About KFC Mandala Merauke
KFC Mandala Merauke is a restaurant, located at Jl. Raya Mandala, Maro, Kec. Merauke, Kabupaten Merauke, Papua 99614, Indonesia. Visit their website www.kfcku.com for more detailed information.
KFC Mandala Merauke is a restaurant, located at Jl. Raya Mandala, Maro, Kec. Merauke, Kabupaten Merauke, Papua 99614, Indonesia. Visit their website www.kfcku.com for more detailed information.
Francisco Neh Robiam Benu
" The one and only kfc in merauke "
11 March 2019Dina Sawen
" Its just same anywhere... but feels not good causse the chicken color is pink... is it always like that or i just get an jackpot... i dont know... "
19 February 2019GRIG SAMUSAMU
" Fast food is always a second choice to me "
24 December 2018Naif Alfatesh
" the best place for fast food.. "
20 December 2018Rycho Yogananta
" The one and only in our beloved Merauke
18 December 2018Friendly people around this place.. "
Rio Putra
" Cozy place to have brunch "
20 October 2018Asri Putri
" Never gone wrong with KFC wherever we are "
01 October 2018Alexander Fofid
" Good place "
06 May 2018Irwan Prayasa
" The place is neat "
02 May 2018Alex Munandar
" good place "
30 March 2018Hendrik Blessing
" Perfect Service "
17 December 2017Evan JohQhey
" I like the ice cream.. "
11 October 2017Qheyta Geovanny
" Good service, delicious meal.. "
09 October 2017Ginggin Adi
" malam minggu ajak ke situ orang tua tidak mau ke situ "
15 September 2017Puttri Wahyuni
" 👍👍👍 "
14 September 2017Ronald Stenley Janson
" Nice place for chicken lover "
26 August 2017Agus Jippro
" Resto cepat saji, sayang ruang atas ac udah gak bisa buat pengunjung, krn dipake tempat ultah. "
24 August 2017Gim Pex
" Tempat makan cepat saji.. Yg asyik... Cuma membayar harus tunai... "
24 July 2017Fanie Novia
" Ada cream soup enak "
13 July 2017Reny Aj
" Makananx enak ayam kruspi bgettt "
29 May 2017Irawati Sartika
" Menunya disesuakan dg counter kfc senusantara..gak usah dpajang gambarnya klo gak tersedia..tolong diperhatikan dan dtingkatkan kinerjanya..biarpun dpapua, brand ternama seperti kfc harusnya memiliki standar nasional dong.. "
11 May 2017Yuslianto Banne
" Pelayanan masih terlalu lama ..
27 April 2017Tolong Pelayanan nya ditingkatkan ...
Kebersihan dan ruangan nya sdh sama dgn kota2
besar hanya tlg AC nya dihidupkan ruangan terasa gerah/panas. "
Sammy Samsudin
" Cepat dan nikmat dan cocok untuk santai bersama keluarga "
28 March 2017Albert Junior
" Tempat makan yg seperti ada d jkt cuma satu satunya d merauke "
23 March 2017Daus Nauval
" The only one "
14 February 2017Franky Welliken
" Pelayanan masih begitu lambat dan tolong di tingkatkan lagi "
09 February 2017Apetz Veetoz
" Kfc ..nice place,, "
25 January 2017Brawijaya Mandiri
" Cepat saji masih antri "
01 December 2016