" Arrive here quite late… and they don't have n much choices left… overall food is not bad and the price won't be expensive… recommend their satay, ayam pelicing and kangkung pelincing… the taste was heaven "
13 May 2018
Airie Joe
" Delicious food. Served all lombok n bali delicacies. Love their sate (idr40k for 10pcs - very big) n ayam taliwang (idr60k for 2)(must try). Thier staff very friendly. Almost full during lunch hour. Close at 9pm daily. "
09 May 2018
Murrieh Edisetio
" Kesan pertama ngeselin bangetttttt....tdk ada tempat buat duduk, mejanya penuh piring kotor ga ada yg bersihin padahal kami sdh nunggu sambil berdiri hampir 15 menit "
02 May 2018
Aswir Hari
" Tempatnya bersih, enak dan nyaman untuk keluarga serta sahabat "
01 May 2018
Alfaz Rental
" ok "
22 March 2018
" Nice local cuisine ini Lombok
Good taste, but a little bit over priced for the foods and beverages. "
21 March 2018
Wahyu Kuliukur
" Wah meiq inee malek beketoan. Ado temporloi "
17 March 2018
Zenal Muslikhun
" Tempat nyaman, tp agak tersembunyi "
11 March 2018
Andini Putri
" Affordable price, the place is comfort "
15 February 2018
Dakwah Gaul
" Menu yang disediakan murah dan nikmat ditambah suasana yang asri "
05 February 2018
Amri Agus
" Lumayanlah untuk kumpulan ibu2 arisan, hanya saja panasnya itu lo "
30 December 2017
Xianira Thio
" Nasi campur 3A with sambal is the best "
26 December 2017
Ika Malaika
" Delicious dishes
Friendly staff
Great place
Recommended👍👍👍 "
01 November 2017
Ardian Vidhianov
" Goood "
23 October 2017
Lely Ley
" Delicious food, good services and cozy place. The toilettes are clean enough. But the parking area only on the road. No one parking area available. "
13 October 2017
Restu Megantara
" Delicious food, good facilities, only minus in parking lot, best 'lesehan' in town (Praya) "
05 October 2017
Yurisha Light
" Biasa aja "
27 September 2017
Elbafi Dinan
" nyaman untuk anak anak dan orang dewasa "
22 September 2017
Dion Pratama
" Good food "
15 September 2017
Mudji Tahid
" A good place for lunch dinner etc "
18 August 2017
Prasetyo Soemarno
" Like ordinary restaurant, good foods "
13 July 2017
Bappeda Kab.Lombok Tengah
" good food - good service "
12 July 2017
Imsa Wiranegara
" One of my best restaurant that i've done "
22 June 2017
Martin Hardiono
" One of the best restaurant in town. "
08 May 2017
Bona Fransdita
" Good food,,ayam kampung goreng "
06 May 2017
Savira Qaini
" the food is okay. the facilities such as prayer place and toilet is clean. "
06 April 2017
Torry Kuswardono
" Delicious traditional Lombok Food "
14 March 2017
Munawir Nhawier
" Tempat makan baru "
09 March 2017
Metty Ferriska
" Delicious food "
06 March 2017
YADI GUNARA Sastrawiguna
" ok "
18 January 2017
Wiyanto Sudarsono
" Makanan enak. "
17 July 2016
Ditya Arifanda
" Best places to eat in this town. You can find the typical cuisine of Lombok. Try their grilled chicken, it's recommended, but you have to prepare little bit of cash, it's more expensive than other restaurants in this town. "
Alan Wong
" Arrive here quite late… and they don't have n much choices left… overall food is not bad and the price won't be expensive… recommend their satay, ayam pelicing and kangkung pelincing… the taste was heaven "
13 May 2018Airie Joe
" Delicious food. Served all lombok n bali delicacies. Love their sate (idr40k for 10pcs - very big) n ayam taliwang (idr60k for 2)(must try). Thier staff very friendly. Almost full during lunch hour. Close at 9pm daily. "
09 May 2018Murrieh Edisetio
" Kesan pertama ngeselin bangetttttt....tdk ada tempat buat duduk, mejanya penuh piring kotor ga ada yg bersihin padahal kami sdh nunggu sambil berdiri hampir 15 menit "
02 May 2018Aswir Hari
" Tempatnya bersih, enak dan nyaman untuk keluarga serta sahabat "
01 May 2018Alfaz Rental
" ok "
" Nice local cuisine ini Lombok
21 March 2018Good taste, but a little bit over priced for the foods and beverages. "
Wahyu Kuliukur
" Wah meiq inee malek beketoan. Ado temporloi "
17 March 2018Zenal Muslikhun
" Tempat nyaman, tp agak tersembunyi "
11 March 2018Andini Putri
" Affordable price, the place is comfort "
15 February 2018Dakwah Gaul
" Menu yang disediakan murah dan nikmat ditambah suasana yang asri "
05 February 2018Amri Agus
" Lumayanlah untuk kumpulan ibu2 arisan, hanya saja panasnya itu lo "
30 December 2017Xianira Thio
" Nasi campur 3A with sambal is the best "
26 December 2017Ika Malaika
" Delicious dishes
01 November 2017Friendly staff
Great place
Recommended👍👍👍 "
Ardian Vidhianov
" Goood "
23 October 2017Lely Ley
" Delicious food, good services and cozy place. The toilettes are clean enough. But the parking area only on the road. No one parking area available. "
13 October 2017Restu Megantara
" Delicious food, good facilities, only minus in parking lot, best 'lesehan' in town (Praya) "
05 October 2017Yurisha Light
" Biasa aja "
27 September 2017Elbafi Dinan
" nyaman untuk anak anak dan orang dewasa "
22 September 2017Dion Pratama
" Good food "
15 September 2017Mudji Tahid
" A good place for lunch dinner etc "
18 August 2017Prasetyo Soemarno
" Like ordinary restaurant, good foods "
13 July 2017Bappeda Kab.Lombok Tengah
" good food - good service "
12 July 2017Imsa Wiranegara
" One of my best restaurant that i've done "
22 June 2017Martin Hardiono
" One of the best restaurant in town. "
08 May 2017Bona Fransdita
" Good food,,ayam kampung goreng "
06 May 2017Savira Qaini
" the food is okay. the facilities such as prayer place and toilet is clean. "
06 April 2017Torry Kuswardono
" Delicious traditional Lombok Food "
14 March 2017Munawir Nhawier
" Tempat makan baru "
09 March 2017Metty Ferriska
" Delicious food "
06 March 2017YADI GUNARA Sastrawiguna
" ok "
18 January 2017Wiyanto Sudarsono
" Makanan enak. "
17 July 2016Ditya Arifanda
" Best places to eat in this town. You can find the typical cuisine of Lombok. Try their grilled chicken, it's recommended, but you have to prepare little bit of cash, it's more expensive than other restaurants in this town. "
19 February 2016David Rianto
" Best resto so far in praya "
05 February 2016Arief Maulana
" Good food, good price "
01 February 2016Sandi Bakti
" Yg penting kenyang "
15 March 2015