Lotte Mart Wholesale - Makassar
About Lotte Mart Wholesale - Makassar
Lotte Mart Wholesale - Makassar is a supermarket, located at Jl. Sultan Alauddin No.87, Pa'baeng-Baeng, Tamalate, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90221, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 411 832813, visit their website for more detailed information.
" Fresh fruit, low price and so many discount. "
10 June 2018Andi Nilda Affida Hasly
" They sell in large scale/wholesale, for the smaller bussiness, they dont provide plastic bags, bring your own, you have to register for a card first to buy things here and collect the points "
07 June 2018Ayu Nilamsari
" Lengkap, murah "
11 April 2018Fajar Fachruddin
" Wholesale experience, buy more to get fair price "
10 April 2018Michael Daud
" Nice, warm and cozy supermarket in makassar city "
01 March 2018Arniaty Lafifa
" I hate the "pack yourself" thing after shopping. but that's how they do. "
18 February 2018Haji Kiki
" Goood shoping "
08 February 2018Rahmi Kholidah
" Good service and offer many things related to our daily needs. "
03 January 2018Khaeruddin Nurdin
" I like this shopping venue. It consistently provides goods for customers even not many people come here and the prices are also competitive "
01 January 2018Annisa Suci Nurfarah
" It has a cheaper price than the other. But, why payment with visa/mastercard, bca card and the other card must be charged anymore? Meanwhile, the other is not "
10 December 2017Yabu 72
" I turned off the location on my phones and why the heck it still tracked me here "
06 December 2017Rizki ;
" Every month, I go to this wholeseller to buy monthly needs on my households "
29 November 2017Nursyamsi Junus
" Good place to get fresh products, but this place not give plastic for all things we'd bougt "
03 October 2017Faraha Julismana Putra
" Routine monthly shopping, it has big parking.
01 September 2017The goods not so completely "
" So far so good "
07 August 2017Ilham Yuliani
" Recomended place for us "
22 July 2017Yandi Indra
" Staffs helpfull
22 July 2017Store wide and clean
Goods almost complet
Best price "
Muhammad Evan Taufik
" Great place to shopping. Nice price "
06 July 2017Acep Ruhiyat
" Ok "
01 July 2017Agus Rahmat Subakti
" The price is very reasonable "
11 June 2017Hamdani Subandi
" The only thing is wrong with this place is that it's far away from my home, lolz! I lived in Maros Regency, it's like over 25km away from me "
08 June 2017Aris Gunawan
" Bagus tempatnya untuk orang yang suka belanja banyak 👍👍👍👍 "
25 May 2017Zaenal Muttaqin
" one stop shopping "
11 May 2017Andi Maddusila
" Need membership to purcase here. Credit card will get extra charge "
10 May 2017Edgar Manik
" Very good price compared to supermarket you find at mall. "
13 April 2017Daniel Novario
" Enough cheap for shopping in this place. Very comfort but the air conditioner bot too cold. "
11 April 2017Panji Ginanjar
" A bang for your bucks, cheaper in dozen or bulk. You must bring your own grocery bags here (no plastic bags provided by store) "
12 February 2017Robby Lasiah
" Wholesale store with normal concept "
11 February 2017Begy Anggara
" Tempat nyaman, parkir gratis, hanya saja tidak di kasih kantong plastik saat belanja.
10 February 2017Jadi cocok untuk belanja banyak dan menggunakan mobil. "
Tommy Lairan
" Good "
03 February 2017Abu Dabi
" Lengkap belanja smua perlengkapan dapur elektronik dll smua ada di lotte mart harga nya jg lumayan miring di banding yg lain "
03 February 2017Nugroho Hasan
" I just know that they dont provide the plastic bag. Place are large, feel litle hot cause no AC. Other is okay. Oh ya free parking. "
20 January 2017Imam Zulfikar
" Sometimes it's to hot.. And don't forget bring your own shopping bag "
17 December 2016NASUHI S.Pd.I
" ok "
04 October 2016Iqbal Muhammad Iskandar
" Best wholesale in the city where you can find various supplies for home, office or your cafe/restaurant. Some office items are just too expensive. "
16 September 2016Starcofan 667
" This is very nice and a great grocery store "
14 September 2016Saprudin Afkar
" Antrian di kasirnya lama banget "
15 July 2016Rizki Setiawan
" Grosir "
14 July 2016Jokoo Santosa
" Komplit "
04 July 2016Utary Yanti
" Serba ada "
26 June 2016Rangga Pradipta
" Murah product promina dan sunnya... "
09 June 2016Zulu Man
" Sangat membantu pedagang rumahan "
17 March 2016Clarence Rusli S
" Murah deh, kmrn beli freezer dimari dan harganya ga jauh ma di jakarta "
14 January 2016Muh. Farid Kasim
" Hemat dan lengkap "
11 December 2015Muhammad Idrus
" Tempat belanja murah nih... "
26 November 2015Fadil Platypus
" Reatalier is Works For Bussnies... "
12 October 2015