" Bakso + batagornya nggak kyk dlu, yg skrg rasanya kurang enak😩 untung gue makannya pas lagi laper jadi baksonya gue abisin😂 pelayannya gagal fokus, gue pesen lemon tea hangat malah dibawain yg pake es😒 next time lebih ditingkatkan lagi ya😅 "
29 April 2018
Yumran Arwandi
" Langganan ini... Pagi bubur ayam... Siang es campur sama es kelapa muda "
26 December 2017
Meky Daulima
" Nikmat menu Es nya "
07 November 2017
Dan's Channel
" Siomay, batagor menu andalan 😁 joss "
10 September 2017
Fajar Wibowo
" Es campur nya maknyus "
17 May 2017
Gandung Saputro
" What they provide here is big deal, they serve the customers very well and the food is tastylicious. When you feel your throat dried up, this the place you wanna go to. When you feel like to taste the best chicken porridge for your breakfast menu, just don't hesitate to drop by, and you need to be quick before it's all sold out. "
Jely Patulak
" Bakso + batagornya nggak kyk dlu, yg skrg rasanya kurang enak😩 untung gue makannya pas lagi laper jadi baksonya gue abisin😂 pelayannya gagal fokus, gue pesen lemon tea hangat malah dibawain yg pake es😒 next time lebih ditingkatkan lagi ya😅 "
29 April 2018Yumran Arwandi
" Langganan ini... Pagi bubur ayam... Siang es campur sama es kelapa muda "
26 December 2017Meky Daulima
" Nikmat menu Es nya "
07 November 2017Dan's Channel
" Siomay, batagor menu andalan 😁 joss "
10 September 2017Fajar Wibowo
" Es campur nya maknyus "
17 May 2017Gandung Saputro
" What they provide here is big deal, they serve the customers very well and the food is tastylicious. When you feel your throat dried up, this the place you wanna go to. When you feel like to taste the best chicken porridge for your breakfast menu, just don't hesitate to drop by, and you need to be quick before it's all sold out. "
28 December 2016Indah Taroreh
" The place of delicious food "
28 October 2016