" Good location, good service. I can back again in karebosi condotel "
27 April 2018
Masoumeh Shahrami
" Great for run every early morning and every evening "
26 April 2018
Imaduddin Al Fikri
" The place is good for doin some light exercise like jogging "
01 April 2018
Nugroho Hasan
" It has jogging track. Just getting better and better. People of Makassar Aset.
Now it has new look at north side, new Toilet and Mushola. Nice "
18 March 2018
Achmad Ali Saifuddin
" One of the most famous public space in Makassar. Jogging track, skateboard area, football field, baseball field, green park, and underground shopping centre in a single place. It's accessibility to many of the city main roads is what makes this place so convenient. A good call for a flexible person "
21 January 2018
Rieski Prihastuti
" When I visited this place it was under maintenance. But this place would be good green park in the middle of the city "
17 January 2018
Andi Annisa T Ramadhani
" Good place to do sport such as soccer, jogging, running, softball. Many sport matches are held here. Even ceremonial or any event like demonstration. When a big event held it occurred traffic jam. "
08 January 2018
Akbar Gemilang
" Loved this place. One of ground training PSM (local football club) "
13 December 2017
Andi Pateddungi
" Best place to sea-ing your sweat in a positive way. Lots activity you can do here "
12 December 2017
Mohsen Shirzad
" Good place for free jogging exercising running "
22 November 2017
Nabeel Hamkan
" Great for running with lot's of trees.. And there's a place where you can do some calisthenics stuffs.. "
13 October 2017
Akar Gorontalo
" Nice food, but must waiting so longgggg "
05 October 2017
Achmad Ali Saifuddin
" One of the most famous public space in Makassar. Jogging track, skateboard area, football field, baseball field, green park, and underground shopping centre in a single place. A good call for a flexible person "
20 September 2017
Andi Pateddungi
" Best place your sea-ing your sweat in a positive way. Lots activity you can do here "
20 August 2017
Ahmad Fadil Sapadilla
" My Favorite To Rememory... "
19 July 2017
Sonny Winarso
" Now is dirty.. and the air not fresh anymore "
18 July 2017
Nugroho Hasan
" It has jogging track. Just getting better and better. People of Makassar Aset. "
11 May 2017
Andi Maddusila
" Nice jogging track. Need more grass meadow please "
10 May 2017
Ahmad Fadhlullah
" very famous to symbolize makassar by this public area "
10 April 2017
Achilles Grey
" Best place ever made. I love this place. You all can do many things "
02 April 2017
Slamet Riadi
" Good place for weekend "
20 March 2017
Guru Pawan
" Good for a morning or evening walk. Quite a good crowd around always. "
31 January 2017
Haqqul Bashar
" Good places for sweaty "
30 November 2016
Yuniar Wulandari
" it's having a mall under the ground.. so uniqe! "
29 October 2016
Fitra Hkalla
" mantap olahraga sore hari di sini "
27 August 2016
Saldi Rais
" Suasananya nyaman walaupun ditengah kota... "
25 August 2016
Rian Nugraha
" landmark of the city, its nice to jogging in this area. and there's many field here "
11 August 2016
" Enak "
08 August 2016
Andreas Avi Adhe Christianto
" The only nice place in Makassar to jog and to have fresh air at once "
20 July 2016
Roy Sinaga
" The football pitch its self are lack of maintenance but the jogging track is good. Enjoy relaxing afternoon by jogging surounding trembesi raintree and some amateur football enthusias. PSM football club also have their previlage to train at the best pitch in western corner. "
Zahrul Djabar
" Good location, good service. I can back again in karebosi condotel "
27 April 2018Masoumeh Shahrami
" Great for run every early morning and every evening "
26 April 2018Imaduddin Al Fikri
" The place is good for doin some light exercise like jogging "
01 April 2018Nugroho Hasan
" It has jogging track. Just getting better and better. People of Makassar Aset.
18 March 2018Now it has new look at north side, new Toilet and Mushola. Nice "
Achmad Ali Saifuddin
" One of the most famous public space in Makassar. Jogging track, skateboard area, football field, baseball field, green park, and underground shopping centre in a single place. It's accessibility to many of the city main roads is what makes this place so convenient. A good call for a flexible person "
21 January 2018Rieski Prihastuti
" When I visited this place it was under maintenance. But this place would be good green park in the middle of the city "
17 January 2018Andi Annisa T Ramadhani
" Good place to do sport such as soccer, jogging, running, softball. Many sport matches are held here. Even ceremonial or any event like demonstration. When a big event held it occurred traffic jam. "
08 January 2018Akbar Gemilang
" Loved this place. One of ground training PSM (local football club) "
13 December 2017Andi Pateddungi
" Best place to sea-ing your sweat in a positive way. Lots activity you can do here "
12 December 2017Mohsen Shirzad
" Good place for free jogging exercising running "
22 November 2017Nabeel Hamkan
" Great for running with lot's of trees.. And there's a place where you can do some calisthenics stuffs.. "
13 October 2017Akar Gorontalo
" Nice food, but must waiting so longgggg "
05 October 2017Achmad Ali Saifuddin
" One of the most famous public space in Makassar. Jogging track, skateboard area, football field, baseball field, green park, and underground shopping centre in a single place. A good call for a flexible person "
20 September 2017Andi Pateddungi
" Best place your sea-ing your sweat in a positive way. Lots activity you can do here "
20 August 2017Ahmad Fadil Sapadilla
" My Favorite To Rememory... "
19 July 2017Sonny Winarso
" Now is dirty.. and the air not fresh anymore "
18 July 2017Nugroho Hasan
" It has jogging track. Just getting better and better. People of Makassar Aset. "
11 May 2017Andi Maddusila
" Nice jogging track. Need more grass meadow please "
10 May 2017Ahmad Fadhlullah
" very famous to symbolize makassar by this public area "
10 April 2017Achilles Grey
" Best place ever made. I love this place. You all can do many things "
02 April 2017Slamet Riadi
" Good place for weekend "
20 March 2017Guru Pawan
" Good for a morning or evening walk. Quite a good crowd around always. "
31 January 2017Haqqul Bashar
" Good places for sweaty "
30 November 2016Yuniar Wulandari
" it's having a mall under the ground.. so uniqe! "
29 October 2016Fitra Hkalla
" mantap olahraga sore hari di sini "
27 August 2016Saldi Rais
" Suasananya nyaman walaupun ditengah kota... "
25 August 2016Rian Nugraha
" landmark of the city, its nice to jogging in this area. and there's many field here "
11 August 2016KenGeeky
" Enak "
08 August 2016Andreas Avi Adhe Christianto
" The only nice place in Makassar to jog and to have fresh air at once "
20 July 2016Roy Sinaga
" The football pitch its self are lack of maintenance but the jogging track is good. Enjoy relaxing afternoon by jogging surounding trembesi raintree and some amateur football enthusias. PSM football club also have their previlage to train at the best pitch in western corner. "
14 July 2016