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About Losari Beach Platform

Losari Beach Platform is a park, located at Maloku, Jalan Penghibur, Losari, Ujung Pandang, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90113, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 13

Redha Irwan

" good place to keep your presence in makassar. but careful with food there. too expensive "

17 May 2018

Chris Van Damme

" This promenade along the sea is a vivid place in the evening. Tens of little shops selling drinks and small dishes. Fried bananas are every where. Disco music at some of those shops. Everything is gone next morning. "

14 May 2018

Nitya Nareswari

" It was a good place for hangging out. But the weather was quite hot here. So, better to go here before 10 AM or after sunset. "

11 May 2018

Rini Yanti

" Losari beach is beautiful, especially at Toraja stadium. We can see sunrise here. Just enjoy the scene or wefie with families and friends "

24 April 2018

Khairul Umam

" A mainstream tourist's first spot when they came to the city. Provide a city views and reclamation beach. For few years ahead, government has planned to make the spot into a national government center and call it as the center point of Indonesia. Around the losari Beach there are lot of hotels with kinda high rates. No need to worry about food, there will always food around the neighbor. "

12 April 2018

Aan Prastya

" Best time to visit is around 3-5pm where you can see a lot of street food vendors, selling local snack. The beach is ordinary. The view is ordinary. But the ambiance is good as you will mingle with the crowds who are mostly locals. "

14 March 2018

Putri Widyarti Kendria

" Too crowded. Too overrated.
Don't spend too much time here, it's draining money. Especially if you don't speak like locals. Too much people (esp. college students) holding some upcoming event and asking for donation, or little boy doing hard-selling, non-stop begging us to buy something we don't need even when we repeatedly refuse. "

14 March 2018

Feruk Esduantody

" Good place, very clean and has many recommended street food. Has great mosque near beach. But view at beach not good enough due to project construction.. "

28 February 2018

Heru Purwanto

" Public place with makassar thematic beach... suggested for early morning sports or sunset visiting until night for culinary. "

12 December 2017

Muflih Fathoniawan

" Pantai losari adalah tempat yang asyik untuk menikmati senja hari, tempat yang enak untuk keluarga. Di pantai ini, anda dapat menikmati pemandangn sunset di lautan. Selain itu, anda juga dapat menjumpai banyak penjual sarabba dan pisang epe camilan khas Makassar. Sayang sekali, proyek pengembangan kota yang membuat lahan di atas garis pantai membuat pemandangan losari kini kurang nyaman. Air laut di tepian pantai juga kotor dan bau. "

10 December 2017

Adi Setiya

" Better if you came here by the morning, nice view, less garbage, plus you can shot sunrise. Less people too. Easy to access. The local government should take care of the cleanness of the area add more garbage can or hire more park ranger. Better if you came here by the morning, nice view, less garbage, plus you can shot sunrise. Less people too. Easy to access. The local government should take care of the cleanness of the area add more garbage can or hire more park ranger "

24 November 2017

Putri Widyarti Kendria

" Too crowded.
Don't spend too much time here, it's draining money. Especially if you don't speak like locals. Too much people (esp. college students) holding some upcoming event and asking for donation, or little boy doing hard-selling, non-stop begging us to buy something we don't need even when we repeatedly refuse. "

03 November 2017

Erick Darma Saputra

" My first time being here and it was cloudy and about 5 minutes later the rain came (light shower) guess I'm lucky since all the people are looking somewhere dry, I take the opportunity to take a pictures. The place is clean. People normally come here during night time (based on the information from my local friend) and I bet night time with all the lights, the ambience is more fun! Will go there at night when I have the chance. "

09 October 2017

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