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About Transmart Carrefour Pekanbaru & Trans Studio Pekanbaru

Transmart Carrefour Pekanbaru & Trans Studio Pekanbaru is a shopping mall, located at Jl.Soekarno Hatta Musyawarah No. 11 Simpang Tugu Selamat Datang, Labuh Baru Timur, Labuh Baru Tim., Payung Sekaki, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 51

Ale Gaydou

" The staff working in the supermarket would deserve 5 stars for their kindness and politeness. But the supermarket is really below anyone's expectations. Scarce variety (employees evidently try their best to spread the same items along the shelves to cover a LOT of empty spaces) many of the products don't have the due price tag, some areas smell like unclean, and the "fresh" products are anything except fresh, some of them are even rotten (check the photos) On top of that, prices are really high compared to other supermarkets. "

11 September 2020

Skoati Dent

" Ok "

15 July 2020


" Nice place to shooping.. "

15 February 2020

Muhammad Ridwan

" Nice place for your weekend !!! "

13 November 2019

Rizki Irwansyah

" One of the new mall in Pekanbaru city. Its is transmart retail shop. This mall have mini trans studio, so its right place for spend your time with your family. "

20 September 2019

Lini Linny

" This place is quite crowded especially when it's a weekend, it's different from Transmart Carrefour Tangerang Center and South Tangerang which are even quiet when the weekend. There were still many empty stands when I went there. There was a lot that needed to be fixed about the arrangement of the items in here. "

05 September 2019

Iswanda Asmara

" recreation area that is quite complete and can also be while shopping "

27 June 2019

Hassan Baitham

" A very good amazing shopping mal "

23 May 2019

Prashanti Deviani

" Nice place to do groceries shopping. You can find lots of things you don't find in small supermarkets. There are some restaurants as well. "

07 April 2019

Microd Nerra

" Nice place for shopping, but the most price are higher than other Marts "

17 March 2019

Fern Dirga

" A nice place to visit. Not at all crowded during a weekday. I went there to watch a movie at CGV and had lunch at one of the restaurants. One of the staff was nice enough when I asked her for direction. The supermarket is just the pretty standard one you can find in other Transmart. "

05 March 2019

Fern Dirga

" A nice place to visit. Not at all crowded during a weekday. I went there to watch a movie at CGV and had lunch at one of the restaurants. One of the staff was nice enough when I asked her for direction. The supermarket is just the pretty standard one you can find in other Transmart. "

05 March 2019

Dewi Fortuner

" If you have kids or if you're with kids, don't forget to take them to Trans Mini Studio. It's fantastic but my suggestion, paying one ticket includes all games. "

18 October 2018

Muhammad Nazar

" Seperti mall mall pada umumnya, transmart pekan baru adalah destinasi wisata modern yg banyak dikunjungi masyarakat pekan baru baik siang maupun malam. Terletak tidak jauh dari pusat kota dan berdekatan dg beberapa mall laen seperti ska mall yg sudah lebih dulu ada, dan living world.

Kalau anda sedang risau
jangan suka makan tomat
Kalau anda datang ke riau
Jangan lupa singgah ke transmart "

16 October 2018

Sohar Minia

" transmart is good place for family weekend because we can enjoy mini indoor games park called Trans Studio Mini, Transmart also featured ATM centre, food and drink stands, restaurants, and many discounts especially using Bank Mega cards except for the stuffs are quite expensive without discount "

16 October 2018

Bintang Zet

" very good place cuz u can get foodor buying some clothes or play in top floor or just hanging out with friend its a really good place "

06 September 2018


" I think they combined department store and hypermarket. And that's quite good. But why do they put a lot of cahsier machine and just let 2 crew operating it??? Common, it's a big shopping centre! "

31 August 2018


" I think they combined department store and hypermarket. And that's quite good. But why do they put a lot of cahsier machine and just let 2 crews operating it??? Common, it's a big shopping centre! "

10 June 2018

Onsky Ajah

" kesini utama nya nonton di cgv nya aja. selebih nya tempatnya sepii.. byk tenant yg mulai tutup... "

01 June 2018

Rena Nurul Ummah

" one stop shopping center with new concept if you bored with the usual shopping mall, you can find mini amusement park (children would love it), CGV cinema, supermarket, department store & some restaurants here "

25 April 2018

Arif Hamza

" Shops on ground floor keeps changing, Tenants seems to be moving out due to higher rent. Zigzag navigation at Carrefour store prevents quick shopping experience. "

13 April 2018

Nida Nabila

" Great place for kids and adults. It would be loved to spend some time with your family here "

13 April 2018

Mohammed Mozid

" Cool place to shop and bring your children. But if you are price conscious then it might not be the best place for you. It's a new conceptual frame for shopping in the neighborhood but it's not good for you, if you want to stop by and pick up a few things, as the parkir charge is quite higher than other malls. Even, the kartu game is 100.000 rp which is almost 2 times than other malls. "

01 March 2018

Rahmat Fredy

" I think this is the best place for shopping and watching new released movie. The location is so far from the crowd city so you have to drive car to get this place. There is no public transport except taxi. "

31 January 2018

Three Tree

" This place is so amazing. For The first week opening this mart, many citizens have visited this place. My experience about this place is a innovation mart in pekanbaru and I'm satisfied with the facility and The park is very joy. "

15 January 2018

Eddy Kurniawan

" the super(or hyper?)market full with a bit pricey stuff for ordinary visitor. however it has lots of imported grocery that unique and not easily available elsewhere; hence the cashier crowd. "

26 December 2017

Ananda Rizky

" You can find anything that u wanna buy here. Good place to shoping n watch movie! "

25 December 2017

Tony Lie

" This place got all (maybe) what u looking for. But maybe the cashier would smile a lot so it would be convenient. "

23 November 2017

Mega Saverolink

" I'm satisfied shopping at here because of many discounts, friendly service and very comfortable.. love it 😊 "

24 October 2017

Thomas Yush

" Almost all F&B service bad( untrain slow and follow own procedur). Parking more expensive compare other Pekanbaru mall.
Grocery also more expensive.
Only things good is fruit quality much better quality compare to other mall. "

21 September 2017

Jessica Sobian

" I like this place. Can shop groceries, clothing, eat and play all in one place. 1 give 4 star because the cleanliness need major improvement or it will look rundown after a while, the ticket for the amusement park on 4th floor is too expensive. I sugest them to make day pass or such so visitor can play all they like at a price. This is major marketing defect. "

14 September 2017

Gelas Hijau

" The first time going here. Crowded but very fun. Enjoy your quality time here with your family, couple or with your friend. "

05 August 2017

Lord Codbuck

" Its a good place to watch a movie and some errands but i won't go there to hang out "

27 July 2017

Raja Joko Musridho

" Actually this place is good. But THEY HAVE TO REPLACE or FIX THEIR DETECTORS!

June 29th, 2017 around 14:40s. It was our first time coming there, we have experienced a REALLY DISAPPOINTING experience when we were on the last escalator to get out of this place. The detector is beeping when I and my wife passes through it (actually other detectors has been beeping when I was on my way to go upstairs). So they held us IN FRONT OF THE CROWDS that wait to get onto the escalator.

And WE WERE WAITING for nothing for a few minutes. Late in responding this situation. I think it's because the lack of security staffs. And it looks like the guy is still having less of experience. So that made me feel bad, furthermore I was still in the healing process of my injured foot thumb.

Finally they FOUND NOTHING because WE TOOK NOTHING! And ONLY SAY SORRY after everything that happened. Thank you Transmart.

I should have sent this to their email or something, but it turns out that I forgot that and found this google maps review first so I write it here. Maybe insha Allah I'll send them an email when I remember to search for it and remember this thing. "

25 July 2017

Ahat GS

" Nice and clean. Still developing and have a lot empty spaces. It is cozy and homey. "

03 July 2017

Febrina Kowih

" The theme park is nice but mostly the attractions are for kids yet, still a perfect place to #ootd or selfies ! Food courts and department store are perfect ! "

01 July 2017

Alila Adelia Shidqy

" New Amusements place in Pekanbaru "

09 June 2017

Hock Hian Yong

" WoW "

02 June 2017

Edy Susanto

" Another one stop shopping mall specially for families, good choices of foods, coffees and playground for the kids.. "

30 May 2017

Elvanda Agustina Basri

" Keren. Tapi rame, mau main wahana ngantrinya 3 jam. Seriusan seru disini, bisa hemat dikit lah. Soalnya pakai kartu kredit bank mega. Dapat diskon langsung 10 0ersen tambah diskon yang lain langsung di transmart! 😝 "

23 May 2017

Sri Leni

" Transstudio mini.....crazy cab coster "

21 May 2017

Elis Sabet

" Tlong share dong temen2,ttg lowker nya... Kapan ya mulai perekrutan ? "

02 March 2017

Ria Lastaria Simare Mare

" Sudah lihat proyek nya pas saya lewat mau ke mall SKA,tertarik utk berorientasi dan berinteraksi sbg karyawan di Transmart pekanbaru. Mohon info lokernya dan di mna antr lamarannya "

24 February 2017

Riki Efriandra

" Bagi yg tw tolong share info utk ngantar berkasnya donk..Atau info web resminya.. "

14 February 2017

Gusvira Wulan

" share dong lowker di transmart "

14 February 2017

Septio Budi Purnomo

" Pertama kalinya transmart carrefour berdiri di Pekanbaru, anda akan segera menikmati segala macam2 produk yang ada di dalam nya dan tidak lupa juga, transmart pekanbaru akan kedangan trans studio mini, yang dikenal juga dengan permainan anak2 dengan 12 jenis macam permainan, thank you "

08 February 2017

Adi Harahap

" Lowongan bukan bln brapa ya ...
Ngantar nya kmn?? "

16 January 2017

Suhar No

" penerimaan karyawan nya bulan berapa yach,,dan dikirim ke alamat mn?share donk "

26 November 2016

Ahmad Kholidi

" Ada yang tau informasi dimana antar lowongan untuk transmart gak...? "

24 November 2016

James Jansen Siagian

" kerjanya cepat "

19 November 2016

Yesi Marlina

" Penasaran bgt, sama nggak ya kayak yg tampak d tv walaupun versi mini "

19 October 2016

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