

" Its good for fastfood reutourant "

28 July 2017

Rendyka Prana

" standard fastfood. crowded, not very clean, smells bad, noisy.
maybe because on peak hour. "

15 July 2017

Rryant Arta

" drive thru-nya keren.... "

02 July 2017

Andi Maddusila

" Quick ok food & accept all type of payment "

10 May 2017

Maulany El Fath

" The bathroom is Bad. Very disgusting! And the waiters are slow response to clean up the table. "

14 April 2017

Muliani Patorani

" Very cozy, good place to hangout with friends, nice table setting and also optional for indoors and outdoors, you can sit there as long as you want "

12 April 2017

Ferry Kristanty

" Nice place to hang out. Affordable food and beverages. Playing area for kids is available. The place is a bit crowded most of the time. "

29 March 2017

Hatta Iswahyudi

" Recomended like others "

12 February 2017

Brian Brigg

" Typical McDonald's service, minus one star for bathroom being less than clean. "

03 February 2017

Edwin Dirgantara

" The food is normal. Average taste, as if McDonalds usual. But the place is nice for kids. Has a sliding for kids. "

24 January 2017

Erry Pradana Darajati

" Just like regular McDonalds. Best for quick lunch. Not really good for small talks with friends "

06 November 2016

Ito Rijal

" Lokasi strategis. "

30 August 2016

Muhammad Ziad

" Most of the time im drive thru "

27 August 2016

Stevry Yushady

" Drive thru nya cepat. "

10 August 2016

Rachmad Triapto

" The place where you can get quite good burger. "

07 August 2016

Lesdoup 7

" pelayanan cepat. buka 24 jam.. rasa istimewa.. minus di koordinasi antar pelayan, kadang orderan yg ditunggu salah bawa, bahkan dilupakan, ato kurang "

18 July 2016

Afiful Fanani

" The food was good but sometimes the place is not clean enough. "

07 July 2016

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  • Monday Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 hours
  • Thursday Open 24 hours
  • Friday Open 24 hours
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  • Sunday Open 24 hours