" great Catholic church on benhil. place's upscaled, sacrament is on the 2nd floor. place's clean, tidy, and enough for 300-500 people. "
09 May 2018
Yuliana Kasim
" Chatolic Church with modern vibe in the heart of Jakarta. Surrounded by residences area, you could hardly feel the city "
30 April 2018
Firdaus Andreas Arifin
" Modern cozy warm fell church with amazing decoration with the touch of local famous artist "
30 March 2018
Egidius Arya Parande
" I find peace in this place "
11 March 2018
Eduardus Bala
" Gereja nya ramai dan tertib. Lingkungan nya bersih. Parkirnya cukup luas "
05 March 2018
Tengkar Seputro
" Great audio system. "
28 January 2018
Bonifasius Deril
" Sangat bagus "
15 January 2018
Yuliana Kasim
" Historical Catholic Church in Lampung, located in the heart of the city. Walking distance from railway station and wholesale market "
13 January 2018
Fernando Frili Kasenda
" Tempat ibadah umat Katolik "
11 January 2018
Stanis Naben
" Salah satu bentuk pendampingan karakter asrama bina warga barong......expresi, melampiaskan kekalutan, berbagi rasa dll...bila berada di lapangan bola "
06 December 2017
Yohanes Maria Vianney Winharjono
" our nearest church "
19 September 2017
Ignatius Ichiro
" Tempat Ibadah dgn Suasana Yg Khusyuk Alami dgn Mayoritas penduduk asli Papua "
02 May 2017
Darryl Nirjana
" I love this church, modern and lovely "
14 April 2017
Sony Adhi Susanto
" Very comfortable church love it "
13 April 2017
Nayyara Visitria
" Nuansa adem ayem "
12 March 2017
Main- Main
" bagus "
29 January 2017
Stephen Septian
" Great architecture church! "
12 October 2016
Arief Rachman Ashar
" This Church has basement as a hall. The mass in the second floor. First floor for parking. The cross was created from a big tree. "
03 September 2016
Enlik Tjioe
" Gereja ini terlihat sangat hijau karena banyaknya tanaman yang menghiasi.
Misa hari Minggu pagi terasa menyegarkan karena nuansa hijau ini :) "
26 August 2016
Alberto Chandra
" Rumah ibadah umat katolik. "
19 August 2016
Bobby Sumarkho
" Modern catholic church. Beautiful giant wooden cross and Maria sculptures. "
31 July 2016
Agustinus Respati Adi Nugraha
" Gereja Katolik "
22 July 2016
Tomy Yanto
" Perfect location. Been here since 1985. Saw all the transformations and glad GKR has transform into a great Church.
People are nice also...coming from varioua background and places.
An oasis hidden in the heart of Jakarta. "
03 June 2016
Petrus Runtung
" Good job "
03 May 2016
Robert Emc
" Karena selain tempat ibadah agama kristen disitu jgk tempat untuk belajar ilmu spritual "
Ismiyati Michan
" Nice church "
12 May 2018Budhi Diovian
" great Catholic church on benhil. place's upscaled, sacrament is on the 2nd floor. place's clean, tidy, and enough for 300-500 people. "
09 May 2018Yuliana Kasim
" Chatolic Church with modern vibe in the heart of Jakarta. Surrounded by residences area, you could hardly feel the city "
30 April 2018Firdaus Andreas Arifin
" Modern cozy warm fell church with amazing decoration with the touch of local famous artist "
30 March 2018Egidius Arya Parande
" I find peace in this place "
11 March 2018Eduardus Bala
" Gereja nya ramai dan tertib. Lingkungan nya bersih. Parkirnya cukup luas "
05 March 2018Tengkar Seputro
" Great audio system. "
28 January 2018Bonifasius Deril
" Sangat bagus "
15 January 2018Yuliana Kasim
" Historical Catholic Church in Lampung, located in the heart of the city. Walking distance from railway station and wholesale market "
13 January 2018Fernando Frili Kasenda
" Tempat ibadah umat Katolik "
11 January 2018Stanis Naben
" Salah satu bentuk pendampingan karakter asrama bina warga barong......expresi, melampiaskan kekalutan, berbagi rasa dll...bila berada di lapangan bola "
06 December 2017Yohanes Maria Vianney Winharjono
" our nearest church "
19 September 2017Ignatius Ichiro
" Tempat Ibadah dgn Suasana Yg Khusyuk Alami dgn Mayoritas penduduk asli Papua "
02 May 2017Darryl Nirjana
" I love this church, modern and lovely "
14 April 2017Sony Adhi Susanto
" Very comfortable church love it "
13 April 2017Nayyara Visitria
" Nuansa adem ayem "
12 March 2017Main- Main
" bagus "
29 January 2017Stephen Septian
" Great architecture church! "
12 October 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" This Church has basement as a hall. The mass in the second floor. First floor for parking. The cross was created from a big tree. "
03 September 2016Enlik Tjioe
" Gereja ini terlihat sangat hijau karena banyaknya tanaman yang menghiasi.
26 August 2016Misa hari Minggu pagi terasa menyegarkan karena nuansa hijau ini :) "
Alberto Chandra
" Rumah ibadah umat katolik. "
19 August 2016Bobby Sumarkho
" Modern catholic church. Beautiful giant wooden cross and Maria sculptures. "
31 July 2016Agustinus Respati Adi Nugraha
" Gereja Katolik "
22 July 2016Tomy Yanto
" Perfect location. Been here since 1985. Saw all the transformations and glad GKR has transform into a great Church.
03 June 2016People are nice also...coming from varioua background and places.
An oasis hidden in the heart of Jakarta. "
Petrus Runtung
" Good job "
03 May 2016Robert Emc
" Karena selain tempat ibadah agama kristen disitu jgk tempat untuk belajar ilmu spritual "
11 March 2016Trie Cx
" Has a good location "
22 November 2015Charles Ferdinand
" Tempat Beribadah "
22 November 2015Marta Marampa
" Ne Elsya punya rumah "
30 April 2015Bernhard Hustomo
" modern church design "
25 December 2014Robby Obot
" Sedang menggunakan "
22 September 2013