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pantai pasir putih bandulu anyer (Permanently Closed)


About pantai pasir putih bandulu anyer (Permanently Closed)

pantai pasir putih bandulu anyer (Permanently Closed) is a travel agency, located at Gg. Anyelir, Kupang Teba, Tlk. Betung Utara, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 89

Sahputra 93

" Kurang pelayanan "

01 June 2018


" Nice beach with calm ocean water. Not so busy. Some shops for food and hotels there. "

08 May 2018

Caesar Dungga

" Good place for family vacation. Too bad there was a lot of trashes in the beach. "

30 April 2018

Airin Levina

" Beautiful place.. blue sea.. soft wave.. you can play in the water or take picture "

19 April 2018

Chouviel Suzaki

" Dinilai dari kualitas pantai, tidak terlalu bagus... Pasir tidak terlalu bersih, terlalu banyak hotel di pinggir pantai...

Dinilai dari kualitas terumbu karang, jelek (bisa dilihat lewat tur perahu, 25 ribu per orang) "

14 April 2018

Dameriak Kristin

" accidentally find this beach while driving from surabaya to banyuwangi,finally we stop by to this beach.
the beach not look likes the name,acctually the sand is not white.
you have to pay for entrance,a lot of garbage.
this beach provide,snorkling,kano,banana boat etc.lucky this beach not one of my list to visit so no reason for dissapointed. "

27 March 2018

Dedy Saputra

" Dengan indah nya pantai "

04 March 2018

Agung Priyatno

" Bersih "

25 February 2018

Yves Frombelgium

" Local beach development with some hotels and shops... I'm not too impressed with the quality of the beach, coz even though Pantai Pasir Putih translates as White Sand Beach, it's definitely not that! Black sand, and uncollected garbage...oh and you even have to pay an entrance fee for that, go figure! "

29 January 2018

Ken Guest

" Really great place for a weekend......sun, sea, snorkelling, scuba diving. Fantastic place for small kids to play on the beach "

23 January 2018

Fitri Oktaviansyah

" Tempat ini sangat asyik untuk liburan, apalagi terdapat di daerah pantai "

15 January 2018

Syafri A

" Cukup mantab "

07 January 2018

Narendra Greza Nawangga

" It's a good beach. It's quite hot, so go ahead if you want to darken your skin. The beach is not that clean, plastic stuff everywhere. Good, shallow place to swim, safe for kids, maybe 60-90 cm deep. The corals starts at 1.5-2 meters from the shore. Sometimes people pee on the water, which the collects at the edge of the shore in a form of yellow liquid. Yuck. The shore is full of rock/corals. Unless you're a wimp getting your feet cut, a pair of sandals is optional.

The sand is grey-yellowish, not white, as the beach name implies. The sand is also smooth, fine, and have clay-like properties when wet. Go ahead build a sand castle.

Not many activities you can do here. The wave is calm, you can't surf. You can snorkel, diving, and ride a boat. Of course, you need to rent them.
The place that make this beach iconic is the rainbow deck. You need to pay Rp2000 for a ticket. On the deck, you free to do any tourist related thing, taking photos. There are four side extended part of the deck, not too long. Maybe you can freedive to the ocean from this but I'm not sure if it's allowed. Along the deck, it has no fence, a bit scary for me. There's a roofed part at the end of the deck. This one has fence, though. You can fish anywhere at the deck. Renting a rod and a bait is optional. Don't expect a big catch, the fishes are small sized.

Culynairs include fly satay (made of really small (like a fly) chicken meat), meatball/bakso, and, of course, grilled sea fishes. Food souvenirs vary but the most common one are the salted salmons. Lasts for months.

You can buy a lot of beach-themed souvenirs like a keychain, window covers, jilbab pins, etc.

You can rent a hotel, but not recommended. The hotels are short and small, more like a slum.

You may need to get your negotiation skills good, because people in here are so cheeky. Make sure you know what you will get before buying. If you don't get what you've paid for, check them (chess reference). "

16 December 2017

Azerof Fast

" Bagus.. tengah dalam pembangunan "

14 December 2017

Heavenly Inferno

" Beach "

11 December 2017

Edy Sugarto

" Good "

09 December 2017

Fadlandekgam Dekgam

" Bgus utk anak2 dan kluarga "

08 December 2017

Leonarto Vam

" This is resort and hotel. After a long journey want to relax or break. "

05 December 2017

Boesyet Benk

" Bagus buat keluarga "

03 December 2017

Bayu Azza

" Tempat yg menyenangkan "

28 November 2017

Arief Dahniar

" A place to remember "

23 November 2017

Naser Muhammad

" Tmptnya adem ayem "

18 November 2017

Wahyu Dirgantara

" recommended for weekend with family
easy access to reach here
beautiful sand and friendly waves
a good time in the morning or afternoon for a vacation here
because when the daytime is very hot "

25 October 2017

Cakra Wangsa

" nice travelling destination. its white sands area of the beach "

23 October 2017

Nanik Ika Prastiwi

" Lumayan bagus, anginnya semilir.. cocok untuk duduk n menikmati pemandangan "

18 October 2017

Jamhari Rizal Wijaya

" Clean beach, low tide,not suitable for surfing.

Also i attached est. Budget for rent cano or a boat. "

12 October 2017

Wahyu Dirgantara

" Nice place for relax with your family
Friendly service
Recommended place for weekend "

06 October 2017

Jasma Arissal

" Salah satu wisata kolam renang di Aceh Selatan "

26 September 2017

Lily Cute

" Sunset and the beach good view 😊😊😍😍 "

05 September 2017

Sam' S

" My family's favorite place for refreshing....😎 "

21 July 2017

Kukuh Bhayu

" Come at non holiday. And here your mornings private beach :D "

18 July 2017

Gua Chan

" The beach is a good place to walk, sit and enjoy morning sun. "

14 July 2017

Randy Susmitawan

" Relaxation places "

13 July 2017

Hartono Pranjoto

" Too manystreet vendor. Nice place, bring your own lunch or meals. "

13 July 2017

Bayu Krisnapaty

" Great place, i like it especially when sunset great view "

11 July 2017

Fiky Ganda

" Pantainya bersih, banyak fasilitasnya walaupun kurang maksimal tapi sudah lumayan. Pantainya tenang, ombaknya tidak terlalu besar. Hanya saja ke dermaganya harus bayar lagi. "

01 July 2017

Faisal Aqil

" Very nice beach, june and july is the best time to come "

30 June 2017

Alysa FaZa

" i love the satai they sell there, and the sea is very clean ❤ "

28 June 2017

Ilham Fonna

" Pantai bagus "

18 June 2017

Tonny Wirya

" Nice "

09 June 2017

Samsung Mobile

" Very lovely place for vacation "

04 June 2017

Farisman Hidayah

" Good view and afternoon view, good for family holiday "

08 May 2017

Dimas Maulana

" Pantainya bagus,ak kesitu sama 7 orang saudaraku,enakkkk,nyaman . "

01 May 2017

Crowl Back

" A popular local beach, great food, calm water. Some restaurant and hotels near by "

24 April 2017

Hadi Wiyono Haeriyah

" nice place to get holiday and the beach is really have a white sand "

18 April 2017

Roni Motovlog

" Cocok buat liburan, bisnis, dan juga ada hotel/penginapan yang langsung mengarah ke pantai! Recommended lah! "

17 April 2017

Siti Maimunah

" Pantai yg indah ..... "

06 April 2017

Agoest Jayadi

" Next ksini "

02 April 2017

Adi Lee

" Mantapp "

20 March 2017

Upik Intansupriati

" Good for snorkeling, fishing... "

17 March 2017


" good place,, cuma belum tertata baik "

08 March 2017

Umam Hasan

" Well done pasput. "

04 March 2017

Nur Hidayat

" Tempat liburan keluarga dengan biaya murah "

21 February 2017

Andre Prasetyo

" perpaduan antara kaki bukit dengan pantai berhamparan pasir putih yg msh alami coy... "

09 February 2017

Dita Ekawati

" Terumbu karang asli maupun buatan dapat dilihat dari atas kapal saat cuaca cerah, destinasi selam yang bagus dan buat penelitian karang juga ok "

07 February 2017

Salya Rater

" Pasirnya putih...Sunset terlihat jelas disini "

01 February 2017

Ladeyo Ladeyo

" Small beach, not to clean. Bad hotels. "

30 January 2017

Vrushabh Malgatte

" Nice boating experience with great mountain view. "

27 January 2017

Apink Rahman

" Pantainya cukup bersih, bisa bermain dengan anak2, air nya tidak terlalu dalam jadi aman untuk keluarga, ada penginapan/hotel dengan berbagai pilihan yg bisa di sesuaikan dengan budget kita "

06 January 2017

Nuzulia MJ

" This is one of the most wonderful beach I've ever visited "

05 January 2017

Agrifina Widya

" Ombak nya yg kecil jadi pantai wisata keluarga favorit. Tempat yg pas buat mengajak anak2 kecil berenang di pantai krn ombak yg kecil "

02 January 2017

Hendrix S

" Pantai indah "

30 December 2016

Taufan Azhari Nur Baladijaya

" Famous.. But not cool "

21 December 2016

Fee Ay

" Nice beach
Come on weekdays to avoid crowds
Always ask the price before you order food "

10 December 2016

Sinyo Onyis

" Employee Gathering Telkom "

09 December 2016

Aditya Zain Haritzah

" Nice cozy beach, but too many trashes. Need more bathroom for sure. "

04 December 2016

Doni Ngopak

" Sangat asik sekali pantainya bagus pemandangan indah... "

09 November 2016

Tikno Jeasz

" Pengen ke sana lagi😊😊😊😊😊 "

05 September 2016

Hok Giarto Hasim

" Saya pernah mampir ke sini waktu dalam perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Bali. Nggak masuk ke area berbayarnya sih tapi yang gratisan, di area bebatuan. Pantainya bagus hanya kurang pengembangan aja. Perlu digarap lagi karena pantai di Jawa kebanyakan berpasir hitam. "

02 September 2016

Hadi Suprapto

" Lontong sate nya mantab bro "

01 August 2016

Andreas Nyoto

" Pantai nya bersih , suasana nyaman "

30 July 2016

Wahlul Ibad

" Hmmmmmm Perlu kesana lagi deh kayaknya "

28 July 2016

Ahmad Naelun Najah

" Perawatan nya kurang baik "

13 July 2016

Andre Buitenzorg

" Apikkk "

12 July 2016

Abdan Sukur

" Walaupun sudah agak butek, tapi lumayan lah haha "

07 July 2016

Agus Aza

" View yang indah "

03 July 2016

Dwi Putra

" Pengen kesana lagi "

16 June 2016

Daniel Lee

" The sand is not soft. Not enough shades. "

14 May 2016

Yusuf Agung Nugroho

" Pantai cukup bagus. "

10 May 2016

Fredy Rendra

" Dulu sering banget kesini, bagus... "

24 April 2016

Wulan Setiawan

" Mantap "

29 March 2016

Leong Arya

" aku suka bangen main ke pasir putih "

20 March 2016

Stephen Lukas

" Tempat terbaik buat liburan "

25 December 2015

Windu Samodra

" Beautiful view! Nice underwater scenery, can be seen from boat with glass "

12 December 2015

Hary Bintang

" Suka "

11 December 2015

Nurtjahja Nurcahyo

" Pantai yang indah dengan ombak yang pelan sehingga mandi cukup aman, bisa menyewa kano untuk melihat karang ditengah laut "

16 November 2015

Cha Khunnie

" interesting "

21 July 2015

Ibliz Putih

" Situbondo tempatku di besarkan
I miss you my little town "

21 June 2015

Rahmat Hidayat

" Clean and comfortable white sand beach located at the east bank of east Java. You will meet this beach when travelling from Surabaya to Bali. "

05 June 2014

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