About The Denim Club
The Denim Club is a company, located at Jalan Amd-Sungai Ampal, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 76124, Indonesia. Visit their website www.thedenimclub.co.id or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The Denim Club, a fashion – tech start up that focus on developing digital ecosystem that connects the customer, fashionpreneur, and good local tailors in one platform that can be accessed through the website. We started this business from the conventional business, by opening an office and workshop in Balikpapan, East Borneo. We are focus on jeans customization and confection service.The Denim Club aims to have a easy-to-use platform for users to make purchases, body-fit measurements, and the customization of the fashion product they want, online or offline.However, with the increasing needs of its customers, we were transformed into a company that provides confection services to meet the needs of market in East Kalimantan.We also developed a method of practical reservations which we have implemented in the application. As an example for ordering a par of jeans, customers simply provide information frequently used size, weight, and their height, then the system will automatically calculate the most convenient size for the customer and provide accurate information to the tailor.