About Kebun Raya Jompie
Kebun Raya Jompie is a park, located at Bukit Harapan, Soreang, Pare-Pare City, South Sulawesi 91131, Indonesia. Visit their website kebunrayadaerah.krbogor.lipi.go.id for more detailed information.
Kebun Raya Jompie is a park, located at Bukit Harapan, Soreang, Pare-Pare City, South Sulawesi 91131, Indonesia. Visit their website kebunrayadaerah.krbogor.lipi.go.id for more detailed information.
Ario Khiar
" Good.... "
29 May 2018Junishia Litan
" A lot better that the last time i came last year. It has a beautiful flowers, better path and better arrangement. People can jog, chill or go upstair the tower to see pare-pare from the highest, and it's really great!. Unfortunatelly some of visitor don't really appreciate it, there're some rubbish in the bush. :( "
21 March 2018Uyha Nugraha
" The beautiful place "
18 March 2018NUR IRVAN SYAH
" Goog place. 👍👍👍 "
16 February 2018Andi Rahayu
" Its a beautiful place "
14 February 2018Sahar Institute
" Good Place 👍 "
11 February 2018Amrizal
" this is a good place for hanging out and learning about florish and plants "
03 January 2018Syarif Hidayatullah
" Tempat yg cocok untuk piknik.. udaranya sejuk.. naislah "
16 October 2017Ismail Ibrahim
" Paruparu kota, tempat nyaman, sejuk dan bagus buat tempat liburan "
13 September 2017Host Love
" Taman mesum "
13 September 2017Yuwa Yuw
" Samping rumah "
13 July 2017Syukur Salman
" Sejuk dan indah, hanya saja pembangunan gedung di dalam hutan sedikit mengganggu "
23 June 2017Rusli Muhammad
" Kalau sudah rampung, aku kasih 5 "
29 March 2017Sri Diany
" Ku beri bintang lima karena mmg top buat refresing bersama keluarga "
21 March 2017Anshor Muhajir
" semenjak berubah status dari hutan kota menjadi kebun raya. Sekarang jompie jauh lebih kece dan menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata di kota Parepare "
08 March 2017Wawan Saja
" Tempat wisata jompie ji "
21 January 2017Ariana Erawati
" Kerennnnn "
06 January 2017Ahmad Angga
" Hutan dan permandian. "
20 December 2016Dewi Dsd
" Sangat menajubkan hutan di tengah kota parepare.. "
27 July 2016Samsir Alam
" Alqidra house "
04 February 2016