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About Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Sentani (Permanently Closed)

Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Sentani (Permanently Closed) is a beauty salon, located at Komp Sentani City Square, Jl. Kemiri Raya, Hinekombe, Jayapura, Papua 99111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 967 592210, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 58


" Love it "

06 June 2018

Dewita Ayudyah Meidiana

" Tempatnya enak,bagus,luas,perawatannya lumayan lengkap tapi lumayan mahal tp tenang aja suka byk diskon dr kartu kredit or paket provider "

31 May 2018

Buddy Dirmansyah

" Lumayanlah.... Cuman harga denfan hasil tidak sebanding "

28 May 2018

Febryanti Eka Wiguna

" Baru coba treatment full body massagenya, benar-benar recomended 👍🏻👍🏻
Selama di massage saya ketiduran dengan nyenyak 😅
Really good services, reasonable price.. "

25 May 2018

Cia XeLing

" Sangat nyaman dengan pelayanan yg diberikan. Menunggu utk spa dan perawatan dari rambut kepala, badan sampai kaki. Full treatment 😍 "

13 May 2018

Erna Lily

" Yupp outlet resmi... menyediakan seri lengkap semua produknya yang biasanya cukup sulit didapat di toko kosmetik/ swalayan pada umumnya. "

08 May 2018

Dhany Slimshady

" Feels good "

02 May 2018

Harti Nur

" Bagus "

19 April 2018

Bunga Mardhotillah

" Nah, di sini mantap buat yg mau spa buat rileksasi sekaligus mau perawatan kecantikan. Komplit deh. Yg seru itu ada aromassage yg buat menghilangkan lemak2. Trus favorit saya steam nya n berendam d bath tub. Cobain hair spa jg ya, ampuh buat mengurangi rambut rontok. Trus teh jahe hangat n lemon grass dinginnya enak, alami bgt. Buat yg mau ratus, ambil aja perawatan kendedes y. Oiya, fave treatment di marthatilaar itu lulur coklat, krn selain scrub nya kerasa, aromanya bikin rileks. Dan serunya, jg ada dewi sri spa yg memyegarkan n ada aneka promo setiap peringatan hari2 besar, semisal discount sampe 25 persen. Kalo mau nyamannya, booking dulu sebelumnya ya. Jd anda diprioritasin. Penasaran sama stone massage? Coba disini aja...hehehehe "

09 April 2018

Ucik Wulantari

" Tempatnya nyaman "

30 March 2018

Domesa Succeed

" Buat para istri yang ingin perawatan tubuh dan spa, rekomendasi banget "

24 March 2018

Amelia Hirawan

" Relaxing and good service "

11 March 2018

Kartika Arrum

" Harga yg ditawarkan mungkin termasuk relatif mahal, tapi setelah datang ke tkp rasanya sepadan. Tempatnya bersih, rapi dan adem.... pas bangettt setelah perjalanan di jalanan kota kediri yang panas kalo siang...
Untuk spa tempatnya di lantai 3. Capek juga sih naikin tangganya, tapi begitu sampai ruangan terapinya langsung capek2nya rontok dehh. Selain karena mau dipijet2, juga karena suasana ruangannya yg vip... private, bersih, nyaman, ples ada bath tub dan sauna dalam satu ruangan. Jadi ga perlu keluar2 selama proses terapi hehehe. Endingnya ya tinggal menikmati spa dari para terapis yg terlatih dan sopan. Ples sebelum pulang dibikinin wedang jahe....mantapp broo "

01 March 2018

Ammelia Indriani Firdaus

" Salon Day Spa favorit. Bisa reservasi sebelum datang. Ada harga, ada kualitas. Tapi, hair stylist nya cuti terus, jadi susah deh kalo mau perawatan rambut. "

28 February 2018

Mei Hwa

" Letaknya sebelahan sama citihub... Super suka sama pelayanan mbak2 yg ramah2, suasananya relaxing banget... Trus suka banyak promo diskon.haha.. Untuk kebersihan overall sih saya suka, tp mgkn sdkt diperhatikan,trkadang handuk seperti bau kurang kering,itu aja sih.... Always comeback deh! Oh ya,tempat ini pilihan bagus untuk yg mau treatment coulple loh.. Recomended👌 "

21 February 2018

Syamsir Alam

" Istri beli produk untuk wajah "

10 February 2018

Varianto Limanjaya

" program perawatan tubuh, wajah & pijat "

08 February 2018

Tine Simanjuntak

" The place is strategic because it is close to hotel and apartments. The staff are friendly and helpful. The therapists are also nice and professional. Better make your reservations before coming since they are always full booked especially on weekends. Well, I always love my visit to Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa and I already have my favorite hairstylist here! :) "

22 January 2018

Hayatun Nufus

" Yang mau memanjakan diri, dilkan kesini,, enak bangettt,, keluar dr sini badan jadi segeeerrr,, pelayanannya okee "

09 January 2018

Putra Radian Rizky Agung Pratama

" Good "

06 January 2018

Novi Ani

" Pelayanan Di Martha Tilaar Lumayan Ramah Dan Tempat Tersebut Bernuansa Tradisional Sehingga Bisa Sedikit Rileks "

04 January 2018

Uli Mamora

" My favorite place... relax... cozy... "

01 January 2018

Bagus Setia

" They are commit to servitude, decently prepared rooms, and the massage oooh damn good. I'm telling you, this place worth every penny. "

18 December 2017

Dewi Retika

" Great service and personnel. If only you are less expensive. Once a month visit is a must! "

17 December 2017

Ernanda Nelly Aulya

" Kereen, nyaman oke banget "

16 December 2017

Mutia Rizka Dania

" Polite and friendly service. "

09 December 2017

Anne Wirawan

" Thank you so much for the good response from the owner: Olivia Hirianto
who gives us special
opportunity to have free massage with a very good service.
I wish you the best for Martha Tilaar, it is a very strategic place to relax with great atmosphere with polite employees.


Usually it was good service, but today I was really disappointed with their service.
I had a 90 minutes massage there, the masseuse took 3x went outside which was long, without any confirmation, made me confused.

Then when my friend from USA had complain with their services, they didn't deal it professionally.
They called me to say that my friend was banned to come again there.
I also work in business, so when you dealing with complain, you should give a professional explaination to the customers.
Not through the others customer, or make me in the middle of things that isn't my business, it make me don't want to come to your salon & spa again. Not professional at all. "

09 October 2017

Maya Miralaksmi

" Good massage "

03 October 2017

Risa Agustina

" Good place for relaxaxing.. and refreshing body "

27 September 2017

Wulan Rannie

" Tempatnya nyaman, kebetulan lagi flu di kasi air jahe.senang skali.semoga lebih banyak diskon untuk kedepannya.😁 "

22 September 2017

Trixie Pratiwi Setiawan

" Luckily we had a good experience here. Ginger gold massage spa is quite expensive but the experience was good. The place is clean and the therapist are professional. "

21 September 2017

Galih Agustian

" Bagus sekali "

09 September 2017

Okie Primatyo

" Pakai bahan alami jadi lebih kerasa aman. Tempatnya juga enak. "

26 July 2017

Dinda Putri

" Nyaman banget di tambah lagi ada musik rileksasinya berapa jam pun perawatannya nggak bakalan kerasa lama kalau udah di dalam ruangan😊😊.. Privasix jg ke jamin bgt dehh😉 "

21 July 2017

Oktriani Mulya

" Relaksasi "

03 July 2017

Dayat Ad

" pelayanannya bagus "

11 June 2017

Anne Wirawan

" Usually it was good service, but today I was really disappointed with their service.
I had a 90 minutes massage there, the masseuse took 3x went outside which was long, without any confirmation, made me confused.

Then when my friend from USA had complain with their services, they didn't deal it professionally.
They called me to say that my friend was banned to come again there.
I also work in business, so when you dealing with complain, you should give a professional explaination to the customers.
Not through the others customer, or make me in the middle of things that isn't my business, it make me don't want to come to your salon & spa again. Not professional at all. "

21 May 2017

Sarah Warmoth

" Had my worst salon experience ever!!!! Please save your time and money. Creambath was terrible(didnt even use enough conditioner), massage was aweful and short. Pedicure they refused to paint my toenails. I had to blowdry MY OWN Hair!!! I will never go to this place again. They are not professional and handled my complaints by calling my friend and telling her I was banned. Really? Im banned for complaining about bad services???? "

21 May 2017

Kholifatul Zahroh

" The best spa 👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤ "

02 May 2017

Afrianty Hartika

" The service are excellent and they have a very friendly and helpful staff. "

12 April 2017

Fitria Benjamin

" Very good ambiance and great treatments "

27 March 2017

Syarifah Sarah Azzahra

" Love this spa so much! They have good service and treat you like a proper guest. Better to make reservations first before coming. "

20 March 2017

Norma Yulianti

" Tempat spa mantap enak "

19 March 2017

Firdaus Rahmadan

" Tempat merilekskan tubuh bagi wanita karir "

11 February 2017

Ilham Abi Manyu

" Memang benar2 berkelas disini tempatnya. "

19 January 2017

Muhammad Ramadangalih

" Jjjjjj "

04 January 2017

Endang Afara

" Lokasi tepat di depan XL CENTER (Di sebelah sekolah mardi yuana lama). Great service and the best spa in Cilegon. "

22 December 2016

Khoirun Nisa

" Sipssssss "

14 December 2016

Jennirose Wu

" Good service "

29 November 2016

Reinald Nathaniel

" Facial terpercaya "

10 November 2016

M Yung

" Great spa place, I love they have quite a lot of various type of massages. The service is great and very friendly. Suggestions to get more couple's room, cur they have only 1 and the wait is too long. "

01 November 2016

Arina Chasanah

" tempatnya sangat nyaman, tapi kurang satu, harusnya ditambah musik2 relaksasi jd pas perawatan lebih kerasa maksimal (5senses activation) "

20 October 2016

Kanjana Nathishat

" Very nice spa place , I never think have a nice place like this in small city like Cilegon, Thank you for nice and perfect spa. "

07 October 2016

Mizz Uci

" Selamat siang jika ingin melamar pekerjaan di martha tilaar Hrs via pos atau via email,terima kasih mohon d respons. "

01 September 2016

Dewi Prasasti

" Menyenangkan... "

26 August 2016

Alex Iwan

" Oke "

31 March 2016

Deililla Deililla

" One of the best place for spa, well design and comfy "

17 November 2015

Khoirul Abid

" Okeh "

08 September 2015

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