About Yumos Garage
Yumos Garage is a company, located at Jalan Fatmawati, Semarang, Central Java 50192, Indonesia. Visit their website www.yumosvw.com, Facebook, or Twitter profile for more detailed information.
Yumos Garage is a company, located at Jalan Fatmawati, Semarang, Central Java 50192, Indonesia. Visit their website www.yumosvw.com, Facebook, or Twitter profile for more detailed information.
Ary Yanto
" Butuh mobil VW dateng aja ke galeri YumosVW "
19 January 2018Dudy Zarius
" Amazing to see the local builder with such a talent and creativation "
25 December 2017Suryo Murwanto
" Very Nice "
01 November 2017Palugada Teknik Semarang
" Vw nya josss gandosss "
23 August 2017Khoirul Huda
" Keren "
01 July 2017Palugada Teknik
" josss hasil karyanya "
27 June 2017Andri Ragil
" Unik mobilnya "
17 June 2017Hartono Mahjoenis
" Kalau ingin restorasi vw combi ke dakota waktunya berapa lama mas yudi "
13 May 2017Fajar Wijaya
" Mobil jaman dahulu mobilnya bisa bagus "
24 March 2016Yoel Vlog
" hahaha "
24 January 2016