" pekak! mcm2 hal ah..kakak kaunter muka tarak senyum..ingat org busking mintak duit ke dlm ni..hamral kudi! "
24 May 2018
Ernita Sonyati P3
" Harga stiap trax slalu ada ppn mending ppn nya 10% ini bisa lbh dr 10% "
21 May 2018
Queenacre Sil
" Good sound system, friendly waitress, nice place. Easy to get parking since it's in the Mall. "
07 May 2018
Fikri Abdillah
" Sounds system was good, and a lots of songs collection "
03 May 2018
Eka Muharam
" Perbaiki lagi ya "
02 May 2018
Kayu Manis
" Lumayan... cuma staff room service nya BB gitu. Pas masuk ke room bikin puyeng 1 room. "
29 April 2018
Sarah Kharismawati
" Inside the karaoke room, it smells of cigarettes (a bit).
Song database is quite a lot, especially for K-pop song "
08 April 2018
Audrey Sarah Kristina
" Since Starbucks opened next to NAV, now it became more comfortable karaoke spot. Even when there's heavy traffic along Sultan Iskandar Muda (Arteri Pondok Indah), NAV still counted as a great stop by-entertainment. Their prices are affordable with comfortable rooms, complete from Small to VIP, where they provide private toilet inside. "
02 April 2018
Ariell Ramli
" yyy "
23 March 2018
Eddy Sanjaya
" Sounds ok, but room sometimes smells not really good "
" Haven't tried the food yet, but the karaoke experience was awesome and the interface of the song menu is the definitely better then most karaoke spot. Oh, and the price is pretty affordable! "
01 March 2018
Eri Cahyono
" The songs is good enough. But the room is really dusty. "
04 February 2018
Sri Johan
" Always love this one. We came, just sang ( mostly just me and my husband) all song we wanted. They have almost complete collections ( well, i crazy inlove with Emma Thompson, " Sad Movie", so old, and guess, they have it). Their worker gave good service, so polite. Good interior, design, tools,and sound system.And good price for their qualities. Nice place to spend your leisure time with friends or families. "
19 January 2018
Dwindy Stanza
" Nothing special, but the service is fairly good. Anything else, as expected. "
09 January 2018
Ade Abdillah
" Cheapp "
26 November 2017
Gita Mawarni
" Cocok nyanyi buat keluarga. Pelayanan memuaskan π "
20 October 2017
Rina Kartikasari
" Relatif sering ke sini.
Lokasi deket ke area parkir, sound system dan koleksi lagu nya bagus.
Ada musholla yang cukup bersih "
" The room was dusty and the choice of song is a lil bit poor. "
07 August 2017
Juni Aryanto
" Ok "
05 August 2017
Marcellina Hadi
" The place is nice , comfortable and a great place to sing. But when we sang we slightly smell a burnt cigarette , the smell was kinda faint so it didn't really bothered us , but it's better if they don't smoke inside the room or outside the room because others can smell it . Overall it's a great place to spend with family and friends , Thank you. "
09 July 2017
Eka Andikama
" Good place.. "
06 July 2017
Wid B.
" Quite the good place to hav fun singing in "
10 May 2017
Mami Gita Anjani
" Family karoke "
01 May 2017
Hendry Riddck
" Yg pasti asik, nyaman dan bikin ketagihanπ "
18 February 2017
Yubel Waleleng
" cozy, good service "
01 February 2017
Remi Trianto
" Cozzy place for having fun "
29 January 2017
Sylvia Rini Handayani
" Quite decent for karaoke tho lacking a few things "
14 January 2017
Satria Rahmadika
" One of the good places to sing around and have fun with your friends. "
21 November 2016
Ais Satria
" The owner have dogs in parking lot that totally unfriendly. Why bother open a service business with dogs that treat it's customer like a thief? "
10 November 2016
Kasomantri Soma
" Ok "
02 October 2016
Jezan Warae
" Ok "
04 September 2016
Qimz Joy
" Sound nya ngebass njir.. Org bekasi wajib coba.. Lagu nya lengkap bgt.. Lagu lawas n malaynya lengkap bener πππππ "
16 August 2016
Benny Herlambang
" Nice place to sing... "
05 August 2016
Agung Wicaksono
" Cozy place "
05 August 2016
" Salon y kurang joss ..
Krasa bgt klo buat nyanyi lge barat yg musik y elektro.
Parah dehhh. "
02 August 2016
Exo Gomez
" Enak karokean sama teman2 & keluarga..!! "
17 July 2016
Dan Sinlae
" Ada Tikus bwsar di ruang karaokenya (16/4/2016) temen gw paniklah, lu bayamgin dapur nya kayak apa , kalo soal kebersihannya ga diperhatikan, and worst Lift nya macet, Dan manager yg sok naive just say sorry, damn! "
17 April 2016
Ivan Kurniawan
" wuihhh karoke terusss.. lagu nya update dan hits bgt tempat nya.. buat seru2 sm teman asikkk banget.. "
02 April 2016
Budi Yanto
" Senang sekali bisa ketemu teman saya "
17 February 2016
Irni Mailanti
" Pelayanan yang tidak membantu dan tidak memuaskan!! "
03 January 2016
Adhe Ir Suryana
" Minuman nya di lengkapi biar tambah seru :D "
23 December 2015
David Pan
" Booking the largest room at 5th floor. The condition of the room is ok but a pity the toilet door are broken inside the room. "
28 November 2015
Jiephong Maylei
" ak kasir di sini Selamat datang di NAV gading terrace (TAMBUN) "
Ajax DeCaprio
" pekak! mcm2 hal ah..kakak kaunter muka tarak senyum..ingat org busking mintak duit ke dlm ni..hamral kudi! "
24 May 2018Ernita Sonyati P3
" Harga stiap trax slalu ada ppn mending ppn nya 10% ini bisa lbh dr 10% "
21 May 2018Queenacre Sil
" Good sound system, friendly waitress, nice place. Easy to get parking since it's in the Mall. "
07 May 2018Fikri Abdillah
" Sounds system was good, and a lots of songs collection "
03 May 2018Eka Muharam
" Perbaiki lagi ya "
02 May 2018Kayu Manis
" Lumayan... cuma staff room service nya BB gitu. Pas masuk ke room bikin puyeng 1 room. "
29 April 2018Sarah Kharismawati
" Inside the karaoke room, it smells of cigarettes (a bit).
08 April 2018Song database is quite a lot, especially for K-pop song "
Audrey Sarah Kristina
" Since Starbucks opened next to NAV, now it became more comfortable karaoke spot. Even when there's heavy traffic along Sultan Iskandar Muda (Arteri Pondok Indah), NAV still counted as a great stop by-entertainment. Their prices are affordable with comfortable rooms, complete from Small to VIP, where they provide private toilet inside. "
02 April 2018Ariell Ramli
" yyy "
23 March 2018Eddy Sanjaya
" Sounds ok, but room sometimes smells not really good "
14 March 2018Rani Anton
" Tmpatnya nyaman , tarifnya juga terjangkau gk nyesel deh.. "
08 March 2018Rudy Nurrahman
" Karoke and lounge "
06 March 2018Kurniawan Widjaja
" Hepi "
05 March 2018Gibran Qadaranta
" Haven't tried the food yet, but the karaoke experience was awesome and the interface of the song menu is the definitely better then most karaoke spot. Oh, and the price is pretty affordable! "
01 March 2018Eri Cahyono
" The songs is good enough. But the room is really dusty. "
04 February 2018Sri Johan
" Always love this one. We came, just sang ( mostly just me and my husband) all song we wanted. They have almost complete collections ( well, i crazy inlove with Emma Thompson, " Sad Movie", so old, and guess, they have it). Their worker gave good service, so polite. Good interior, design, tools,and sound system.And good price for their qualities. Nice place to spend your leisure time with friends or families. "
19 January 2018Dwindy Stanza
" Nothing special, but the service is fairly good. Anything else, as expected. "
09 January 2018Ade Abdillah
" Cheapp "
26 November 2017Gita Mawarni
" Cocok nyanyi buat keluarga. Pelayanan memuaskan π "
20 October 2017Rina Kartikasari
" Relatif sering ke sini.
01 October 2017Lokasi deket ke area parkir, sound system dan koleksi lagu nya bagus.
Ada musholla yang cukup bersih "
Sularso Baguspermadhani
" Happy "
11 September 2017Anggita Tata
" ππππππππππππππππ "
24 August 2017Ardito Septyano
" The room was dusty and the choice of song is a lil bit poor. "
07 August 2017Juni Aryanto
" Ok "
05 August 2017Marcellina Hadi
" The place is nice , comfortable and a great place to sing. But when we sang we slightly smell a burnt cigarette , the smell was kinda faint so it didn't really bothered us , but it's better if they don't smoke inside the room or outside the room because others can smell it . Overall it's a great place to spend with family and friends , Thank you. "
09 July 2017Eka Andikama
" Good place.. "
06 July 2017Wid B.
" Quite the good place to hav fun singing in "
10 May 2017Mami Gita Anjani
" Family karoke "
01 May 2017Hendry Riddck
" Yg pasti asik, nyaman dan bikin ketagihanπ "
18 February 2017Yubel Waleleng
" cozy, good service "
01 February 2017Remi Trianto
" Cozzy place for having fun "
29 January 2017Sylvia Rini Handayani
" Quite decent for karaoke tho lacking a few things "
14 January 2017Satria Rahmadika
" One of the good places to sing around and have fun with your friends. "
21 November 2016Ais Satria
" The owner have dogs in parking lot that totally unfriendly. Why bother open a service business with dogs that treat it's customer like a thief? "
10 November 2016Kasomantri Soma
" Ok "
02 October 2016Jezan Warae
" Ok "
04 September 2016Qimz Joy
" Sound nya ngebass njir.. Org bekasi wajib coba.. Lagu nya lengkap bgt.. Lagu lawas n malaynya lengkap bener πππππ "
16 August 2016Benny Herlambang
" Nice place to sing... "
05 August 2016Agung Wicaksono
" Cozy place "
" Salon y kurang joss ..
02 August 2016Krasa bgt klo buat nyanyi lge barat yg musik y elektro.
Parah dehhh. "
Exo Gomez
" Enak karokean sama teman2 & keluarga..!! "
17 July 2016Dan Sinlae
" Ada Tikus bwsar di ruang karaokenya (16/4/2016) temen gw paniklah, lu bayamgin dapur nya kayak apa , kalo soal kebersihannya ga diperhatikan, and worst Lift nya macet, Dan manager yg sok naive just say sorry, damn! "
17 April 2016Ivan Kurniawan
" wuihhh karoke terusss.. lagu nya update dan hits bgt tempat nya.. buat seru2 sm teman asikkk banget.. "
02 April 2016Budi Yanto
" Senang sekali bisa ketemu teman saya "
17 February 2016Irni Mailanti
" Pelayanan yang tidak membantu dan tidak memuaskan!! "
03 January 2016Adhe Ir Suryana
" Minuman nya di lengkapi biar tambah seru :D "
23 December 2015David Pan
" Booking the largest room at 5th floor. The condition of the room is ok but a pity the toilet door are broken inside the room. "
28 November 2015Jiephong Maylei
" ak kasir di sini Selamat datang di NAV gading terrace (TAMBUN) "
19 January 2015Linto Senja Irama
" Yeahh with friends "
16 August 2012