About Pop Chop Chicken
Pop Chop Chicken is a meal takeaway, located at Jl. Musyawarah No.11, Labuh Baru Tim., Payung Sekaki, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia. Visit their website www.popchopchicken.com for more detailed information.
Pop Chop Chicken is a meal takeaway, located at Jl. Musyawarah No.11, Labuh Baru Tim., Payung Sekaki, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia. Visit their website www.popchopchicken.com for more detailed information.
" the best chicken crispy in jakarta "
15 April 2018Hendry Herdian
" Great taste for crispy chicken "
02 March 2018Alya N
" Yummy crispy chicken. You have no reason to not liking Pop Chop. "
06 February 2018Rizky Fadillah
" Enak, tapi sayang outlet yg di margo city tempatnya nyelip.. :( "
26 January 2018Umar Effendi
" Biasa "
15 October 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Yummy chicken chops to go! "
18 August 2017Kponx
" Yummy dan enak. Pas buat nyemil sambil nonton. "
16 July 2017George TAP
" One of the best Crispy Chicken in town! must try!!! "
15 June 2016