SMA Negeri 1 Depok
About SMA Negeri 1 Depok
SMA Negeri 1 Depok is a company, located at 313 Jalan Nusantara Raya, Depok, West Java 16432, Indonesia. Visit their website, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The school was inaugurated on November 20, 1979 by DKI Jakarta Governor Ali Sadikin. Previously this school was under the license of SMA Negeri 1 Bogor but, with various considerations and demands for the development of the Depok region at that time, stood the SMA Negeri 1 Depok independently and separated from SMA Negeri 1 Bogor
Hastom Antinorak
" Dulu gak boleh sekolah di sini sama ortu. Akhirnya ke SMAN 11. "
29 May 2018F Indra
" Dulu hampir masuk SMA ini karena dekat dengan rumah. Daftar sbg cadangan saat gambling daftar ke SMA 6 Yogyakarta. Puji Tuhan keterima disana akhirnya formulir SMA ini saya simpan buat kenang2an.
11 March 2018Secara umum, sekolahnya bagus. Fasilitas lengkap tetapi kurang tau kelanjutan studi siswa siswinya setelah lulus di kls 12..Hehehe 😉 "
Krisna Juhari
" Sekolah sudah bagus jaman saya sekolah biasa aja, good job "
07 March 2018Rizqi Althaf
" it's my school "
04 March 2018NvMercy
" Hehe "
19 November 2017Dexa House
" Maaf mau tanya.. SMAN 1 depok biaa menerima siswa pindahan engga ya "
09 November 2017Niken Diaz
" Salah satu sekolah bagus di jogja "
21 May 2017AR Sugeng Riyadi
" Pernah ngajar bersama guru fisika bu Nurul Hidayati. Semoga semakin maju dan mencerdaskan bangsa... "
01 January 2017Faisal Ardyz
" SMAN 1 Depok "
07 August 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
17 June 2016Irma Yuliana Nurmalasari
" Sekolah ini mengubahku menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Di sini ku temukan guru-guru yg hebat dan teman-teman yg super!! "
18 October 2015Ondens Saputra
" Alumni Separo lulus'08,, SD nganti SMA babarsari terus. . pokok e maknyuss lahh "
16 May 2015Rizki Adinda Matta
" Science Two '16!! "
12 February 2015