" The best valley to visit for spacious savana and super wonderful view...small clear river in the center, one of the best place for camping & trekking "
04 April 2018
Laode Shalahuddin
" Great "
26 February 2018
Amir Jejak
" pemandangan yg membuat saya jatuh cinta "
28 August 2017
Pingkha Wijaya
" Mendaki itu sperti narkoba sekali coba ke tagihan trus 😂 "
04 May 2017
Rickyamachi Arsyusuf
" A convenient place for camping fun, availability of water, as well as the best place to get a picture milky way during the summer season.
a hiking trail up and down gives sensation for beginners, 5-6 hours to reach these places with a leisurely stroll. "
17 November 2016
Andhy Wahyudy
" Pengalaman saya cukup berkesan bisa menemukan tempat yang sangay indah "
11 October 2016
Roy Sinaga
" Nice for trekking, but please bring back your plastics bottle, indomie plastics and all your garbage, dont littering this beautiful valley! "
11 July 2016
Anto Anto
" Tempat keren untik liburan..mari jaga kelestarianx bersama. "
Ichsanul Alifwan
" Great views "
07 May 2018Masrukhin Bin Muslikin
" The best valley to visit for spacious savana and super wonderful view...small clear river in the center, one of the best place for camping & trekking "
04 April 2018Laode Shalahuddin
" Great "
26 February 2018Amir Jejak
" pemandangan yg membuat saya jatuh cinta "
28 August 2017Pingkha Wijaya
" Mendaki itu sperti narkoba sekali coba ke tagihan trus 😂 "
04 May 2017Rickyamachi Arsyusuf
" A convenient place for camping fun, availability of water, as well as the best place to get a picture milky way during the summer season.
17 November 2016a hiking trail up and down gives sensation for beginners, 5-6 hours to reach these places with a leisurely stroll. "
Andhy Wahyudy
" Pengalaman saya cukup berkesan bisa menemukan tempat yang sangay indah "
11 October 2016Roy Sinaga
" Nice for trekking, but please bring back your plastics bottle, indomie plastics and all your garbage, dont littering this beautiful valley! "
11 July 2016Anto Anto
" Tempat keren untik liburan..mari jaga kelestarianx bersama. "
22 October 2015Andhys Ardiansyah
" Tempat pertama kali naik gunung "
18 July 2015Hamdi Warisman
" nice place "
02 May 2015Muhammad Swandi
" Best wall "
07 March 2015