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About Apotik Budi Farma (Permanently Closed)

Apotik Budi Farma (Permanently Closed) is a pharmacy, located at Jl. H. Imam Munandar No.43, Tengkerang Tim., Tenayan Raya, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 761 863604 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 25

Crystalynne Teo

" Well i went here since i was young. I highly recommend this place. The doctors is very kind. "

07 April 2020

Edy Yulianto Putra

" the complete drug store "

02 November 2019

Warso Kebumen

" 👌Sip "

05 August 2019

Aynia Ashfa

" Gas rek 😄 "

26 June 2019

Bambang Irwanto Soeripto

" Apotek Budi Farma ini sangat lengkap. Pelayanan juga cepat dan ramah. Makanya selalu ramai.

Di sini selain menjual obat-obatan juga alat kesehatan. Termasuk kruk dan kursi roda.

Juga ada dokter praktik. Ada dokter Jamiat Hartono spesialias saraf yang praktek setiap senib, selasa, rabu dan jumat dari pukul 14.00- 17.00 wib.

Lalu ada dokter Eka Marhaenawati yang menanggani fisioterapi yang praktek senib, selasa, rabu dan jumat dari pukul 15.00 - 17.00 wib. "

19 June 2019

Candra Dwi Putra

" Pelayanan cepat "

04 June 2019

Anjulevez Sorga

" This one of the oldest pharmacy in Batam. The strengths: located in the city and at the side road so easy to recognize from the main road, the service is very fast, kind, patience and profesional, quite complete for medicines and the Equipments for health, the price is cheaper than others, good knowledge so we can do some consultation, and can proceed doctor's prescription and there are many doctors practices here so easy for us after consult, directly buy the medicine. The weaknesses: limited parking area and seat for waiting the medicine. The suggestion: come at 10am as the crowd is not so long. "

13 April 2019

Paul C.

" For Batam, I found this place to be a very well-stocked Apotik. "

07 June 2018


" Like it. "

28 February 2018

Bho Nyiet

" This place looked legend... "

06 February 2018

Bagus Wicak

" Apotik langganan sejak kecil "

21 November 2017

Bambang Hadi

" Pelayanan ok "

25 October 2017

Herlina Sugianti

" Harganya lebih murah, pelayanannya ramah, ragam obat tersedia, dan yang paling penting exp date obatnya jauh dari tanggal beli "

25 October 2017

Mutesra Andhika

" Salah satu apotek terbesar d kota kebumen "

29 June 2017

Allen Elle

" Cheaper and more option. I like to buy med here "

23 June 2017

Zuber Syamsu

" Ada 3 dokter spesialis praktek di sini. "

16 June 2017

Endarwati Suwarno

" Karyawan ramah, pelayanan cepat, stok obat cukup lengkap "

08 June 2017

Widi Ng

" Stock obat cukup lengkap "

07 February 2017

Muhammad Iqbal

" Harganya ok "

11 December 2016

Risna Wati

" 👍 "

08 November 2016

Efi Android12345

" Ok bgt karyawan nya ramah tamah... "

26 August 2016


" Recommend place to buy meds. Its cheap here. "

21 August 2016

Miralza Diza

" Lengkap..ada dokter praktek juga. Dokter Umum, dokter THT, dokter Kulit Kelamin, dokter Syaraf, dokter Jiwa, dokter Kebidanan dan Kandungan, dokter Anak "

17 June 2016

M Salim

" Ok "

05 June 2016

Ari Gunawan

" good "

30 May 2015

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