SEG UPN-SC is a company, located at Condong Catur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55598, Indonesia. Visit their website www.segupnsc.org or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) is nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the science geophysics and the education of exploration geophysicists. The Society fosters expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resource, in characterizing the near surface and mitigating earth hazards. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter University of Pembangunan Nasional (SEG UPN-SC) is a container for geophysics students in Faculty of Mineral Technology who want to deploy themselves in both soft skills and hard skills. For the sake of broadening the knowledge, our goal is to make the students especially the members to contribute not only in the scope of national level geophysics but also the global level geophysics through the activities such as seminar, workshop, fieldtrip, social activities, course, and many more. SEG UPN-SC is under advisory of Mr. Dr. Ir. H. Suharsono MT and had numerous achievements throughout the least years. We continuously stand in the 3rd (2013 & 2015 basin-level) and 2nd (2014 ridge-level) worldwide rank. To facilitate the stewardship performance, SEG UPN-SC has an organizational structure that is led by the president and vice president with the help of legality and finance as well as some divisions of Human Resource Development (HRD), Earth Science, Information and Technology (IT), Public Relations (PR), and Event. In 2017, SEG UPN-SC's board members are 52 active members.