ARZAM COFFE SHOP is a cafe, located at Candirejo, Pasir Penyu, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau 29353, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-8822-2261 for more detailed information.
ARZAM COFFE SHOP is a cafe, located at Candirejo, Pasir Penyu, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau 29353, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-8822-2261 for more detailed information.
Yanfahmia Sya'ban
" I love this place "
" Tempat santai dan nongkrong sambil menikmati makanan dan minuman dengan 2 lantai yang bisa di pilih, pelayanan baik dan harga terjangkau. "
19 March 2018Moe Moe Lagi
" Good "
02 March 2018Slamet Sugiarto
" Ok "
25 November 2017Darmaji Djie
" Tempat ngumpul "
19 September 2017Masithah Puspa
" The place is so great. Cozy, good place for gathering or just sit watching the city view. The coffee taste are good too, and dont forget abt the wifi 😂 "
13 September 2017Tri Masyanto Waloeyo
" Tempatnya mengasyikan lagian bersih dan nyaman,satu2nya tempat ngopi yang ternyaman di Air Molek INDRAGIRI HULU - RIAU "
29 August 2017Husein Aribowo
" tempat nongkrong asik,, kopinya pun mantap... "
20 August 2017Dandi Rama Putra
" Az. "
12 June 2017Andika Putra
" Tempatnya bersih "
20 May 2017Aam Xp
" relax "
10 April 2017Andi Abdul Aziz
" Setelah 5 thn ditinggal akhirnya ada juga tempat kek gini. Warbyasa "
09 February 2017Ganda Ahmar
" Tempat bagus untuk berkumpul. Sayang kopinya encer "
03 January 2017Wisnu Pratala
" Alhamdulilah bisa ngopi dikampung halaman.setelah 35 thn meninggalkan Air Molek. Setelah muter2..dpt deh Arzam Coffe...mantap "
17 December 2016Irfandra Fitra
" Varian biji kopi nya banyak, simpel but leh uga "
17 November 2016M. Fajrin
" Enak buat santai "
27 October 2016Jakkru N
" Tempat bagus untuk berkumpul. "
19 August 2016